He leaves you while your preganant and you meet again

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Zayn: You were sitting in your flat when the door suddenly opened. You knew it was Zayn since he was the only one who had a spare key to your flat. "[Y/N], can you explain this to me, please?" Zayn asked, annoyance in his voice as he threw a magazine on the table infront of you. The headline read: '1D GIRLFRIEND [Y/N] [Y/L/N] CHEATING ON ZAYN MALIK?' But the photo showed you and one of your male friends, you were hanging out the day before. "You don't believe this shit Zayn, do you?" His jaw tensed and he hit his hand on the table as you flinched. "OF COURSE I DO! IN THE PHOTO YOU'RE WEARING THE SAME CLOTHES YOU WORE YESTERDAY! AND WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN YESTERDAY?! RIGHT, OUT WITH YOUR 'FRIENDS'" he screamed, quoting the word 'friends'. "Zayn" you said, trying to stay calm "I was out with my friends and this is-" "YOUR FRIEND, HUH? DON'T LIE TO ME [Y/N]. I KNOW YOU'RE CHEATING ON ME!" He didn't even let you finish your sentence and that's when you lost it and shouted "WOULD YOU LET ME EXPLAIN, PLEASE?" He huffed. "I don't want to hear any details" he said, heading to the door "It's over." "What?" you whispered, but before he could answer he already left. This was just a big misunderstanding, but still he left. You grabbed your phone and dialed his number, but the only thing he said was "Fuck you!" before hanging up again. You felt tears rolling down your cheeks as you clutched on your tummy. You were about to tell him in the next days that you were already 5 month pregnant, but then he was gone. More tears left your eyes as you whispered, "Daddy didn't meant to scream, baby. Daddy loves you."
The following 4 month, Danielle and your parents were the only people there for you. But since your parents lived miles away from London, the only thing they could do was call or skype you. But it was enough and better than nothing. Danielle was there for you the whole time. She helped you with all the baby stuff and always cheered you up. You were glad to have her with you and thanked her million of times. But one day your heart sunk, when she suddenly came to the suggestion that you should talk to Zayn sometime soon.
"Just listen to him [Y/N]. He won't bite you" Danielle encouraged you. "Why should I listen to him? He didn't listen to me either!" you argued. "Because-" Danielle started, but was cut off short after "Because I love you." You turned around and saw Zayn standing in the doorway with his arms crossed over his chest. "I'm gonna let you talk alone" Danielle said and left the room, letting the door fell shut. Zayn let his arms fell down, so they were on either side of his body as he looked down and moved a step closer to you. "I can't tell you how sorry I am, [Y/N]. I should have listen to you and not believe in the media... I talked to Danielle and she told me everything that happend and also about your pregnancy" he whispered and looked up at you, tears welling up in his eyes "It's so hard to live without you, you know? I miss you and I'm sorry. Would you maybe, I don't know, give me a second chance?" The last 4 month you didn't want to hear anything else but this, you were just to scared he would break your heart and didn't let him talk to you. But you knew he truly meant it and without warning you chrushed your body into his. You tried to hug him as tight as you could, but that was really difficult with a 9-month baby bump. "I love you" he whipered in your hair. "I love you, too." You stayed in this position for like ten minutes, just listening to eachothers heartbeat and breathing when you suddenly felt wetness running down your leg. "Zayn" you whispered. "Mhhmm?" he mumbled. "Are you ready to be a dad?" He looked at you confused and questioned, "Yes of course. Why would you ask that?" You took a deep breath and answered, "Because my waters just broke." His eyes widen in shock and he grabbed your hand, "Let's go then." "Danielle!" you screamed before hurrying to the hospital.

