He sees your bab lump for the first time after ages

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He sees your baby bump after a long time

Harry: You smirked, resting your palm on your stomach, trying to soothe the kicking baby inside you. "It's okay, daddy's gonna be home in a second," you cooed down, stroking the balloon shaped figure where your baby girl rested. Harry had been gone for almost a month, leaving you alone to your six months pregnant belly. It had been hard for him, making him almost crazy, but now he was coming home and you couldn't be happier. You smirked when you felt another kick on your palm, "Stop using violence against your mother, young lady," you joked, smirking to yourself when you heard a loud gasp on the doorway. You raised your head to meet sparkling, watery green eyes. "Harry," you whispered, feeling how your heart started to race. He was really there, standing right in front of you. He looked exhausted, green eyes red and watery; dark curls in a messy bandana and strong, tattooed arms holding his suitcases. A huge grin broke to your face when he dropped everything he was holding, taking few long steps to push you gently against the counter. "I missed you kitten," he whispered gently, pressing your foreheads together. His large hands traveled to your belly, sliding his slender fingers up and down on the size of it. He chuckled, letting few tears run down his cheeks where you kissed them away. "I don't believe it," he breathed happily, goofy grin covering his face when his dimples emerged, "It's so much bigger." You snorted smiling, looking in awe how he kneeled down, perfect pink lips on your belly. "Hi baby," he cooed, deep voice hoarse when tears rolled down his cheeks. You smiled, running your hands through his locks when he kissed every inch of the belly he had missed so much. "I love you so much baby girl."

Zayn: You smiled excited, opening the door as silently as you could. The hotel was quiet, making shivers run down your spine when you closed the door behind you with a silent click. He was laying in the bed, dark hair messily pointing to every direction, brown eyes closed as his long eyelashes rested on his cheekbones. He looked so beautiful you couldn't help but stare him for a while, admiring all the things you had missed about him when he had left for tour. His tattooed chest rose up and down when you sat next to him in bed. He looked peaceful when you stripped off your clothes, admiring your slight bump proudly, before straddling your husband. He groaned in his sleep, not opening his eyes when you stroked his cheek and jaw, planting little kisses to his stubbly chin. "Zaynie," you whispered, kissing his plump lips gently, smiling to the familiar touch, "Zaynie it's time to wake up and meet someone." His brown eyes flickered open when he heard your voice. "Y/N," he whispered, huge grin spreading to his face when he sat up quickly, embracing you to a big hug. "Love, what are you doing here?" he mumbled between kissing your lips and shoulders with such a care, you felt your flesh go goose bumps. "I'm here to introduce you for someone," you smirked, parting you two for a while, making him gaze to you lovingly. You took his hands, lowering them to your small belly. He gasped, hands pressing gently against your skin. "I can see it already," he mumbled puzzled, like he wouldn't believe his own eyes. You smirked, looking how amazed he was. "It's really happening," he whispered with grin, brown eyes growing with tears, "I can't believe it." You smiled, putting your hands on top of his, letting them rest on your belly. "It's real Zayn, we're going to have a baby. You're going to have a son," you said, seeing how his grin widened, tears tangling to his eyelashes. "I love you both so much," he said, letting out a teary laugh, "Hi little mate, it's dad!"

