He compares you to his ex

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Louis: It was only a couple weeks after the two of you began dating when he came home with a new tattoo. And this one was obnoxiously large and, just like Harry's moth tattoo, it made no sense to almost anyone. "Lou, what the hell is that? It's so stupid." The enormous tiger head was on his shoulder and he flexed it. "I like it, don't you?" "No, Louis, it's dumb looking." "Eleanor never said anything like that, she always supported my decisions." Your head snapped up. "Did you seriously just compare me to your ex, you idiot?" He froze and you turned on your heel, storming out of the room and slamming the bedroom door behind you.

Zayn: Three weeks in and already your mornings were beginning with queasiness. You were pregnant, 19 years old, and currently dating the Zayn Malik. He got home one day to find you waiting for him on the couch. "Babe?" He asked, settling down next to you. "Zayn, we need to talk." "Well, that's never good. Please tell me that you don't want to break up?" You cleared your throat. "No, no that's not it at all. I love you so much, Zayn, which is why I'm telling you this. I'm pregnant." Zayn jerked away from you, creating a foot of space between your bodies. "Are you mad?" You whispered just barely loud enough for him to hear. "Am I mad?" he laughed humorlessly. "Am I mad? Of course, I'm mad, Y/N! I'm not ready for a baby, to be a dad! I'm always on tour and I'm never home and I don't know the first thing about being a parent! Neither of us are ready! Perrie never would've been this irresponsible!" You're shocked and now you're the one backing away. And you don't stop, trying to put as much space between the two of you as possible.

Niall: You're skin and bones, you've always been skinny, and after a while you came to terms with that. Sure, some of the fans called you anorexic and bulimic and said that you must be able to fly being part bird and all. It was out at dinner one night when Niall noticed that you really don't eat much at all, so he brought it up. "I just don't have a big stomach, so I don't eat much, and it's not my fault that I'm so skinny." "Yeah, maybe that's true, but you could at least try to put on a little weight, it looks unhealthy sometimes." "Are you saying I look sick because of my weight?" "No, Y/N, it's just that I'd prefer to not feel your spine when I hug you. I never felt Amy's bones when she and I were dating." You froze, the fork slipped from your fingers and clattered against the plate. "Amy? Amy Green? Niall, did you really have to bring her up?" He dropped his fork as well and now several heads were turned towards you. "No, Princess, I-" You cut him off, scooping a giant forkful of spaghetti up and shoving it down you throat.

Harry: "Harry Styles and Girlfriend Split?" Every tabloid declared that the morning after you were spotted angrily leaving the flat that the two of you shared. You'd been stretching up to reach for something in a high cabinet in the kitchen when you had to call for Harry because you were to short to reach it. "This is the one thing that I miss about dating Taylor. She was so tall and I never had to help her reach for anything." He plucked the box off the shelf and handed it to you. "Right, sorry I'm so short, Haz. I'll try harder next time." "Babe, that's not what I meant at all." "No, it's fine. Clearly you miss your ex-girlfriend, which totally makes sense. She's famous, and tall, and pretty, and she can sing like no other woman." You finished making the dinner in total silence. "Babe, really, I don't-" "No, Harry, you don't get it! You don't get how difficult and how much it hurts that you basically just compared me to your ex girlfriend that hates you now!" You stood up, unable to spend another second in his presence, so you left the building, heading straight to the nearest bar.

Liam: He'd been drinking and so had you, but Liam had definitely had more. You made it home and stumbled into bed where you began messing around. Then he opened his mouth and let the drunk words spill out. "Danielle had bigger boobs." You gasped and shoved him away. "Liam!" "What?" He giggled and tried to continue the messing around. You pushed him away again, denying him the one thing his intoxicated mind wanted.

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