Louis: "Congratulations Mrs. [Y/L/N], you are pregnant" the doctor announced as he shook your hand. "Please come back in about two weeks for another check-up" he said and you nodded before leaving the room. A smile never left your lips as you went to your and Louis' apartment. "Louis!" you called out when you entered "I have some great news!" You pulled off your shoes and coat. "I'm in the kitchen!" he shouted back. You were grinning from ear to ear as you walked up behind him and put your arms around his waist. He put the cooking spoon and turned to face you. "What is it, honey?" he questioned, as he mirrored your grin. "I" you said, creating tension "am" he looked amused by your speaking tempo "pregnant!" You cheered but his smile quickly dropped. "What?" you asked confused as you stopped and went from excited to serious. "Are you kidding me? You're happy about being pregnant?!" "Well-" "We're too young to become parents! This won't work out!" He sighed and told you, "You need to get an abortion." You were taken back by his demand and shook your head. "No. I won't kill my child. Our child. I thought you'd be happy." "Well, you were wrong!" "Aparently" you groaned. "[Y/N]. Either way you're going to get an abortion or I'm gone." You were trapped. Him or your child. "Louis" you whispered "I won't kill a life." He shifted and walked to the door, grabbing his coat. "I don't want you to be here when I come back tomorrow" he growled before leaving the apartment. You didn't realized what happend until the door fell shut. You felt the tears roll down your cheeks as you made your way to get your things. Wether you liked it or not, you had to raise the child on your own.
You felt another contraction rip through your body and realized that it was a very bad idea to not taking the epidural. But at that time it was to late and you had nobody there to comfort you. Your parents were still in your hometown because everyone thought you wouldn't give birth to your son until 2 weeks later. And now you were laying there in pain, waiting for your doctor to finally tell you to push. Just as another more painfull contraction ripped through your body, the door opened. "Louis?" you ask, breathing heavily "What are you doing here? How do you know?" He walked over to you and pushed a strand of hair from your sweaty forehead behind your ear. "Your mom called me" he explained, showing you a small smile. "Thank you" you breathed out. You didn't even care about what happened 9 month earlier, you were just happy to have Louis beside you. "You can push now, Mrs. [Y/L/N]" the doctor finally said as you let out a painful groan. "[Y/N], it'll be alright. I know this is going to take a long time, but you're doing great. I promise" Louis assured you as he squeezed your hand tightly.
Three hours later, you were finally holding your healthy son in your arms. You looked up at Louis, who had tears in his eyes as he asked, "How are you going to name him?" You smiled and answered, "Like you always wanted to name your son." A big grin was plastered on his face as he took his son in his arms and whispered, "Welcome to the world, Tommy."

Liam: You had a tough day at work that day and were happy to just go home and cuddle with your boyfriend. But when you opened the door it hit you. The flat was a complete mess. Piles of clothes,dirty dishes and empty bottles were laying everywhere. "LIAM!" you yelled, looking for him. "Yeah, darling?" he questioned confused, coming in from the kitchen. "I thought the boys were coming over for a game night? What the actual fuck happened here?" you asked in an annoyed voice."We just had a bit fun" he responsed, shrugging his shoulders. "Just a bit fun?! It looks like a pigsty in here!" you screamed in his face. You didn't really mean it, but you were already stressed from work and the dirty flat didn't make your mood any better. "I can clean the flat later, okay?! God, sometimes you're so annoying!" he snapped at you and you must admit that hurted. Liam never acted like this around you and you could tell that they had been drinking. "Stop being a bitch" he muttered quietly under his breath, but you still heard. Tears stung your eyes and begun to roll down your cheeks. He saw, but he didn't care. He just turned around and went to the living-room to watch TV. You had enough and left the flat. You left because of a stupid fight. And you never turned around.
Since you left, Liam called you more than one time a day. There was no day where he didn't call or text you. He even showed up on your flat 2 or 3 times, but you pretended to not be at home. The reason why you didn't want to talk to him was because you found out you were pregnant only a day after you left. You were only one month pregnant and he would never be able to see it, but you just wouldn't know how to act around him. You were never good in hiding things. So you only told your friend about your pregnancy. Who was also your flatmate now.
