You find out the gender of your baby/babies

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Niall: "Congratulations! It's a baby girl!" the doctor told you after a silence. Niall, forever and always at your side, jumped up and down with excitement. Sounds of glee escaped his mouth. The doctor left the room to leave the two of you alone. "Aren't you happy, Princess?" he asked you when he noticed that you were still just as expressionless as a rock. It was quiet while he waited for your answer, "No..." He choked on his next word, "What?" "I'm sorry, Ni. But I've never wanted a little girl. It's exactly what I don't want! I know very little about girls except that I am one. I've always been around boys, I don't know how girls act while growing up! And I don't like awkward talks. There are going to be so many of those!" You say in a rush. Niall just clears his throat. "Well, lets go home and we can talk about this more." He really had no idea what to say about that when he'd always wanted to have a daughter that he could treat like a princess.

Liam: Oh God. Oh God. Oh God. One Direction had been away on tour for almost three months and during that time you'd found out that you were pregnant. Currently about three months along. The morning of the day they were supposed to return home, you'd gone to your doctor appointment and the woman had told you the gender of the baby. Or should I say babies. Both boys. And here you were, standing at the airport, waiting for your boyfriend of two and a half years. Awkwardly holding a jacket in front of your slightly bigger stomach, you wait next to Zayn's girlfriend. She knows and so does your best friend, they were both with you when you found out. But Liam didn't know. Finally all five boys appeared and dear sweet Liam rushed towards you. "I've missed you so much, Y/N." "I've missed you too. Can we go home, I really need to talk to you about something." As soon as you both walk through the front door of your flat, he tries to make a move. You fend him off and he wants to know why with a hurt expression. At first he thinks that you've cheated on him and that's why you don't want him just as badly as he wants you. "I'm pregnant!" You finally blurt out. "Three months along! I found out the babies gender this morning!" He backs away "A baby? I'm a dad?" You bite your lip and nod. "And... It's twins. Two boys." He looks repulsed and totally upset and that's it. You know you've done it and now he'll want to break up with you. But then he explodes into laughter and a huge smile fills his face as he pulls you into a big hug. "I love you, babe! And I love our boys!"

Louis: Owwwwwwwwwwww! Childbirth hurts! Nothing that your mother or anyone else had told you had prepared you for that pain. But it was all worth it now. Louis sat at your side, gripping your hand just as tightly as you were gripping his. "It's a boy." The nurse told you with a smile as she gently placed the baby boy in your arms. His eyes were wide open and he wasn't making a sound. At first that concerned you, weren't babies supposed to cry and scream when they came out? But little Jamie was wide-eyed looking up at his parents with the biggest smile on his face as gurgles finally reached your ears. "He's beautiful, Louis. He looks just like you!" Louis kisses your cheek. "No, love, he definitely looks like you."

Zayn: It was awful. Absolutely awful. Your very first pregnancy and just your luck it had to be quadruplets that Zayn impregnated you with. You felt so fat, fatter than most pregnant women feel, probably because you were. "I swear, you look gorgeous! More beautiful than ever before!" He insisted. "Do you have a fetish for big women then? Because I look absolutely gigantic! Like a flipping bloated whale!" "Truly, you look resplendent, love." "Shut up!" You snap at him. You're in the doctor's office, waiting for him to tell the two of you what the four babies will be. "Well, it looks like a.... girl..." he paused. "Another girl..." A shorter pause. "A boy!" Then he fell silent, just completely silent. "A girl. Congratulations, looks like you've got your hands full, Y/N. All of those girls should be fun." "I don't know," you smile at Zayn and take his hand. "I think we can handle them."

Harry: You and Harry agreed you didn't want to know the baby's gender. But when you went to the appointment where the doctor would've told you, your mother-in-law insisted on accompanying you. Even though both of you told her that you weren't interested in knowing if you were having a boy or girl, she still came along. The appointment went well, but when it was over Anne had disappeared. she reappeared several minutes later, positively beaming. "I know what this little blessed child will be!" "Mum!" he said, "Why? We told you we don't want to know!" "Fine, fine! I won't tell you two!" You took her home and went inside with her to eat lunch. While she was fixing the lunch, she told us to set the table and so you started pulling out the plates. "No, no. I want to use the pink plates. They're so much prettier, aren't they. Those white ones are so boring." So you pulled them out without a second thought. A little while later, it's time to eat and you look down at my pink plate, thinking. "So what names are you thinking about?" she asks. "Well," Harry says, "If it's a girl we're thinking Elizabeth and we'll call her Effie." Anne coos and says that she thinks that's adorable. Then you speak up, "If the baby's a boy we want to name him Leon." A strange facial contortion happened on your mother-in-laws face. Almost like she smelled something bad. "No, you don't want a name like that." Harry just sighed. "We're having a girl, aren't we, Mum?" "Yes! Oh, little, Effie will be so cute!"

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