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Louis: As soon as you heard Louis come home, slamming the door shut and huffing in frustration, you knew it would be best to give him some space. You spent the rest of the day in silence, leaving him to cool off. After preparing one of his favorite dishes, it was finally dinner time. You quietly knocked on the open door before slowly walking in. “Babe? Dinner’s ready” you said softly. He turned around with a sour face. “I’m not hungry” he stated. “But I cooked your fav-” “I’m. Not. Hungry” he repeated, gritting his teeth. “Are you sure? You haven’t-” “MY GOD (Y/N)! WHY ARE YOU BEING SO FUCKING ANNOYING? LEAVE ME ALONE” he yelled. Your eyebrows rose at his sudden outburst. “Fine. Dinner’s downstairs for whenever you get hungry. Ass” you said in a monotoned voice. What’s wrong with him? He’s never been this hot-headed before. He sighed as you trudged back downstairs to eat without him. After finishing the tasty meal, you went to the sink to wash your dishes. You heard his footsteps behind you, but you continued your chore regardless. “Babe?” he said softly. Silence was his only response. He sighed and walked towards you, wrapping his arms around your backside. You stayed still and let his loving arms remain. “(Y/N)” he whined, turning you around so you were facing him. “I’m sorry okay? I didn’t mean to take out my anger on you. I was a stressing day for me. Please understand babe. I really didn’t mean to” he sighed, squeezing you tightly. You huffed, accepting his apology as you hugged back. “Is it too late for that dinner?” he smiled.

Liam: The air around you was hot and wet as both your bodies were covered under the duvet covers. You both lay panting and sweating in each other’s arms after making passionate love. The heat around you was suffocating, but regardless, you were comfortable with the situation, wanting no one else but him. The silence was perfect, his heartbeat being the only sound audible. You felt safe in his strong arms as you both tried to regain your breath. He looked down at you lovingly. “I love you so much (Y/N)” he whispered, smiling. You looked at him with soft eyes. “I love you too” you whispered, laying your head on his chest. Nothing could ever beat this moment. Your arms and legs tangled with each other, your breathing in the same pace, your chests pressed against each other. Everything was perfect. At this moment, you knew Liam meant everything to you. You loved him like you’ve never loved anyone before. He was your world, and you were his. You wanted this moment to last forever as both your eyes drooped, tired after the use of all the energy. Everything was perfect.

Zayn: You were seated on the couch, reading one of your favorite books as you tried to block at the noise of Zayn’s constant hammering on pieces of wood. He was currently working upstairs on the expected baby’s room. As you looked at the time, you noticed he had been working for two hours straight, undisturbed. You got off the couch and waddled to the kitchen to retrieve a glass of water for him, your huge belly making the simple task hard. You slowly walked upstairs, making sure not the harm the baby in anyway. The sound of the hammer began to get louder and louder within every step you took. As you walked in, you saw him shirtless, drops of sweat on his chiseled chest. Oh. You couldn’t help yourself as you stared at his perfect, wet body. You were unnoticed as you watched him stop for a quick second to wipe the sweat off his forehead. My God, he’s hot. He suddenly looked up and your eyes widened. He smirked towards you as he got up and took the glass of cold water out of your hands, taking a huge gulp. “Thank you” he panted, before going back to work. Oh. That’s weird. He didn’t even tease you. “Are you gonna stay and watch the show?” he chuckled, before continuing to work on his job. You knew it. It was too good to be true. Of course he would tease you. You rolled your eyes before walking back downstairs, not letting him see your burning red cheeks.

Niall: “YOU ALMOST DONE?” Niall called from downstairs, impatiently. “YEAH I’LL BE DOWN IN A MINUTE” you yelled back. You took one last look at the mirror before running downstairs. “Alright ready” you smiled. His eyes went wide as he looked you up and down. “Whoa” he whispered. You looked down at the red dress that showed off all your curves and your legs. “You look good” he smiled. “Why thank you” you teased. He took your hand as he led you to his car, on the way to the club. When you got there, you received many looks and hollers from random drunk men. After a while Niall finally got irritated. “(Y/N) let’s go home” he said firmly. “Huh? Why? It’s so early” you whined. “It’s okay. Well go next time” he said, annoyed. “But why Niall? I’m not leaving until you tell me why” you said stubbornly. “You’re too hot”. “…what?” You asked confused. “Look at yourself. You look really nice. Tell me you haven’t noticed all the people staring at you ever since you walked in. It’s irritating me. You’re mine and only mine” he frowned, taking your hand and leading you to his car. You couldn’t help but giggle along the way at his jealousy. You swear you heard him mumble “I swear next time I’m making her go in a potato sack” under his breath.

Harry: You were currently upstairs, working peacefully on your work when all of a sudden, Harry’s scream made you jump, stopping your work instantly. You jolted up and ran downstairs to figure out what happened. “Harry?! What’s wrong?!” You asked panicked. He turned around with his finger in his mouth as he looked at you shamelessly. You scrunched your eyebrows in confusion. He took his finger out of his mouth to reveal it’s bright red color. You let out a tiny chuckle. “I was cooking…and I burnt my finger on the pan” he said weakly. You couldn’t help yourself as you bursted into laughter. “(Y/N) it’s not funnnnyyy” he whined. You got a hold of yourself as you noticed his pouty face. “Awwww. I’m sorry. Do you want me to kiss it better?” You teased. He smiled widely. You laughed at him again. “Really Harry?” you asked. “Why not” he grinned. You rolled your eyes before taking his finger and pressing a small kiss to it. “Ahhhh, much better” he sighed. You chuckled at his childishness before squeezing him tightly. He’s so cute.

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