He does push ups on top of you

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Harry: "Why are we doing this again?" you questioned, as Harry helped you to lay down onto the mat in the gym. "Because I need motivation and you're the best motivation I could ask for" he explained grinning, while he put his hands on either side of your head and his feet behind the soles of yours since you were pretty much shorter than him. "Right. - And why did I agree to this?" you questioned further and pushed a few strands of hair out of your eyes, making yourself more comfortable by wiggling your ass. Harry chuckled deeply and trailed his eyes down your body. "Because you love me and you don't mind it at all to lay beneath me."

Niall: "Isn't your stomach supposed to be off the ground?" you giggled, as you watched Niall practicing his push up skills. "Ha ha, very funny, [Y/N]" Niall laughed sarcastically, before he brought his arms under his head, buring his face in it. "I'm such a loser at this" he groaned and pushed himself up on his knees. You couldn't take it to see him upset and decided to help him. You got off of the couch and layed down onto the ground infront of him, pushing your legs on either side of his body. Grabbing his elbows you pulled him closer into a hovering postion over you, telling, "For every push up you accomplish you get a kiss from me. Go."

Liam: "Yeah you might be strong and muscular, but you'll never be able to do 150 push up's in a row" you intended after Liam said that he could easily accomplish them in little time. "Is this a bet?" Liam challenged, smirking down at you as he took your hand in his. He lead you into the living-room and hooked his arm around your legs, making you jump a little. But he just chuckled and lifted you a few centimeters in the air, only to lay you back down onto the ground as you asked him what he was doing. "Well" he started, laying himself on top of you, so his chest was pressed to yours, "I need to prove you something." He pushed himself up, his hands next to your ears and his hot breath tickling your cheek as he moved down again. "And you're entitled to be front row."

Louis: You walked into the boys dressing room to find Harry and Lou chatting, Louis and Liam doing something that looked like a competition and Zayn and Niall watching them. "What are you guys doing?" you asked confused and took a seat next to them on the floor. "Finding out who can do the most push up's" Zayn explained, moving his eyes with the up and down's of the opponents. You rolled your eyes and mumbled out, "Idiots", when you were suddenly pushed backwards by Louis. He hovered over you and continued to do push-up's. You giggled as he moved up and down above you, pecking your lips whenever he came down again. "Oi! Get a room you two!"

Zayn: "Only 5 more minutes" you groaned, turning away from your annoying boyfriend. "C'mon, [Y/N]. You promised to go to the gym with me" Zayn bugged again, snatching the blanket away from you. "Can't we go later? Or exercise here? Or just.. don't?" you asked and pulled your knees up to your chest, buring your face in the pillow. You were just falling back asleep, when you suddenly were turned over so you were lying on your back. And in the next second Zayn was hovering above you, pushing himself up and down. "Let me at least do 30 push up's and then we can exercise together... in a way you'll enjoy it too."

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