Niall imagine for Cassie

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"Are you letting me win, Niall?" you question picking the soccer ball up off the ground and walking towards him. You seductively walk closer until you are inches away from his face, "Well, are you?" you ask again, getting even closer, acting like you are going to kiss him. "I might be," he says putting a hand around your waist. You shove the ball to his chest, "Well don't," you say walking away, looking back and giving him a cheeky grin. "It's on!" he yells running past you, kicking the ball between his feet. You chase after him and catch up after awhile, and manage to kick the ball away from him. You chuckle, running away in the other direction as fast as you can. You were almost to the goal when you felt two large arms wrap around your stomach and lift you up into the air. "That has to be some kind of penalty!" you exclaim when he puts you down. "Then this has to be a big penalty," he says, tilting your chin up until his lips met yours. His soft lips against yours felt like electricity, goose bumps running up your arms until he broke away. As soon as he breaks away, he bolts over to the soccer ball, leaving you standing in the end zone while he runs all the way down the field and makes a goal. After he scored the goal, he jogged back over to you. "How dare you, Ni!" you yell, playfully pushing him away from you as he leaned in for a kiss, "You don't get a kiss after pulling that move," you say walking away from him. "Now you know I can't let that happen," he says running up behind you and pulling you towards him into a kiss. "You're very rude, do you know that?" you ask him jokingly. "Of course I do," he says with a smile before kissing your forehead as you walk away from the field towards "your" tree. You and your boyfriend of two years, Niall, like to go to the park that you had your first kiss at, underneath the big tree, a lot. As much as you can - he takes you there when you are having a bad day, when you both sneak out that's where you meet, or there are days like today where you just felt like going for the fun of it. It was a beautiful day for some soccer and climbing of trees with Niall. You started climbing the tree before Niall and got up to the large branch. "Are you coming to the game tomorrow night, babe?" Niall asks you. "Of course I am. I wouldn't miss it for the world, Ni," you say running a hand through his tousled golden lock. He smiles, "I love you, [y/n]," he says and you can just see the way he looks at you that he honestly is telling the truth. "I love you too, Niall," you say smiling at him and leaning over the branch to kiss him quickly. The soccer game wasn't for a few hours after school, so while Niall had to stay at school to practice with the team, you went to a friend's house and hung out there for a few hours before leaving again. You pushed your way to the front, to the edge of the fence, as close as you could get to the field. "Ni!" you yell out his nickname to get his attention. He turns and smiles a huge smile as he sees you on the other side of the fence. He starts walking over to you. When he is close enough is talks, "Wish me luck." "Good luck, Ni," you say kissing him forcefully, before he is being yelled at. "Horan! Get over here now!" Before you know it he is jogging back to the team, but he looks back and gives you a wink. You giggle at his weirdness, before starting to cheer on the team. It started out as really intense, each team getting close to scoring and then getting the ball taken away. Into the second half it was dying down, but the teams were still back and forth. Niall was able to score a few of the goals, the crowd going wild every time. During one play, Niall had the ball and was running his way down the field about to pass it when someone from the other team knocked him down to the ground. He already had some existing knee issues, so when he landed on his knee and didn't get up right away, you knew instantly that something was wrong. You yelled at the coach, "He's hurt! NIALL'S HURT!" The coach caught on and the refs stopped the play. Niall was on the ground, curled up into a ball, clearly in pain. You couldn't handle it, so you ran down the length of the fence, finally finding the gate and ran out onto the field. It was against sport policy, but you didn't care, as you knelt down next to him, running a hand through his hair, trying to soothe him as much as you could while the paramedics lifted him onto a stretcher and carried him to an ambulance. Niall's parents weren't there, so the paramedics agreed to let you, his girlfriend, ride with him. You could tell it hurt Niall more than he was letting on. He had tears in the corners of his eyes as you talked to him and held his hand. "You have to call my parents," he mumbles in between pained breathes. "Once we get to the hospital, I will call your parents," I say gripping his hand tighter. Every time we went over a bump, he would squeeze my hand tighter, wincing in pain. We finally got to the hospital, where the paramedics took Niall into a small examination room. You stopped in the waiting area to call Niall's parents. Ring Ring, "[Y/N]?" you hear his dad answer. "Hi, Bobby," I say into the phone. "Is something wrong?" he asks confused. "Well, it's nothing super bad, but at the game Niall got shoved down and hurt his knee really bad. We are at the hospital emergency room right now getting him checked out. I don't know what the diagnosis is yet so you can both come down now and wait with me or I will go back into the room and call you back later," you say. "Um, you go back in there with him, because he needs you, he's probably in a lot of pain right now and then I will call Maura and when she gets home we will head over there," he says. "Okay, sounds good," you say hanging up. When you get back in the room they took Niall, he is laying on the bed with one nurse at his side. You go and stand on the other side as she begins to talk, "Okay, we are going to get you up to x-ray as soon as we can, but it could be a while since you aren't a critical patient." Niall sighs, before nodding as the nurse walks out. "Give me your hand," he says looking up at you. You do as he says. "Now sit down here. We are probably going to be waiting awhile," he says looking at the chair next to the bed. "How much does it hurt?" you ask, concerned when he winces in pain again. "A lot more than I could have imagined," he says releasing your hand slightly after the pain subsided. "That was scary when coach didn't even see you on the ground not getting up," you say, taking a deep breath. "I'm sorry love," he says kissing your hand. "It's not your fault, Ni. That other player totally pushed you down. I hope he got carded," you say. Niall fidgeted around on the bed, causing himself pain over and over. "Niall you have to stop moving," you say. "I can't, it hurts too much. Help me not think about it," he says with a little pouty lip. "How?" you question. "Kiss me," he blurts out. You laugh, "What Ni?" "Please, [y/n], it will take my mind right off the pain," he says with a smirk. You laugh, "fine," you say getting up and sitting on the bed. You lean down and meet his lips with yours. They glide against each other effortlessly, as his hands reach up and grab onto your hair. After a few minutes of this make-out session, you are interrupted by a nurse. "Ope, I am so sorry," she says looking away as you break apart from Niall. You flush, bright red, embarrassed as she does something with Harry's IV before walking back out. You burst out in a fit of laughter when she leaves, and so does Niall, "Okay no more of this right now. Let's just get you some pain killers," you say walking out to find a doctor.

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