He's a jock your a nerd

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Harry: After the cafeteria lady handed you your dish you thanked her and walked to a free table. You sat alone of course. I mean who would want to sit at the same table as the nerd? The teacher's favorite student? The girl that didn't even choose to be that lonely, only wanted to have a marvellous future, but got the reputation of being the nerd, loner and the one no one should hang out with? Right. Nobody. But after so many years you were used to sitting alone and feeling used by other students that only wanted good grades. That day was different though. It all started when a slice of pizza hit the back of your neck. Some idiots started a food fight and of course you had to be included in it. You quickly grabbed your tray and started to walk out of the cafeteria -definitely not wanting to be a part of that- when suddenly one of the school jocks cut your way and threw a handful of spaghetti at your chest. You took a deep breath, suppressing the tears, as the guy spoke up. "Aw look at that. But [Y/N]? You do know that this won't make you any prettier, right? - In fact... nothing will. You have to live with that face for the rest of your life and I'm truly sorry for you" he laughed and that was definitely too much for you to take. You threw your tray to the side and ran in the direction of the girls restroom as the tears just poured out of your eyes. Your vision was blurry as you heard footsteps following you and your name being called. You ignored it, but before you could open the door to the restroom a hand held your elbow and pulled you back. Looking up you were face to face with another school jock. Harry was his name and you expected him to make fun of you then and there, too. But instead, he wrapped you in a tight hug and told you he was sorry. "Well, yeah, he's a jerk, but that was even too low for him and I can't tell you how sorry I am. For him doing that and for me being friends with him. I don't even know why I hang out with them... but I'm definitely not longer going to. - I'd rather hang out with you anyway."

Niall: The final bell just rang and you walked out of the building to the sports field, deciding to do your homework there and not at home. It was sunny and warm outside, so it was definitely better than doing your homework in a close room. Besides, football practice was at the same time. Which meant a lot of hot, sweating guys running around half naked. Even though you knew none of them would find you as attractive as you find them. None of them would want to date a bookworm. Right? But catching a glimpse wouldn't hurt anyone you thought and took a seat under an oak tree, spreading your papers in front of you as the footballers walked out onto the field. First they did some warm-up exercises, before starting a game, where you couldn't help staring at them now and then. You were just solving an equation, when suddenly the ball rolled infront of your feet and a guy yelled, "HEY GEEK! RECKON YOU COULD KICK THE BALL BACK WITHOUT HURTING YOURSELF?" You would have kicked it back to him, if he wouldn't have insulted you. But he did, so you decided to ignore him and solve your math problem instead. Suddenly someone stepped on all your papers and you gasped. It was none other than Niall Horan, the skipper, who also had just yelled at you. He stood there smirking down at you, laughing, "Not able to read your work anymore, nerd?" as he picked up the ball. You never where the one to lose your ground and yell at other people, let alone insult them, but in that moment you couldn't help yourself. "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!" you screamed and stood up, "I WAS WORKING ON THAT FOR LIKE ONE FUCKING HOUR!! AND JUST BECAUSE YOU ARE TOO STUPID TO EVEN ADD 12 TO 34 DOESN'T MEAN YOU CAN FUCKING STEP ON MY PAPERS WHICH I WORKED HARD ON! YOU'RE SUCH A WANKER! I HATE YOU! FUCK YOU!" You quickly grabbed your bag and walked off, leaving your muddy papers and a dumbfounded Niall behind you. You just rounded the corner of the building when suddenly your back was pressed to the wall and soft lips landed on yours, kissing you passionately. Pulling apart, you saw it was Niall, who didn't look that much of a dick anymore. "I'm sorry" he breathed before giving your lips a final peck and running back to the field. Now you were the dumbfounded one.

