He comes home and your not there

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Liam: He was nervous. He came home early from the studio and saw vegetables on the kitchen counter. He figured you were out getting more stuff for dinner considering it was 6:30pm. The phone then rang. "Hello?" He questioned. "Hello is this (Y/N) (Y/L/N) house phone?" A dark voice said over the phone. "Yes, who wants to know?" Liam kept questioning. "I'm going to assume you're her boyfriend. I'm a local officer at the police station. We need to notify her family and friends that she has been in a car accident. Could you please alert her people, thank you." The officer hung up the phone. Liam didn't know why you were in the hospital, so he was worried. He raced to the hospital almost causing another accident, he drove past your accident seeing the car tipped over. "What's taking them so long?" He said anger in voice, tears of frustration threatening to pour. He finally made it to the hospital. "Dude, calm down!" Harry said making him sit down. "She'll be fine." He reminded Liam. "What if she's not? " He cried. "Think of the positives, mate." Zayn encouraged. "(Y/N) (Y/L/N)." The doctor said, Liam instantly jumped out of chair and ran to the doctor. "I'm going to guess you're Liam." She said. "Now (Y/N) is in a stable condition." She started. "She wasn't hurt majorly, but needs a few stitches and has a broken arm." The doctor finished. "She is requesting you." As Liam heard that he rushed towards your room. Quietly knocking on the door he slid into your room. Seeing you with plaster on your arm he rushed to be by your side. "Oh (Y/N) are you okay? I was worried sick what happened You know what never mind I'm glad you're safe." He said hugging you. "Li, I'm fine." You giggled. "This idiot just went the wrong way, but I'm fine right now. You need to go home and rest, the tour starts soon." You pushed him playfully. "No, I'm staying here with you." And that's what he did. He never left your side.

Harry: "I don't get it." He whispered to himself. "She texts me saying she wants to have a nice night at home and she's not even here-" "SURPRISE!" Everyone yelled as they jumped out of they're hiding spots. "Woah." He was actually surprised. He actually had no idea that you and the lads had planned a surprise party for his birthday. "Happy Birthday babe!" You said as you jumped on him from behind, as he then held you in the piggy back position. "You planned all this?" He asked looking at all the decorations hung around the house. "Yep. I did it all!" You chuckled, kissing his cheek. "Excuse you!" 4 voices say as they stand in front of Harry. "Lads." He says as you jump of his back and they go into a group hug. "You guys did all this?" He still wondered. "Yes!" You said for the thousandth time that night. "Why did you do this (Y/N)?" He asked for the thousandth time again that night. "Because, I love you and you deserve this party. You've been working so hard with everything and again you deserve this!" You laugh. "But I tell you what, you're the best present I'll ever get." She said as he kissed you. "Stop it! You're making me blush." You said as you pulled away. The party continued all night. Harry kept stealing kisses from you while talking to friends and family. "You're very lucky you've got a chick like her." One of his old school mates said to him. "She's a keeper and she's mine!" You over heard him say. "Guess who?" You say as your hand cover his eyes. "My amazing girlfriend who I love very much!" He says as you smile. "Did I thank you tonight?" He asked a smirk playing on his lips. "Yes, you did." You smiled as he kissed you again. "Break it up you two." Niall said as he slid in between you, of course drunk. "I hope you have or had an amazing birthday!" You say as you hug him. "I've got you so any day is a great one." He said as he kissed you again.

Zayn: "I CAN NOT BELIEVE YOU!" He screams. "For the millionth time Zayn. I WAS AT WORK!" You scream right back at him. "(Y/N) YOU DON'T WORK! YOU'RE CHEATING ON ME I KNEW IT!" He kicked the wall. "Well, you've been at Liam's for the past 2 days helping him through his break up so when was I supposed to tell you?! Tonight! But as soon as I walk through the door I'm bombarded with you attacking me with all the allegations!" You say calming down. "And you couldn't text or even pick up the phone! This is why I don't believe you!" He yells back. "The fact that you thought I was cheating on you sickens me!" You yell, grabbing keys and bag from the kitchen. "Where do you think you're going?!" He questions. "ANYWHERE BUT HERE!" You scream, slamming the door in his face. You drive to Elounor's house and of course Louis is there, but you don't mind at least it wasn't Zayn. When you knocked on the door and she answered she instantly noticed you tear stained face. "Come in, please." She says as she gestures to the hall way. You walk in and her arms are awaiting you as she embraces you in a hug. "What did he do?" Louis walked in and immediately thought to that. As you left El's embrace you turned and told Louis, "I got a new job as an assistant at this really fancy company. I started on Monday. I wanted to tell him face to face. I thought he would've been more excited, as excited as me. I thought wrong, because as soon as I walked through the door he accused me of cheating on him, and yes, yes I do realize it's Wednesday but Liam was going through a tough time I-I didn't want to ruin that with my happy news." "Congratulations. I'm excited for you." El said as she gave you a quick hug. Lou's phone went off and you knew who it was. "For crying out loud Zayn, she got a new job! You should be happy for her not tell her that she's cheating on you when she clearly loves you!" Louis defended you. Minutes later Zayn is at the door begging you to give him another chance.

