he wakes you up in the middle of the night for you baby

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Harry: You had just given birth a couple weeks ago and of course your baby girl could not sleep through the night. You woke up to your daughter Darcy’s loud cries. You groaned and Harry sat up sleepily and touched your arm lightly. “Go back to bed babe, I got this one.” You nod and fall back onto your pillow and wait for the cries to subside. When they finally stop a few minutes later you listen carefully and can hear Harry singing softly in the next room. “Isn’t she lovely? Isn’t she wonderful? Isn’t she precious…” His melodic voice echo’s through the house and you smile, drifting to sleep to the sound of your husband's voice.

Louis: The blaring screams from your child are sure to be heard miles away and you cover your ears with your pillow. The bed dips under the weight of Louis getting up and then you’re left alone. You stay under your pillow for a few minutes before realizing the crying has stopped. You get out of bed quietly and make your way to the nursery where you see Louis changing your sons diaper. “See, that’s all the baby needed. Now we have to go to bed now, mommy is very tired. She was up all day with you!” Louis coos to your 3 month old son who giggles.

Liam: “You’ve got a friend in me…” Liam sings to your small daughter Kayla. You let out a small laugh as you watch him sing Kayla to sleep. He looks up at you, a smile spreading across his face. “You were supposed to be asleep. I’m on night duty tonight.” You nod and walk over to hug him as he holds Kayla tightly in his arms. “I missed you in bed. I need someone to keep me warm.” Liam looks down at you and kisses your forehead. “Go back to bed sweetheart, I’ll make sure she’s asleep and then I’ll come be your personal heater, okay?” You nod and give him a quick peck on the lips before going back to bed.                

Niall: You hear the screams of your newborn child and groan, burying your face in Niall’s chest. “Can you get this one?” You ask sleepily. Niall nods in the darkness and pulls away from you, getting up to get your daughter. He comes back in a couple minutes later with your daughter on his hip and a bottle of warm milk in his hands. He sits down on the bed and you move your head into his lap. He smiles down at you and starts to feed your daughter. She finishes her bottle and he burps her before she falls to sleep in his arms. “Night with my two favorite girls. It’s absolutely perfect.” He whispers just as you fall asleep.

Zayn: “Oh my god does this ever stop?” Zayn groans and buries his head into the pillows. You give him a shove and he looks up. “Your turn.” You tell him and fall back into your pillow. Zayn groans again and gets up to go check on your son. He comes back with your 6 month old son in his arms and a spit up towel on his shoulder. “Babe, I think he’s sick.” Zayn whispers. You sit up and feel your son’s forehead which feels slightly hot. “I’ll go call the doc-“ “No. Stay in bed and sleep. I just wanted you to know. I’ll handle this.” Zayn tells you, pushing you back onto the bed lightly. You nod carefully and try to fall back asleep. When you wake up the next morning you see Zayn has definitely handled it by calling the doctor, taking him to get checked out, and even giving your son the medicine. You were very proud.

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