The morning after..

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Louis: You're awaken by a chill that electrifies through your body, standing every arm hair on edge, and sending goosebumps that can be seen a mile away. His lips are on your collarbone, delicately pressing themselves to you, a connection munch needed, and his fingers make a path, trailing themselves up and down your arm. "I didn't mean to scare you," he whispers to your neck, giggling slightly out of the mere satisfaction that it was him who made you shiver.

Niall: The wall of protection you've tried so hard to build, was knocked down the second the sweet Irish Blondie made his mark on you, so now, tangled into each other within the sheets, his body is close to yours and your head lies on his chest. The sun seeps through the blinds, making your skin gleam. His fingers tangle into your hair, loosening any knots bead-head knots and in that moment of pure bliss, you're all he feels, and he's so glad you let him in.

Liam: You wake before him and light snores sound the room. Trying to stretch is a difficult task, even asleep he has you enclosed, completely trapped, in his strong embrace, as if he's afraid you'd leave him. His legs entangled to yours, locking you completely in place. You chuckle slightly to yourself, and just nuzzle your nose into his neck, kissing his skin softly, sweetly. Your eyelids grow heavy, and you relax back into his arms. Falling back asleep to his steady breathing.

Zayn: Looking for some type of contact, some comfort, you roll over entangled in the sheets. Your bare body finding that contact awoke you, but not the contact you longed for, you found coldness. Your eyes open to an empty bed, the sheets are chilled. He's been gone for quite some time, and there was no trace of him, just the scent of a cigarette he must of smoked before he left. Sighing before untangling yourself to get dressed, you laugh at yourself, for being such a fool to think this time would be different.

Harry: There was no morning after, you and Harry stayed awake throughout the night. You finally gave yourself to him and at the end of it all, he fessed up, he told you about his feelings and that's all it took to get you two talking into the night, to the early break of dawn. Sharing the deepest of all secrets, laughing, and making new memories. He stayed attached to you the entire time though, always touching his lips to your skin, or running his fingers along your body.

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