the bad boys

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Liam: Laying in bed on your laptop, you suddenly see pieces of rolled up paper flying through your window. You peek out your window and you see the boy who lives next door, Liam, throwing paper through his window. “Nice shot, you should try out for basketball,” you say sarcastically. “Nah, jocks are dicks. Lets sneak out. Meet me outside?” Liam says, leaning down on his windowsill. “You’re aware its midnight?” You reply. “That’s why its called sneaking out. 5 minutes.” And with that he closes his window. You had to get up early in the morning so this was definitely testing the waters and if your parents caught you, well, you’d be grounded for a long time. Your thoughts are interrupted as you hear Liam skateboarding around his driveway, obviously waiting for you. Before you can change your mind you throw on some jean shorts and a sweatshirt. “Well, well, well, you came,” Liam says, hopping off his skateboard and stomping the cigarette butt out on the cement. “So what are we doing?” You ask, crossing your arms as you shiver. “You know how to skateboard?” Liam asks, kicking up the skateboard and grabbing it. “Not at all. The last time I tried I kinda busted my ass.” You laugh remembering it. “Then that’s what we’ll do.” He says putting the skateboard on the ground. “Liam, I really can’t.” You try and explain. “I’ll teach you, hop on.” There’s no sense in arguing with him, so you stand on it like you’ve seen him do many times before and he stands beside you, holding your waist while you grab his shoulders and he starts walking slowly forwards  “Just turn it,” he instructs. An hour later, you’re a bit better at skateboarding, at least you can keep your balance, you two are laying in the grass, looking up at the sky. As you can barely keep your eyes open.”I’m beat,” you say rolling over and laying right up next to him, warming up. “Yeah me too. Lets just sleep out here,” he suggests, kidding. You playfully slap his chest,”No, I really need to get back in the house,” you mumble. Liam grabs your hand that’s on his chest, playing with it,”Just a little longer.” A little longer turns too long as it feels just a blink and you wake up, cuddled up to Liam with the morning sky bright above you and yours and his parents standing over you.

Niall: Being the new girl is quite intimidating and maybe the first day for you at this new school is too soon to be checking out boys but the boy in the back row with the loud laugh, lip piercing, and all around carefree attitude is making you think its just fine. You sit in the row ahead of him, not by choice, it was one of the two empty seats. You try to pay attention, you really do, but his constant chattering and giggling, which you keep smiling at, distracts you more than you’d like to admit. Even as the teacher reprimands him time and time again,”Mr. Horan your grade in my class seriously implies that you should pay attention!”, he carelessly apologizes and goes back talking about bands with his friends. You finally work up the nerve to turn around and sneak another peek at him, he’s just really cute, okay? But he catches you looking at him, leaning back in his chair, he raises his eyebrows which you immediately turn back around to. “Great, now he thinks I’m a weirdo with a staring problem,” you mumble to yourself as your packing up your books when the bell rings. “Not exactly,” he says, grabbing your last book and handing it to you. “Thanks.” You say, wanting to get out of there quickly as to not embarrass yourself further. Out the door you think you’re in the clear till he appears beside you,”I wasn’t finished.” You turn and look at him, his face is really something to admire, you think. “I haven’t seen you around so I’m guessing you’re new and I’m also guessing you don’t know your way around the school?” You look around and see the hallways clearing out,”I guess not. Well actually not at all.” He grins and you can see him playing with the lip piercing with his tongue,”As I thought. I’m going to have to give you the special tour courtesy of Niall.” As it turns out he’s quite the charmer and he sweet talks your teacher into allowing you to skip this one class so you can “know the school better”.

