He embarrasses you on tv

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Louis: The relationship was relatively new in the public eye, but you and Louis had been seeing each other for nearly a year in private. Thus, you were extremely comfortable around each other and tended to be very weird. In one interview on some weird show about love, the interviewer was actually allowed to ask them questions about their love lives. So she asked what the weirdest thing their girlfriend's had ever done was. "Well," Louis of course spoke up first. All of the other boys knew what was going to happen next and all of their eyes moved away from the interviewer and towards where you were sitting in the audience, eyes wide. "Y/N does this weird thing where she thinks I don't know that she runs a blog about me on Tumblr, but I do and I've seen it before and the things she says about me are certainly some form of romantic." He winked over at you as the camera turned to see you sitting there, hiding your blushing face in your hands.

Zayn: You were easy to embarrass, so easy that it was awful that your boyfriend was in the world famous boyband. It was at an award show and miraculously, all of the attention wasn't focused on the media's beloved one. Instead, the host of the show came over to your seat where your hand was tangled with Zayn's in his lap, a camera and microphone shoved into your faces as you felt not only the eyes of the entire building on you both, but all of the millions of viewers as well. "So Zayn, what are you and Y/N planning on doing tonight to celebrate One Direction's multiple wins?" The guy asked suggestively. "Oh, um, we were just going to go back home and, uh, watch a movie or something." His tone sort of implied that he was lying about those particular activities so everyone around you both laughed and by then the blood was rushing in your ears as it flooded your cheeks and drowned out the host's smart comment back to your boyfriend. Luckily the cameras turned away a second later and Zayn smiled at you. "Sorry, Y/N. I didn't know what to say."

Niall: Oh God, what didn't that boy do to embarrass you. Even before the two of you knew each other, you'd gotten secondhand embarrassment from things he'd done, but after the start of the relationship, he honest to God tried his hardest to embarrass you as much as he could. It was almost like he had no shame. Afterwards he would always apologize as he tried to soothe your burning cheeks with a kiss. "I love the way you blush. It's adorable." He would coo and kiss you again and again and again. That would just embarrass you even more, especially when he would do it like when you were on a red carpet or something and your cheeks would turn the color of the ground beneath your feet, camera flashes, somehow making it worse.

Liam: Ever since your girl band rose to fame, somehow coming to equal the great One Direction, everyone had pitted you against them. Your band had replaced the Wanted and so often times there were little Twitter wars between the two fandoms. The actual animosity between your bands didn't really exist, but nevertheless there definitely was some. Surprising to almost everyone, the most back-and-forth came from you and Liam. Tweets were exchanged and at award shows and in interviews you would each throw shade at each other. It wasn't until the MTV Music Awards that your group beat them out for song of the year. You had to pass by where they were seated to get to the stage and you were already having a difficult time in your extremely high heels and the dragging skirt of your dress. You were making your way passed them, clearing most of the band until you got towards Liam. Too busy waving at some fans, you missed the fact that he'd stuck his foot out a bit too far, causing you to trip and fly forward, one of your sharp heels catching the hem of your dress and managing to rip it as you landed face first on the ground. All around you there were gasps and surprising you, one even came from Liam. Then came the laughs, but this time, not from Liam. He helped you to your feet and examined the tear in your dress as the rest of your band made it to the stage, accepting the award and teasing you as you rushed away to go get changed into something else in the backstage area. Once you were all fixed, Liam appeared, apologetically fiddling with the snapback on his head. "I'm sorry, Y/N, I honestly thought you would stumble a bit, but be fine. Are you alright?" You nodded even though one of your arms was sure to be bruised the next day. "How about this: to apologize, I'll take you out to dinner after the show. Anywhere you like." It was more of a demand than a question and anyway, you wanted to make him pay. You just didn't think that that dinner would lead to peace between the bands.

Harry: When they asked him, at first he said no, knowing how embarrassed you would be at home for him, but then he thought about it for a moment, weighing his options, and then he agreed, figuring what did he have to lose? So he got up and did his version of twerking right there in front of a live audience and millions of viewers at home. You included. As you watched your boyfriend embarrass not only himself, but secondhandly you, you could hear the laughter ringing from all around the world, you could hear the laptops whirring as avid fans created the gifs faster than the speed of light, and you could see the way that Ed was laughing, Perrie as well, and you knew that no matter what, he'd never be able to live it down. Ever.

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