Louis: You sighed, tapping your foot nervously. Louis had been gone forever. At least it felt like it. You hadn't seen him in few months, making you miss him terribly. With extra pregnancy hormones, missing him was awful, but now he was coming home and you could finally be with him again. A woman voice announced that his plane had landed successfully, making your nerves tingle. He was coming home. You stood up, hands on your small belly what had just 'popped out' like Sophia had said. "Y/N!" a loud yell made you look up to see all five lads of One Direction. Louis' eyes had frozen on you, eyes smirking when he had covered his mouth with his hands. You could see the proud smirk on his face when you walked on him, smiling to his utter cuteness. The minute you arrived next to him, he crashed you to a gentle, loving hug. "Lou? You okay?" You smiled gently. He nodded gulping, eyes glued on your belly. "I'm fine babe, I just...Oh my god..." he let his hands drop off his mouth when he rised them to his hair with a happy grin. "I..You..I..We're having a baby, Y/N!" he grinned, shaking his head happily, almost jumping up and down in the middle of the airport. You laughed nodding, placing his small hands to your belly, making his grin so wide you were scared he'd explode. "Wow," was all he got out when he stared the bump amazed. "I knew you'd be surprised how big it has grown, but you are completely nuts," you joked, smirking to his proud smile. He let out a loud laugh, making the baby inside you stir. "I'm just wordless, I have nothing to say. This is so perfect and I... I've never felt this much pride before," he smirked, making you smile happily before he closed your lips for a passionate kiss.

Liam: You smiled happily when Liam's face emerged to the computer screen. He looked a bit tired, brown hair covered with a loose hat. He was laying in the hotelroom bed, lazy smile on his face. "Hi love," he cheered making your heart bounce. It had been so long... "Hi sweetie, " you smirked, adjusting your hoodie better on you. For a moment you talked about his tour. There was not much to talk about, because you had called him earlier that day, but seeing him was something you didn't often have time to do. You stared him for a second, comfortable silence hovering over you. He looked at you too, brown eyes glued to the screen. "Babe," you started, sitting better in the bed where you were camped, " remember when I told you that I have put on a bit too many pounds?" Your voice was covered by his groan. "Love, you are not fat, don't you dare to say that. Just don't," his voice was firm when his brown eyes stared at the screen with a worried look. You smiled, hanging your head down when you shook it. "No, it's not that. I mean I have gained weight but there's a reason... I'm pregnant," you blurted out, biting your lip. Liam was silent. His brown eyes stared at the screen when he opened his mouth, letting the corners turn to a smile, "Are you serious? I'm going to be a dad? Like seriously?" his voice was so hopeful it made you tear a bit. You nodded, making Liam stand up and run his hands through his hair. "This is...Oh my god! I'm so happy I can't even..." he rambled when happy tears ran down his cheeks. He was smiling like mad when you took your hoodie off. "Look honey, it's almost bigger," you smiled, adjusting the web camera so he could see your lightly swelled stomach. "Babe, stay where you are, I'm coming home," he laughed, letting few tears roll down, "I love you so much Y/N! You have no idea!"

Niall: You hummed silently, spreading soap over your big belly, smiling to the memory of Niall's hands over it, rubbing it with circle motions, almost careful to break it. "He's coming you know," you smirked, running a washcloth over your belly, "He's almost here. He's flying all the way from Mexico just to see us for a weekend." You smiled, feeling how the baby kicked you lightly. "Actually I'm gona stay a week," a familiar voice said, making you jump a bit. Niall stood on the bathroom doorway, only white boxers on him, blondish hair mess after keeping snapbacks all day. His blue eyes roamed you when you stood under the water, staring each other. He smirked, slipping off his boxers before climbing to the shower with you. His stomach hit your back, making you sigh in relief. You had missed him so much, it had made your heart ache. "Ye look so sexy it's crazy," he mumbled to your neck, kissing it lightly, running his calloused fingertips on your belly, admiring it like he had never seen it before. "He's growin' like crazy too, ya're almost ready to pop princess," he snickered, keeping his palm on the usual place where he felt the kicks. "Mmh," you murmured, enjoying his touch on your gentle skin, "Well, I feel like a cow, he's pressing my bladder." Niall's laugh filled the misty room, making the baby stir inside you. "Ya're damn beautiful cow then," he said raising his eyebrows and licking his pink, soft lips. You rested your head against his shoulder, smile on your face. "I missed you Niall, so much." He kissed your neck, right hand stroking your belly when other traveled around, "Ye'r boobs are gettin' bigger too, I love it." You laughed swatting his hand off your boob, making him laugh even harder. "I love ye silly Mrs.Horan and our lil' one too."

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