Louis: "Come over?" you receive a text from Louis as you’re in bed watching shit TV. "My family’s gone for nxt 2 hours" you reply back to him. "Be there soon" It didn’t make much sense as you were only 17 and getting involved with a 23 year old rock band member. If you could call it “getting involved”. This time like all the others, was quick and dirty; sloppy, jerky thrusts with no eye contact, using you to get himself off, almost purely selfish. You’d both finish then you would fall asleep or at least fake it and he’d leave to avoid awkward conversations. That’s what you and Louis were, purely friends with benefits, conversation wasn’t something frequent with you two unless it was to meet somewhere for the hookup. It was simple. But this time was a bit different, you just lie there and he sat up, not reaching for his clothes yet though. “So, (y/n), I know we’re suppose to keep this simple. But my band has this kind of big show this weekend and I was wondering if you wanted to, uh, come?” Louis questioned feeling apprehensive as what you’d respond. It wasn’t a big deal, it’s just a show, he’s probably just being nice you remind yourself. “You don’t have to,” he adds quickly as it takes you a minute to think about it. He gets up and starts get dressed. “No, um, I can come. I think I’m free,” you sit up against your headboard and try to play it off. “I’ll text you the details later then,” Louis says smirking. He fixes his beanie, hoping to cover up his sex hair and picks up his jean jacket that’s hanging over the back of your chair. For the first time he says goodbye, throwing a small wave over his shoulder, you hear him go downstairs then the sound of the door closing and you collapse back onto your pillow. You have to make this warm fluttery feeling in your stomach go away, falling for Louis Tomlinson could possibly be the worst thing for you.

Zayn:  ”Shit” you mutter shoving your biology book into your backpack as the final warning bell rings. You have about ten seconds to get downstairs, you figure you’ll be late anyways so you walk down the stairway, not rushing at all. Midway down you hear the double doors at the top of the staircase open, laughter and joking filling the quiet. Looking up, you see it’s Zayn and his gang, skipping class per usual. To be honest, you always had a little crush on him. Who wouldn’t? He’s the definition of  bad boy, every girls fantasy. That didn’t mean he returned the feelings, sure you were one of the few girls he actually talked to, but he liked to keep his mysterious persona up by keeping himself off the market. You hit the last step and that’s when Zayn spots you through his mates pushing each other around. “(Y/n) funny running into you. Aren’t you supposed to be in class?” He asks. “Getting there now. Aren’t you as well?” You reply, not wanting to be too late. Doesn’t look to be in your favor as he stops in front of you, keeping you from going through the door. Zayn’s so close to you, you can see the gold flecks in his brown eyes and his stubble that you wouldn’t mind brushing up on your face. “Considering you’re already late…” Zayn looks over and nods at his friends. “Yeah?” you question slowly. “Why don’t you just skip this class and come out behind the school with us? Try the wild side?” It might not be the smartest idea as you know all they do behind the school is smoke and piss around but you’ve never heard of them getting caught and besides, why not let loose? “Alright,” you agree. “Really? Lets go,” Zayn says, straightening his leather jacket and grabbing your hand to catch up with his friends.

Harry:  Earlier that day when dropping your sister off for school, she broke one of your favorite CDs. You found it unnecessary to make a fuss about so after school you decided to head to the music shop that’s hardly ever busy. It’s dimly lit and quite dusty looking but that doesn’t bother you. A boy clad in all black, with wild curls and black eyeliner lining his green eyes, making the color pop, greets you. Well sort of. “I think you’re mistaken, there’s no Justin Bieber trash here,” he says shuffling through the records, fixing them up. Not the greeting you were hoping for as you were a regular here and you’ve never seen him here before. “Actually I’m looking for an album by The Vaccines?” you remarked, walking towards where you know they’d be. “Really?” the boy asks genuinely surprised,”Favorite Song?” he asks with a tone of disbelief in his voice. “I’d have to say If You Wanna" you answer, feeling more smug than you should. "Killer song," he nods and uncrosses his arms,"Ah, well, where are my manners? The name’s Harry." You grab the CD and head towards him to checkout,"Nice to meet you. Just this," you say sliding the CD across the counter to him. "Maybe I came off a little cold earlier? But hey, I know you have good music taste now. You seem cool. You should come check out my music collection sometime," he says as he scribbles on the bottom of your receipt. "My number’s at the bottom, don’t take too long to call," he winks, and walks off to continue to straighten up.

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