Cover hog

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Liam: "Share!" You giggled, yanking the covers in attempt to get them off from around him. It wasn't your fault, you were shivering and he had himself cocooned completely within the duvet. "I'm cold." You muttered, crossing your arms over your chest in effect, you being completely naked in the sheets. He turned around then and threw the duvet over you, wrapping himself around you and intertwining his legs in yours. "I'm sorry, Baby." He whispered, his voice thick with sleep, now determined to keep you warm.

Zayn: Zayn was literally starfished across the bed, giving you not even a foot of space to lay in. The duvet was long gone, probably on the floor since you fell asleep. But now you were awake, and you were cold. "Zayn." You moaned, wrapping yourself around the side of his body. When that didn't work out you got up, throwing the duvet over his body and crawling underneath it yourself. You sound a spot between his legs and found yourself lying on his chest, almost instantly asleep as you got comfortable there. But then you felt the movement around you and as you were expected to be kicked out of your spot, you got two arms wrapped around you, cradling you as you drifted off, not even giving you the option to leave.

Louis: "Awe." He smiled coming into the bedroom from the bathroom. "You're so cute." He cooed, coming over to you and kissing you lightly on the forehead. Basically you had wrapped yourself up so that everything was covered except for your face. "Now where am I supposed to sleep?" He asked quietly and you shrugged, not really too concerned about where he was going to sleep. But he got up and left the room, causing you to yell after him. "Don't leave me!" You cried and he stuck his head back in with a smirk on his face. "I'm not, silly, just give me a second." So you waited patiently and couldn't help but smirk when he walked back in carrying the duvet from one of the spare rooms. "Yay!" You laughed, emerging from your wrap and hugging him as he crawled in next to you. "If you're getting out, why did I get this." He smiled, kissing your head again. "Now we can be doubly warm." You smirked, slothing yourself onto him. Not that he minded at all.

Niall: You did what anyone would do when they were lying bare in the middle of the night. You started patting around the bed, trying to find the duvet to pull it back over you. Clearly getting frustrated, you shot up and looked around, trying to get your eyes to adjust. "Niall." You whined as soon as you realised what was going on. His unconscious body was even trembling. "Niall." You said a little louder this time. He shook himself and sat up quickly. "What's wrong? Are you okay?" He asked turning to you and grabbing your biceps lightly. "Baby, I'm fine." You smiled, cupping his cheeks. "But where the hell is the duvet?" You asked, not letting go of his face. He scrunched his eyebrows together then, looking around huskily, still not quite awake. "Oh, it's here." He laughed, leaning over his edge of the bed and picking it up off the floor. "Oh my gosh." You laughed, grabbing it from him and pulling it over you. "You have to share." He laughed, pouting at you. You just cuddled into him so he could hold you and you could both be under it.

Harry: You silently thanked god for allowing you to have a big bed, because currently all three of your triplets wanted to sleep in your bed. All three of the the three-year-olds. Ava, Michael and Drew were rolling around in your bed, and you couldn't really tell which ones were asleep. You and Harry were on opposite sides of the bed, and he seemed to be dead asleep. But you weren't, you were cold. The covers were over all the kids and Harry, but you had nothing. You noticed that Harry had a good couple feet on the other side of him, so you got up and silently put a wall of pillows to replace you and went to the other side of the bed and crawled in next to Harry. He immediately woke up but was obviously happy that you came over to him, the smile on his face stay there as his head fell back onto his pillow, Ava still under his arm. "I love you." You whispered and it was silent for a second before he replied. "I love you too."

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