Your a lot younger then him

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Liam: You were fifteen and Liam was celebrating his twentieth birthday. Everyone was scandalized when he appeared that night, not at a club or bar like they'd all expected, but at a normal restaurant with a young girl who he was definitely not related to judging by the way that the two of you were making out. Rumors flew around that you had threatened to expose a major secret of his that would ruin his career and that's the only reason that the two of you were dating. You were still in school! It was wrong, he's a legal adult and you still have to ask your parents for permission before you can go over to a friend's house. But Liam stood up for you, saying that it was nothing like that and that all that matters is how you two feel about each other.

Louis: The year that he celebrated his twenty-fifth birthday, you celebrated your eighteenth. As soon as you came out as a couple to the press, every tabloid had the two of you holding hands and kissing plastered all over the front cover with a title screaming out about how it was seven years that spanned between you. But people seemed to forget that Louis acted seven years younger than his real age half of the time and the other half of the time you acted seven years older than your age. After a short while the fans and the whole world began to realize that you two were perfect for each other, matching in maturity at all times, no matter what.

Harry: Everyone knew that Harry liked older women. But you were a surprise considering that you were six years younger than him. A sixteen year old girl dating a twenty-two year old international celebrity, nothing strange with that at all! At first, your friends wouldn't believe you, claiming that you were too young, you would never have been able to meet him or catch his attention, or that it was just too improbable because he's Harry freaking Styles. To their great surprise he came into your school one day, right in the middle of lunch time, he strode into the room, drawing every eye and eliciting whispers from even the least observant people. You saw him coming and a smirk fell onto your lips as he made his way over to you and stole the smirk with a kiss from his lips. The first thing that happened afterwards was that you turned to your astonished friends and said, "I told you so." The next day the news was everywhere and no one really minded the age difference because at least you weren't ridiculously older than him.

Zayn: Ten years. It's not really that long when you think about it. They really flash by in the blink of an eye. That's what Zayn told himself every time that he woke up in bed next to you. Your hair spanned across your pillow and onto his and he'd think about how when he was ten years old and already kissing girls, you were just barely breathing in the air and just feeling the sunlight. He'd forget all of that when you would reach out a hand, searching for his warmth to pull him back to you. He would forget that he was twenty-nine years old and you were only nineteen. To him age is just a number and all that really matters is that you're the love of his life and that you're here beside him every morning breathing a new breath and you'll always be there for him.

Niall: When you were born, it was the middle of the night. Your mother hadn't known that she'd be going into labor just yet, so none of your parents' friends had been there to see you until a couple hours after you were born. The last person to arrive was your soon-to-be godfather, Niall Horan. He was just twenty years old and ending his second headlining tour with his band mates. Every year on your birthday you heard that story. And when you turned eighteen years old, you found out that your godfather was going to be late to that important event as well. He was thirty-eight years old and taking his weekend of free time on tour to come visit his god-daughter. By the time that he arrived at the party, you were well on your way to intoxicated, and he soon joined you there at that level. No one was paying attention, so no one realized that Niall was the one taking you home. When you stumbled through the door of his flat, you decided to take things into your own hands. For years now, you'd been feeling things towards the gorgeous Irishman that stood before you, and you hoped that he felt the same way about you because it was too late to turn back when you pressed your alcohol soaked lips to his. Things escalated that night and when you both awoke the next morning, naked and tangled in his bed sheets, neither of you knew what to do next. First you figured it'd be best to keep it a secret, but after a while that was hard to do when you began showing up at his flat at all hours, once when the other band guys were over there (including your father), so soon you told everyone. Surprisingly family and close friends weren't at all shocked by the announcement, only the public was, namely because of the age difference, but also due to the fact that he'd been there for you all of your life and he was the best friend to both of your parents and had been for longer than you'd been alive.

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