waking up

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Harry: “Come on, time to wake up.” Harry mumbles into your neck as he wraps his arms and legs tighter around your body. The much larger boy wakes you up the same way every single morning with smothering cuddles and soft words to try to wake you softly. “Get off me, let me sleep.” You whine trying valiantly to push him away which never happens. “I’ll let go if you wake up.” “I am awake.” You argue “Not quite, get your cute little bum out of bed, come on. I’ll run you to Mc Donalds if you do.” and with that offer, you get out of bed.. eventually.

Liam: With plenty of experience Liam can efficiently wake you up, however it took quite a bit of work to figure out just how to get you out of bed... pleasantly. “Come on, [y/n]. Time to wake up.” Liam whispers as he clicks on the bedside light. “I made you tea, got your phone and laptop.” He quietly whispers as he places kisses along your forehead and with a bit more kisses and snuggles you finally open your eyes “Thank you, Li. Love you.” “And I you.” He mumbles with a grin before walking out of the room.

Louis: “Get your ass up before I jump on you and squish you.” Louis threatens as he crawls up in the bed where you’re sleeping, or trying to. “Louis stay away from me.” You grunt before rucking the cover over your face. “I warned you.” Louis grins as he stands up slowly “You have a few more seconds before the tommo crushes you.” and when you don’t reply Louis jumps and lands on you. “Fuck you. Fuck you.” You continue to mutter as you start to push Louis off and like normal he presses a kiss on your lips “Good morning to you too.”

Niall: It’s usually Niall’s laugh that wakes you up. When he wakes up, much like you, he grabs his phone and decides to scroll on twitter. “You’re so easily amused.” You mutter into his shoulder as he scrolls through the countless fan messages. “Sorry for waking you up,” He apologiezes before kissing your forehead. “The boys and I got the best fans in the world though, they’re so funny. I love them.” He babbles into your hair “I know, but come on, we have to get up and get going. You wouldn’t want to keep the best fans in the world waiting on you.”

Zayn: Zayn has trouble waking himself up, however he’s quite good at waking you up on time and gently. “Come on babe.” He whispers against your ear. And maybe it’s how close his lips are to your face and the feel of stubble on your cheek as he nuzzles gently into your hair. Either way you start to slowly wake up to his gentle calls and soft caresses. “Morning sleepy head.” He whispers kissing your lips softly. “Missed you. Now come on, time to wake up. If you get up now and get in the shower you’ll have time to eat breakfast and I can drive you to school. Come on. Up.” and after a few more kisses you’re off to your typical morning routine.

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