Your pregnant and you fight

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Preference: He doesn't know you're pregnant and you fight

Zayn: He rolled his eyes when another scream left your mouth. "Zayn seriously, you can't just leave your dishes to the counter!" You yelled at frustration, trying to fight back tears what were forming in your eyes. He snorted, not saying any word, feeling that everything he did that night was wrong. "Zayn!" you yelled angrily, trying to get him notice how serious you were. You had found out that you were pregnant and it was freaking you out a bit. With baby you would have twice as much work as you did now, and you just wouldn't have time and strength to fix your boyfriend's messes. "Zayn c'mon are you even listening?" you stormed, blocking his view to the television, making him sit up and groan. "What is the matter with you? You're so moody all the time," he yelled, looking at you with his brown eyes what were full of irritation. He ran his hands through his black hair, when you stood in front of him frozen. His yell had cleared your mind in a heartbeat. You shouldn't take your fear and worry to Zayn... Tears crashed through you, leaving you sobbing to your hands, making Zayn instantly soften. "Hey, hey, C'mere. What's going on baby girl, tell me," he whispered to your hair after pulling you to his lap. Your tears stained his neck, leaving sobs to his soft skin when he rocked you back and forth. "I...I'm pregnant and kinda freaking out," you whispered to his neck, making him freeze under you. "What?" he asked emotionless, looking at you with his brown eyes, "You're pregnant?" You nodded, looking at his changing expression. "Baby..," he whispered, now tears in his eyes when grin spread to his face. He crashed you to a tight hug, sniffling to your neck, kissing your skin with wet kisses. "You can be as moody as you ever want babe. Don't worry, this is amazing," he took your head between his hands, looking straight at your eyes happy tears in his eyes and huge smile on his face, "A baby."

Liam: You smiled, biting your lip while you sat on your couch, waiting your husband to come home from work. The whole day flashed through your mind; it had been one of the best days of your life. After eight months of trying, you were finally pregnant with little Payne baby. It was a miracle, considering how low chances you had to get pregnant. "Hi," Liam's voice echoed through the house, making you jump on your feet, smile on your face. "Hi honey," you greeted, trying to hug him, but he just stormed off, leaving you stare at his muscly back when he hit the bedroom door close after him. You sighed knowing that he didn't get mad very often, but when he did, he got mad. "Liam,"you asked, knocking to the door, trying to get him open it, "What's wrong?" You heard muffled cursing through the door, making you raise your eyebrows. "Nothing," he yelled, cursing again, making you roll your eyes. "Yeah right, I know something's wrong love, please let me in," you fought back, still knocking the door with your fist. "I said nothing's wrong, get the fuck out," he yelled, making you flinch. He cursed sometimes, but not usually to you. All his words for you were always gentle and loving, even when you were fighting. "Fine," you yelled back, crossing your arms on your chest, tears rolling down your cheeks. "And for your information, I just had a great day and you ruined it. You can't just talk to your pregnant wife like that, ass," you snapped, storming to the livingroom. Familiar hands stopped you gently, turning you around. "Did you say pregnant?" Liam asked, brown eyes big and full of wonder. "Yeah," you answered, still pissed off to his behavior. He stared at you, eyes filling with tears, a small smile on his face. "I'm sorry," he whispered, tears on his cheeks when he pressed you against the hallway wall, hand on your belly and foreheads against each other. "I can't believe I ruined the best day of our lives," he whispered again, rubbing your belly, closing his eyes in regret. "You didn't", you smiled, placing a kiss to his pink lips. He smiled, kissing away your happy tears, still hand on your belly, admiring it, "I can't believe we finally did it babe, I can't believe it."

Harry: You stared your steering wheel almost afraid to move. You sat in front of Louis' flat, knowing that Harry had been there few days after a huge argument you had. You had agreed to take three days break, even when it broke both of your hearts. Now, everything had changed. You breathed in, hands on your belly, wondering everything what had happened. It was supposed to be a normal check up. You had felt a bit dizzy, but everything was normal, not even giving you any doubts that you would be in that situation. But you were. You hadn't actually planned this pregnancy, but it wasn't a bad news. You both had wanted a baby at some point, but now that stupid fight had changed things. "Shit," you muttered to yourself, leaving the car, walking to Louis' doorstep, knocking lightly. You took a deep breath before the door opened, revealing red eyed Harry. "Y/N," he whispered, looking at you confused and worried, "It's not three days, what's wrong?" You tried to smile, but it failed, leaving you look heartbroken. His eyes weren't the same one's what they used to be. Usually he greeted you with hugs and kisses, not letting you go before either boys or your bladder protested. "We need to talk," you choked out, making him nod, looking at you with his green eyes. You followed him to Louis' kitchen where they were eating breakfast. "Hi Y/N," Louis said, looking surprised, giving Harry confused eyes, making your heart drop. "A-are you going to break up with me?" Harry whimpered when he pulled you to a bathroom next to the kitchen, "Please don't, I'll do anything, just please give me one more change. I know I've been ass but..." You interrupted him with a kiss, tears on your cheeks. "I'm not going to break up with you if you don't want me to," you whispered, looking at his relieved smile. "Why would I want to?" He cooed, placing his hands to your hips, looking at you with his sparkly eyes. "Because I'm pregnant," you blurted out, small fear frowning on your face. "What?" he asked, eyes widened when you repeated yourself. "Why would I...This is great Y/N! I love you, I love you, I love you..," he lifted you to his arms, giggling through his tears, kissing you happily," Oh my god kitten! A baby! Like we've always wanted!"