It wasn't a break up between you and Liam. You just took a break from eachother. But you still loved Liam and Liam still loved you. So after some phone calls from him that you didn't answer, you picked up the phone and talked to him. You decided to meet up at your once shared flat the next day.
You still had the key for the flat and entered it without knocking. Just as you closed the door, Liam walked into the hallway. "Hey" he greeted you, his voice as shy as you met the first time. "Hi Liam." You both went to the living room and sat down on the couch, as you waited for him to talk. "I love you. You know that, right?" You nodded as a small smile played across your lips. "And I don't know why I said these things to you. I didn't mean them and I never wanted to hurt you." You nodded, signaling him to contiune. "And I regret the night. I never should have let you leave the house. I'm so sorry [Y/N]. I know I messed up, but would you forgive me and take me back please?" You were about to say yes and kiss him as passionate as ever, when you remembered that you were pregnant. "Liam, I love you too and I forgive you, but I need to tell you something" you said, voice becoming low in the end. "Sure. What is it honey?" he questioned worried, as he took your hands in his. You sighed. "I'm pregnant." You looked down at your hands and couldn't see his expression, but he squeeezed your hands tighter and as you looked up, you saw a big grin on his face and happy tears in his eyes. "I'm going to be a daddy?" You giggled, "Yeah." Then he embraced you in a bone-crushing hug and whispered in your hair, "I love you. I love you, so, so much."

Niall: Niall was out partying with some of his friends. He invited you to come with him, but you said 'no', because 2 day earlier you found out you were pregnant. You didn't tell him at the time and just said that you weren't feeling well. Around 2am the door opened and he stumbled in. "[Y/N]? Where are youuu?" he slurred. You got up and grabbed his arm. "I'm right here Niall. Did you have fun at the party?" you asked, when a cheeky smile formed on his lips. "Yes, but do you know what is more fun?" he questioned, sliding his hand to your butt. "Niall, no. You're drunk. Let's go to sleep" you refused, guiding him to your bedroom. He grabbed you by the waist and whispered in your ear, "Listen, I don't care if I'm drunk or not. I want it. Now." You pulled away and looked him in the eyes. "Niall, I'm sorry, but we won't do anything tonight. Tomorrow, when you're sober." He looked at you angrily and then starting yelling at you "You're such a bitch sometimes, [Y/N]! And never fun! You always stay at home and never come out with me! I don't even know why I'm still with you!" Ouch, that hurted. "Niall, I'm-" you said in a low voice, taken back by his sudden outburst but he cut you off "No! Save it!" he hissed "I don't need you anymore." You felt the tears running down your cheeks as he said these words to you. It was probably the alcohol speaking, but you were still hurted and also sacred. You quickly grabbed your jacket and ran outside. He didn't follow you and you knew it was the end of your relationship.
The following 7 ½ month you stayed at your friends flat. You were best friends and she was totally fine with you staying there. In the past month, you and Niall never met or talked again, but you and Eleanor stayed in touch. She was like a transmitter for the two of you. She told Niall everything about the night you left, since he was to drunk to remember and you knew almost everything about what the boys were doing. Just one thing was unknown. Niall didn't know you were pregnant.
You were alone in the flat when suddenly the doorbell rang. You expected to see one of your friends or a postman. But the boy, who stood there when you opened the door, you didn't expect to see. It was Niall. "Hi [Y/N]" he arkwardly greeted you. You opened the door only a few inches, so there was no way he could see your big belly. "Can I come in, maybe?" he asked. You couldn't let him in, he would see it. "Better not, Niall" you told him, voice low. "Please? I really need to talk to you" he pleaded, pressing one of his hands on the door. 'Maybe it's better if I tell him now and not when the child is born' you thought to yourself and pulled the door open for him to come in. His gaze immediately fell to your tummy and his jaw dropped. "Whoa" he breathed "What did you ate?" You couldn't help but crack a smile and chuckle at his joke. "But seriously, who did this?" he asked. You could hear the sadness in his voice and your heart broke. He thought the child was someone elses. If he only knew. You sat down on the couch and shifted. "I-I-erm" you tried to explain, but failed. He sat down next to you and you took a deep breath, "You." His widened in shock and he stuttered, "W-what?" You nodded and looked at the ground, "It's yours." You expected him to scream at you or ran away, but again it went other than you thought, cause he hugged you. He hugged you tight and you could feel his tears on your shoulders, as he whimpered "I'm so sorry."

