Your on your period

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Liam: At first, he couldn't understand why it was that you didn't want to do anything except lay around the house, curled up in a ball on the bed, trying to sleep, but groaning every now and then. But then he realized, after two days of that being all that you did. "Hey, Y/N?" He peeked into the bedroom to see you sitting in the bed, arms folded over your lower stomach. "Do you need anything? I'm sorry I'm such an idiot, I couldn't figure out what was wrong with you." He smiled goofily. "Do you want me to get you anything?" "No, Li, just come cuddle with me. You're all I really need right now."

Niall: "Damn you, Niall Horan! You ate all of the cupcakes!" You threw the empty container across the room and it bounced off the back of his head. "Hey! That was unnecessary!" "What's unnecessary is you always eating the only food I'm craving. I swear, it's like you do this to me every single time." You crossed your arms against your chest and sniffled, suddenly sad because you knew that you wouldn't be able to have those cupcakes any time soon because he just had to be so famous that he couldn't go out and pick some up for you. And you couldn't go out. People were to frustrating to be around. "I'm sorry, Y/N, I promise you next time it's your grumpy time of the month, I'll stop eating, just for you." He teased, bringing a smile to your lips.

Louis: This was his least favorite time. You always wanted to make out with him, but it couldn't go past that, so basically you would just frustrate him and then leave him hanging. And then you'd get angry with him or start crying because of absolutely nothing, leaving him completely confused as to what would happen next. But lucky for him the moment that you discovered that your period was over, you would give him the prize he'd been saving up for all week.

Zayn: He was so sweet about it. He understood perfectly when you would distance yourself from him slightly, suddenly overwhelmed with paranoia when you were out in public for more than an hour. You could eat like a pig during that week, although he never told you that, and you would cry at the drop of a needle and spend three days curled up in bed, sobbing at a movie while suffering from cramps. Often times when he was home for that time of the month, he would settle into the bed beside you and watch whatever movie it was and comfort you with whatever food you decided you wanted.

Harry: He'd never had to deal with this particular situation before, but he thought that he handled it pretty well. As soon as you'd stood up, he noticed something was wrong. Then he realized. Quickly he stood up behind you, blocking the visibly ruined part of your jeans from the view of the paparazzi. "Babe, I think you might want to go to the toilets." He whispered as he maneuvered you towards them without revealing anything. "And take this." He handed you his sweatshirt which was too long on you and you were still having a difficult time understanding why any of that was happening in the first place. But when you came out a moment later, his sweatshirt on and past your bum, you smiled at him, taking his hand. "Thanks, I owe you so much." You leaned up and kissed his cheek.

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