Your family doesn't like him

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Louis: When you first told them that you were dating someone, they wanted to meet him right away. They didn't understand what kind of boyfriend couldn't come meet his girlfriend's parents because he was too busy with his job. So right away they didn't like him, but when he finally met them, that was the final straw. It was probably one of the worst times they could've chosen to come visit: right after he returned from tour, so he was super tired, and a stupid story had been published about him, so he was mad. It wasn't his fault really that their first impression of him wasn't a good one, but he definitely could've been more cheerful and they could've been a lot more understanding when you told them who he was and what he did for a living and why exactly he was in such a bad mood.

Zayn: As soon as you walked into your parents home, they could smell the smoke on him and they wrinkled their noses. That was before they could see you and when their gazes fell upon him, your mother turned her nose up, not at all pleased with his appearance either. It wasn't the fact that he was a Greek god or covered in tattoos and stubble, no, she was just extremely racist and as soon as she saw that he had "that look" about him, she turned and returned to the kitchen to finish making dinner. Your father was just a bit wary of the ink running up and down Zayn's arms, not the race factor, that was only your mother. You went to see if she needed any help and all she said was, "I don't like him. I don't want him in this house, Y/N. How could you bring someone like him into our home?" "Fine, you don't want him here, then I'm leaving with him. You're so rude; why do you judge him without getting to know him at all. Zayn's a great guy." You left her there in the kitchen, walking straight out the front door, Zayn chasing after you.

Harry: What wasn't to like about the boy? He was so charismatic that you'd fallen head over heals in love with him just moments after meeting him. Everyone in his family liked you and your family liked him a lot too. Everyone except for your older sister. She'd never met him or been around you since you'd met him, but still she had some strong opinions when you called her one day to ask her a completely unrelated question. "Why are you dating Harry Styles, Y/N?" The absolute contempt in her voice threw you off. "Why'd you say his name like that, Y/S/N? I like him a lot and he likes me, that's why we're dating, what's wrong with that?" She didn't really answer you just, mumbling something about 'fame' and 'money' and maybe something about 'gay.' "You know what, I love him and nothing you say is going to change that, so keep your shitty opinion to yourself. I've never said anything about your stupid boyfriends who couldn't even get a job!" And then you hung up on her, too annoyed to deal with sharing any connection to her.

Liam: They'd heard stories and googled him before you could get to them. First of all they were annoyed that they'd found out about the relationship due to it popping up on their internet homepage and then when they realized "hey that's my daughter" they googled this mysterious Liam Payne. What they found didn't please them. Recently, there'd been many rumors floating around about your boyfriend, some involving you, others involving other girls and alcohol and the occasion mention of drugs. None of them were true, but your parents didn't know that, so they called you. "Hello?" You were busy sitting on Liam's lap, watching TV as he played with your hair. "You need to break up with that boy." It was your dad's voice, all gruff and bossy, "He's bad news, Y/N. We've searched him on the internet which, by the way, is the only way that we knew of this, and there are millions of articles and pictures of him doing things that we don't want your to be a part of." You rolled your eyes and leaned your head against Liam's shoulder. "Okay, Dad. You can think that, but Liam's sitting right here with me, do you want to talk to him. He's great, super nice, treats me well, you two will get along." He started saying something but you held your phone up to Liam's ear. "Hello, sir." And that was the start of the long convincing it took to get your father to like him.

Niall: "He's so obnoxious, Y/N." Your brother complained, following you to your bedroom. You were still in high school and it was the night of homecoming, Niall and you had begun dating just a couple months before, right after your eighteenth birthday, and he'd luckily had the time off to come with you to your dance. For some reason, he was the one that actually asked you if he could go to it. Anyway, he was waiting in the living room with your parents, your brother on the other hand was with you just so that he could complain about the way that Niall had eaten the majority of the food at the dinner table, he laughed too loudly at your dad's terrible jokes, and he was just cocky. "The fame's gotten to him!" Y/B/N continued to insist. "No, it hasn't. You just don't like him, I get it. And so what if he laughed at Dad's jokes. He's trying to make a good impression. Maybe you should try and talk with him. I know for a fact that the two of you will get along if you just try. But not right now because we need to go." But hours later, when Niall came inside to drop you off, your brother was still awake, playing some video game on the TV. That's when you lost him to your brother and the game, he didn't even kiss you goodnight or anything, too invested in the screen.

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