Louis: "I can't believe you! " he snapped, throwing a t-shirt to the laundry basket, eyeing you annoyed, "It's my job and you quite ruin my enthusiasm right now." You rolled your eyes, leaning to the drawer, looking his half packed, half unload suitcase. "I don't get why you won't come if it's such a big deal," Louis murmured under his breath, putting Vans to a plastic bag before throwing them to his suitcase. "It's not that easy Lou," you yelled back, pulling your hair with frustration. You had been over this so many times already. Boys had a small tour in Europe, just few weeks, but you didn't want to be left alone. You had been sick lately, feeling awful and disguised, but Louis still thought it would be a good idea to put you in a small tour bus. He didn't know about your pregnancy yet, even though it was the reason you were sick. You wanted to save the news for a happy moment, but lately all you had done was argue about his tour. "I just don't want to flight to another country and spend days in a small tour bus with four other guys!" you screamed, tears in your eyes. In fact, your doctor had told that flying wasn't good for the baby and you didn't want take any risks. "It didn't bother you earlier!" Louis yelled, zipping the zipper angrily, making your hormones go wild. "Well maybe I wasn't pregnant then," you screamed loudly, making your ears ring. Louis stopped, turning around to look at your angry figure. "Pregnant?" he asked, still a bit angry. "Yeah, you got me pregnant Tomlinson, and I'm not allowed to fly and I get sick all the time what is not working in a small bus with one toilet," you yelled, now bit softly, but tears still on your cheeks. Louis stared at you for a moment before straddling you gently to the bed, happy tears on his eyes. "I'm not going to that tour babe," He laughed, tears dropping to your face when he laughed happily,"A baby, Y/N, we're having a baby Tommo!" You let out a teary laugh stroking his neck, "you need to do your job honey." Louis' lips touched your belly, kissing your exposed skin with his cold lips, "Bullshit. We'll find a way to take you with us or I'm not going. A baby! A BABY Y/N! I'M SO HAPPY!"

Niall: "C'mon, just one pint, It's not gona kill ya'" Niall begged, lying on the bed, staring you with his blue eyes. "No Niall, I told you already," you groaned, rolling your eyes to his whines, "Go with lads or Sean or Darragh, they'll want to go." He groaned, running his hands through his dirty blond hair. "But I wanna go with ya princess," he whined like a small kid, making you bite your lip so you wouldn't yell him. "No," you said sternly, trying to look away. It wasn't something you didn't want to do, you just couldn't. You had found out that morning that you were expecting a small Horan baby and it wouldn't be good to risk something so precious because of a pint. No matter how much Niall wanted it. "C'mon princess, please," he begged, pouting his pink lip, kissing your neck trying to get his way in. "I said no," you snapped, turning away to his touch, staring the wall annoyed. You wanted to give in, few days ago you would already gave in to the angel next to you, but now it was different. "Whatever," He groaned, clearly annoyed, getting out of the bed and storming to the door. "When did ya became so borin'?" he asked, accent thick and eyes cold, before he left the room, leaving you stare the wall. "Shit," you whispered to yourself, knowing that you crossed the line when you snapped to him. Your feet hit the cold floor when you ran to the living room where he was sitting on a couch, watching TV, hands crossed on his chest. "Ni," you whispered, sitting next to him, stroking his hair. He looked at you, clearly hurt. "I'm sorry," you whispered, making him chuckle, "Me too, ya're not borin' at all, I just got angry...Why don't you come with me? You always want to.."You smiled stroking his flushed cheek. "I'm pregnant," you whispered a small smile on your face," So I can't drink." He stared at you for a moment before jumping up happily, "PREGNANT? Woo!" You laughed when he pulled you to a tight hug, twirling you around laughing happily. "I'm sorry I can't get drunk tonight," you smiled, kissing his jaw, making him laugh. "Are you crazy? Why are you sorry, this is fuckin' amazing! We're having a baby! A Horan baby! This is fuckin' incredible! I love you so damn much Y/N Horan, oh my god..."

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