Liam: You went into the school libary to study for the next biology exam, taking a seat in the science area. You took a few biology books about the exam topic out of the shelf and spread them on the table, also getting out a piece of paper and a pencil. You were mid-writing when suddenly all your books were pushed off the table and hit the ground. You gasped at the three douchebags that stood infront of you. "I'm sorry. Were you reading that?" one of them asked, fake-pouting. You didn't want any trouble and ignored them, bending down to pick up the books. "Hey answer me, geek!" You took a deep breath and stood back up, telling, "Actually, yes! And just because you don't even know what biology is, it doesn't give you the right to push off the books, that I don't even own! Thinking back, you should be acknowledging that I'm right!" Snorting, the guy turned around and showed you the finger. "Whatever, nerd." The other two guys followed him and you kneeled down again to tidy up the mess, when you suddenly noticed that one of the guys came back again. It was Liam Payne, the best friend of the boy you just goofed off. He stooped down and helped you with the books. That was actually the first time someone helped you. Not that people always used to ruin your stuff. Usually they just insulted and picked on you. But even then no one would care and let the guys be. Weird enough that Liam turned back around to help you. "I'm sorry for what just happened" he apologized also. You shrugged, assuring him, "It's alright. I'm used to it." Pressing his lips together, as if he felt guilty, he nodded and you both took a seat. "Is this for the upcoming biology exam?" he asked and you told him "Yes". "Frick. I still need to study for that exam too" he sighed, rubbing his forehead as you went back to taking notes. "Hey. Would you mind if we study together? Like, now?"

Louis: "If I profane with my unworthiest hand this holy shrine, the gentle fine is this: My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand. To smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss" Louis Tomlinson, aka your romeo for the play, cited without looking even once at the script. It was your turn and you spoke your part. "Good pilgrim, you do wrong your hand too much, which mannerly devotion shows in this... um" But you stopped when you didn't know how it went on, looking down at the script in your hands. "For saints have hands that pilgrims' hands do touch and palm to palm is holy palmers' kiss" Louis told you and you were stunned that he knew not just his' but also your part. "Alright, guys! That's it for today!" your teacher announced and clapped her hands, before grabbing her paper work, "Louis you were perfect like always, but everyone else of you needs to learn their lines! Especially you, [Y/N]! A stuttering Juliet is not what we need at the premiere! See you next friday!" And with that everyone begun to left. You didn't even know why you chose the theatre course in first place. The only thing you took an interest in was the book that you read once or twice. But the script was different and when you read the book you didn't have to commit it to memory. And of course you were so stupid and had choosen to be the Juliet to get a better grade. You were stuck with a lot of lines now and there was no way out. The only thing that was confusing was that you were actually the smart one and Louis the one with bad grades. But apperantly acting was his thing. He was still on stage, organizing his stuff, while you were on your way out, when he suddenly stopped you. "Y'know" he started, walking up to you, "There are some techniques on how you can get a better actor and learn the lines faster." You were flabbergasted. Was Louis Tomlinson about to give you advice? "If you wouldn't mind, we can meet sometime and practice alone. I could give you some tips too." You really needed a good grade or otherwise your average would go down, and Louis was pretty good. You just couldn't say no. "Great! Meet me at my locker in 10 and I'll drive us to mine. "

Zayn: The albegra course you had every thursday, was after school, so when you stood outside, waiting for your bus, you were not surpised to see no other student. You just checked your messages and texted your mom that you'd be home soon, when you felt someone's presence beside you. Looking up, you saw that it was the school badboy, Zayn Malik. "Detention?" he asked as he pulled out a cigarette box and a lighter. You shook your head and replied, "No. - Algebra course." He nodded and put one cigarette in his mouth, lighting it and stuffing the box and lighter back in his bag. You were surprised that he didn't pick on you for attending a math course, because everyone did. Just as much as they would throw your stuff through the hallway and push you around. It was not usual that someone brushed it aside and you decided to question him about it, "You're not going to make fun of me?" He chuckled and told, "What for? For you being smarter than me? For you getting a better graduation than me? And for you being in not as much trouble as me? - Nah. That'd be pathetic." You saw that satement as a compliment from him to you and blushed, your facing turning to the ground. "Well" you spoke up, your mouth corners immediately going down, "But you're not as stuffy as me." He huffed and turned to look at you. "Are you kidding me? I'd rather be 'stuffy' -like you describe it- and as intelligent as you than as stupid as I am now." You snorted and turned to him as well, "Nobody is stupid. You just have to study a bit more and find your rhythm, so that sudying is easy and fun to you." He raised an eyebrow and asked, "That's possible? I mean.. you think I can do that?" "I'm sure" you giggled and saw your bus approaching as Zayn went to the bin to put out the cig. "Well, how about you teach me some of that then? I don't think I'll be able to do that on my own."

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