Truth or dare

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Liam: It was just something the two of you would do when it was late at night and you couldn't fall asleep. "Truth or dare, love?" He'd ask you. "Truth." You would normally reply. Then he'd ask you some random question and it would turn into a game of truths where you would just ask random questions to each other until hours had passed and one of you was getting deliriously sleepy. And then the deep questions would come out. Meaning of life, the universe, what came first the chicken or the egg? That kind of stuff. In the state of delirium where everything and nothing make sense, you two would ramble on about distant galaxies where the chicken and the egg are one and the same, so they both came about at the same time, finally discovering the solution to that age old question.

Zayn: He's your best friend and you're his. No matter what, you've been there through it all for each other. When he and Perrie went through their harsh breakup, you were there for him, telling him that it's better this way. And now here you are, a few weeks later, backstage at one of their concerts, waiting for the show to start. He and Louis and Josh had started a game of truth or dare, which you were trying to ignore but it was difficult to miss them stripping clothes off and Louis running out of the dressing room to crash the opening band's performance. Apparently, if you chickened out of a dare, then you had to tell a truth and vice versa. Of course, it was the one truth that Zayn ducked out on that you started paying absolute attention to the game. Louis smirked when he heard the younger boy say no. "Fine, your dare is to go over to Y/N and admit how you really feel towards her." He sent a wink and Zayn over your way. Your best friend stopped in front of you, looking shyly down at his feet and stuffing his hand into his pocket to fiddle with the cigarettes that you knew he kept there. "Y/N, truth is I'm in love with you and I have been since before I broke up with Perrie." He admitted. "Well, that's good, Zayn," He looked up at you to see the smile spreading. "Because I love you too."

Harry: "I dare you to moon the next person that walks through the door." Harry leaned back in his chair, his gaze leveled on Niall who blushed and looked over at the pretty new stylist's empty chair. She would be coming back in the room in a minute and Harry knew that. Sure enough she came in a moment later to the view of Niall's pale butt. She shrieked and ran out of the room, Niall chased after her to explain. Everyone else was laughing until Niall returned, a big smirk on his face as he turned to you. "Y/N, I dare you to flash us." He was only doing that because Harry's super protective over you. Harry immediately stood up, "This game's over. Only I get to see my girlfriend's boobs."

Louis: You woke up one morning to feel a heavy weight covering your whole body. Upon opening your eyes you saw it was your best friend Louis laying happily on top of you with a smile. "Truth or dare, Y/N?" "Lou, not now I literally just woke up in case you couldn't tell. And what are you doing in here on top of me?" He ducked his head down, burying his face in your neck and murmuring something against your skin. "What?" You pulled his face up. His face was so close to yours, his eyes wide and blue as they scanned yours. "I said, 'I dare you to kiss me.'" "Well, it is a dare." You giggled and pulled his lips down onto yours. "One more dare, babe: Be my girlfriend?" The kissing continued as your answer, obviously it was a yes.

Niall: It all started one cold night in January. You were sitting at the bar when some guy came up and started flirting with you. He was cute, blonde hair, blue eyes, an adorable accent. What wasn't to like about him? Oh, right, he was completely wasted. One of his friends stumbled over a little while later and then the flirty one turned to me. "Want to come home with me?" I'd had enough to drink that my mind was a bit scrambled and I ended up saying yes even though I meant to say, "I don't even know your name." So what could've been a couple minutes or an hour later, I was sitting in his house, drinking more alcohol, and laughing with him and his friends. There were two other girls there and at least five guys, including Blondie whose name you still hadn't caught. Then they decided to play truth or dare and you joined in. Quickly you learned everyone's names except for him still. And then your turn came and a girl named Amy dared you to play seven minutes in heaven with him. It was all really childish really. All of you were adults, playing truth or dare and seven minutes in heaven, games meant for thirteen years olds. He took you to his room and locked the door behind him. "We don't have to do anything. I'm just happy to be away from all of them." "They're your friends, right? Why don't you want to be around them?" He sighed loudly. "Truthfully, one of them is my ex-girlfriend, the guys have been around my constantly since I got home, and the other girl's just a cling-on to one of them. Now, you, you're the one that I want to spend time with." You giggled. "Truth or dare? What's your name?" He laughed loudly at your question. "Niall. And you?" "Y/N." Niall repeated your first question and you replied dare. "Go out on a date with me, Y/N. I want to know you better when I'm sober." So a game of truth or dare was the beginning of your long-lasting relationship.

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