Harry: You stared at the pink plus sign infront of you and couldn't believe your eyes. How were you going to tell Harry? And was he going to react? You knew he wanted children, but you were just so young and management wouldn't be happy about it either. You quickly grabbed the test and package, throwing it in the trash can. Harry was going to come over that day and you already planned on how you were going to tell him the news. Sooner or later you had to and the earlier you did, the earlier you wouldn't have to worry about it anymore.
Just as you found the right way to tell Harry and had everything planned out, you heard a knock on the door. You opened up and were greeted by Harry. But he didn't seem like his normal self. He wasn't smiling at all and didn't greet you with a kiss or hug like he normaly did. "We need to talk" he said, as he made his way inside. You closed the door and followed him into the kitchen. "Are you alright? Did something happen?" you asked, worried and waited for his answer. "Actually I'm not" he told you "[Y/N] I can't do this anymore. I- We need to break up." "W-What?" you questioned, tears welling up in your eyes "B-But why? Is it something I did?" He shook his head "I just think it's for the best." And with that he gave you one last kiss on your cheek and walked out the door, before you broke down crying. You totally forgot to tell him the news. But now you couldn't do it anymore. He didn't want you and probably neither the child. While you laid on the cold kitchen floor, bawling your eyes out, you thought about what you were going to do with your future. Your body felt numb and after awhile your eyes closed, sleep taking over your body.
8 ½ month later, you gave birth to a healthy boy. He already had his fathers green eyes and was just as pretty as him. Harry and you never met again, but you were just happy to have this precious little boy.
Around 2 years after your break up you and your son were having a meal in a diner near London. "Can we go to the park later, mommy?" Aaron asked. "Of course, honey" you said and he cheered. You were about to take another sip from your coke, when he walked in. You weren't expecting to ever see him again and now he was only meters away from you. "How about we go to the park, now?" you suggested and Aaron cheered again. You just wanted to get away from there, because you didn't want Harry to see you. Aaron had Harry's curly hair and was a mini version of him. There was no denying that he was his child and Harry would notice it too. You grabbed your wallet and put the money for your and Aarons food on the table. Aaron took hold of your hand and you both headed for the door, when "[Y/N]?". Shoot, he spoted you. You turned around and were now only inches away from a smiling Harry. "Harry" you almost whispered as he pulled you into a hug. "[Y/N]. How have you been?" he asked. "Erm. Good, I guess" you answered, arkwardly as you felt Aaron hiding behind your leg. That's when Harry looked down and his widened. "[Y/N]" he breathed and you already felt the tears prick the corners of your eyes. He stared at him and knew it. "He's mine. Isn't he?" he questioned. You nodded and let a tear escape your eyes. "I'm such an idiot" he said, shaking his head "I broke up with my pregnant girlfriend." You took a deep breath, to stop the tears from falling. "I-It wasn't your fault. I didn't tell you." Aaron didn't know what was going on, but he hugged your leg tighter. "I'm still an idiot. I should never have broken up with you. Pregnant or not." This was a really awkward situation and you sighed. "Harry, why are you telling me this now?" He shifted. "Because I made a mistake and I want to make up for it. I want to get to know my- our son and I want to start it all over again" he explained. You sighed again. "I don't know, Harry." "Please. Just give me one chance" he begged, his voice low. You nodded and his eyes lid up. "But we need to take it slow" you demanded. He agreed, "Baby steps".

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