At the fair

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Liam: "Are you sure this is worth it?" Liam asked completely unsure of this. "Absolutely," you said almost skipping in anticipation. You had decided that it was time to take Liam to your favorite event of the fair: The Demo Derby. "So, what is it exactly?" Liam asked finally settling down on a seat. "It's pretty much just a whole bunch of cars that crash into each other," you explained to him in complete simplicity as though talking to a two-year old. "Oh," was all he said as he handed me my supper. After what seemed like forever, the Derby started. "Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the 15th annual Demo Derby!" the loud-speakers boomed. The crowd started to cheer. "Here they come," you said with excitement. The engines roared as they entered the arena. You looked over at Liam to see him with his hands over his ears. You just laughed and continued to watch the Derby. ~~~ Three hours later, the final standing car rolled out of the arena. "That was awesome," was all you could say as you both left the stands. "It was loud. I don't understand how you could like something like that," Liam answered back. You just smiled as you left to go home.

Louis: "You're going down," Louis said from the car to the left of you. "Not if I take you down first," you taunted back. He smirked. You were currently at the fair and wanted to go on the Bumper Cars. You smiled back at his as he charged you. You waited until the last minute before you moved, causing him to crash into the wall. You laughed and sped away waiting for him to chase you again. You were too busy looking behind you to realize that he had come from the front. He crashed into you with a small giggle, and then sped away again. You laughed as you chased him, wanting to get him back for sneaking up on you. He was busy focusing on someone else when you rear-ended him. He flew forward, hitting the car in front of him. You sat in the car and laughed as Louis tried desperately to get free. You gave him a little room, just enough to let him go. He smirked and went to the other end of the platform. You were completely confused. Then he started to charge you. You went to move forward, but your foot couldn't find the gas pedal. By the time that it did, Louis had hit you with so much force that you went flying. You were going to get him back, but your time had ended. You both exited the platform with huge smiles on your faces.

Harry: "I'm so excited!" you squirmed in your seat in line. "I know babe. We're going to look awesome!" Harry said matching your excitement. You two were sitting in line at the face painting place. You decided that it would be fun to walk around looking like cute little kittens the whole day. Luckily, you made the line just in time. As you sat down, they closed the place up so that they wouldn't have any more faces to paint. "Next," you hear the face-painting lady say. Harry got up and took a seat in front of her. "Aren't you a little too old for this?" she scolded. "I'm young at heart," Harry answered back with a smile. "And that's all that counts," the lady smiled. Soon after that, it was your turn. "Would you like the same thing?" the lady asked. "Yes please," you replied before she brought out her paint and brushes. ~~~ "You're really cute babe," Harry said as you exited the place. "Thank you. And you don't look too bad yourself," you teased Harry. He smiled as you leaned your head on his shoulder and continued enjoying the fair.

Zayn: "This is going to be fun!" you jumped with excitement. "Yep," Zayn replied feebly. You had seen the Zipper advertised around the fairgrounds and you really wanted to ride it. You knew that he didn't really like heights. And you didn't want him to do something that he didn't want to. You even argued for a little bit about the whole thing. In the end, he won. Meaning that he would accompany you on the ride of the Zipper. He said that he needed to come out of his comfort zone and try something. You were pretty sure that he was regretting that decision. You looked over at him. He was watching the ride go around and around, over and over. It could have been a trick of the light, but he was getting paler with every step forward in the line. "It'll be alright. You'll be right next to me the whole time," you said reassuring him by squeezing his hand. "Yeah," he mumbled still pale. Before you knew it, it was your turn to get on. You handed the guy the tickets for the both of you and got on. When they locked you in, you felt Zayn tense up a little. "Just relax," you said reassuring both him and you. Soon, the ride started to take off. You were worried about Zayn, but looked over to see him actually smiling and enjoying it. It made you relax and enjoy the ride, too. The ride was longer and better than most. When it was over, you both had goofy smiles on your faces. "Let's do that again," Zayn said eagerly getting back in line.

Niall: "Now what?" Niall asked with a spring in his step. You had gone to the fair and have done every activity there was to do. It was the final day of the fair and you were redoing everything that you did during the week. "I don't know. What haven't we done?" you asked looking around at the rides and games. "Nothing. We've done everything and now we don't have anything to do," you stated as you walked hand-in-hand. "Food!" Niall shouted completely spontaneous. You laughed at his naive personality. "We could have funnel cakes, cotton candy, caramel apples, popcorn; the possibilities are endless," Niall rambled. You just smiled and led him to the nearest candies vendor. You sat down on a bench and waited while Niall got the snacks. You figured he would just get a cotton candy bag. When he came back, everyone was staring at him as he passed. He had two bags of cotton candy, two caramel apples, and a huge funnel cake. "Niall!" you shouted, making people look at you too. "Oh, hey Princess, could you take the cake so I don't drop it?" he asked in the sweetest voice. "What are you doing with all this food?" you asked after grabbing the funnel cake. "We need some for when the fair's over," he said as though it was completely obvious. "Of course," you laughed, relieving him of some of the food. "How about we take this home?" you asked. "Good idea," Niall laughed as you both headed back to your car.

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