His immaturites (sp?)

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Louis: "If you wanted a big sack of balls, you should have just asked me." If you had a nickel for each time a perverted thought went through that boy's head, you would be on a yacht. Each sex joke he makes has you cackling on the floor gripping your stomach to calm down, because in all reality, you are just as perverted as him and that's just one more reason to why you two get on real well.

Niall: There's no doubt that Niall eats a lot, and sometimes, what he eats doesn't sit too well with him - but Niall can't be discrete about it. In the most silent of all situations, a loud one rips and all eyes turn to him. The look of pure shock on your face is enough to have him blushing as red as a tomato until your burst into a fit of giggles!

Liam: "You're kidding, right?" you say when he asks you what something, any teenage boy should know, meant. His puffy cheeks turn a light shade of pink and a look of pure embarrassment washes over his face. "That's the most innocent thing I've ever heard," you whisper back to make him feel better, kissing his forehead gently. "You're so cute," and with that his puppy dog smile was right back where it should be.

Zayn: The black ink pen held in his hand holds so much amazement to him that he has to share it with you too. So, reaching over with his writing hand he marks on your arm a small curve, then two dots. He's expecting you to be upset, but instead you walk away and come back, tackling him with a Sharpie. It's now a duel - who can get the most marks on their opponent? With every tally-marked point made on each other you have a problem catching your breath from laughing so hard.

Harry: Sure, Harry knows how to touch women; intimately, safely, sweetly, and protectively. He usually does it with such confidence too, but with you, he gets a little flustered. He never knows quite what to do with his hands at any given moment. Does he interlock fingers? Does he rest his hand on your thigh? Does he play with your hair? He just waits, waits until you give him the guide - and that's okay because it's just so adorable.

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