Louis: "Cya Louis, I'll miss you." You hugged him as he left the door. "I'll miss you too cya soon." He waved back. Something was in the pit of you're stomach, it just didn't feel right. You grabbed the suitcases you prepared earlier for your trip and called your mum saying you were leaving home now and on your way to the airport. As you boarded the plane you were excited to see you're family again. - Hours Later - "(Y/N)!? Where are you?! I came home and you're not here! Some of your clothes are gone and I don't know where the suitcase is?! (Y/N) come home please!" You listened to your voicemail after you had got off the plane. Lou had left a message as well as all the other boys. You immediately rang Louis "(Y/N)?" You heard Niall's voice. "Hey Niall. Is Lou there?" You ask. "Yeah, but he's not that flash. Where are you?" He asks. "He forgot didn't he." You sighed into the phone slapping yourself. "Niall, I'm visiting my mum and family for the week. I just got off the plane. I told Louis a few weeks ago. I'm gonna guess he forgot I knew it." You rolled your eyes. You here through the phone Niall explaining to Louis where you are and what you're doing, when you here his voice through the phone. "(Y/N)?" He asks, his voice delicate. "Yes Lou?" You ask. "You haven't left me?" He says into the phone. "Of course not! I'm just visiting family for a few days. I told you ages ago, this is typical." You giggle into the phone as he lets out a massive sigh and you know he's instantly better. "You're an idiot." You laugh into the phone. "I'm your idiot though." You can hear his smile through the phone. "That may be but it still means you owe me for making me worry." You say back. "Making you worry? What about me!? I was going crazy, oh by the way we may need to fix the hole in the wall." He said sheepishly. "Lou!" You wined.

Niall: "Babe, where are you?" He frantically questions you. "I'm fine, I'm just stuck in traffic." You groan as cars horns blast through the busy street. "Okay, can you hurry now, I miss you." He whines. "Ni, I'm trying my best, you're just going to have to be patient. You've got to be kidding me!" You groaned again in frustration. "What's wrong?" He asked. "Nothing, Niall can you prepare dinner please, I'll be home soon, possibly." You needed to hang up the phone because you're patience was being tested and any second you could have gone off at Niall for something that was out of his control. You hadn't known but Niall had prepared a special dinner for you. He was running around lighting candles setting out the corniest table and something burning a hole in his pocket, and it's not the candles. He finally had gotten up the courage to ask you to marry him. He was shaky and was stressed. Everything he had planned was being ruined by the stupid traffic jam you were stuck in. He kept pacing around the hallway, sitting on the ground, standing and leaning against walls waiting. Waiting hours you finally made you're way home Niall was sitting on couch drinking beer. "Hey Ni." You sigh as you walk in the door. "Hey love." He hugged you. "Dinner is served." He said as you eyes were wide open looking at the table set up. "Niall, you didn't have to go to this much trouble." You said still in shock. "I did." He smiled as his hand intwines in yours leading you to the table. After the two of you have an amazing night, laughing and just talking about random stuff. "(Y/N) I have something to ask you." He said. "Yes Niall." You push him along because he has just been staring at you. "I love you so much, you're my rock and I love you to the moon and back, and I know at the moment I'm babbling on but want I'm really saying is, (Y/N) will you marry me?" He says on one knee with and a diamond ring in his hand. "YES!" You screamed tears pouring down your face. Niall sliding the ring on your finger and pulling you into a passionate kiss.

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