Managment makes you chose betwen him or your baby

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Liam: You looked down to your shaking hands, pressing the phone against your palms when tears stained your cheeks. Management had just called you, after finding out you were pregnant with Liam's child. How do they find out so quickly? I didn't even have a chance to tell Liam... You bite your lip, eyes shutting when warm tears made your cheeks salty. I have to choose Liam or the baby. They told me to. What am I going to do? The pain inside you was unbelievable. How could you possibly choose between Liam and the baby? You loved Liam more than anything, but you loved your baby too, so much... You buried your head to a pillow, when you lcried on your bed. The sun was going down when you heard a door opening and familiar footsteps filled the silence. Liam, I don't know what to do... "Love?" Liam asked creaking the door open, seeing your figure under the bed covers, "Love what's wrong?" He sat on the bed, hand sliding to your back, rubbing small circles. You shook your head, sobs filling the air. I don't want to leave him. He's going to agree with management, I know it. Liam sighed, pulling you to his warm chest. His long fingers soothed your skin, soft lips brushed your ear when he tried to calm you down. Slowly, after many hours of crying, your sobs stopped. You had no idea what you were going to do, but you felt so numb...I need his help. Only he can choose. It is management or me and the baby. You sniffled one last time, before Liam brushed the hair off your face, smiling at you sweetly. "Can you tell me what's wrong love?" he asked, voice silent and soft when he rubbed your back. You didn't answer, still thinking should you tell him or not. Would he be mad to me because I can't solve my own problems? "Love, you can tell me anything, you know that right?" his voice was silent and comforting, but still you didn't know how to tell him. "You will be mad at me," you whispered, closing your eyes, breathing his scent. "I won't," he promised, twirling his fingers in your hair. He looked down to you, brown eyes promising the same thing. "I-I'm pregnant and management is making me choose between you and the baby," you said so quickly, you didn't even breathe between the words. Liam tensed under you, making your heart drop. He's going to leave me. He thinks I'm stupid, he doesn't want the baby...His lips crashed at yours, interrupting your toughs. He kissed you twice before he pulled you in to a hug. His tears dropped to your shoulders, making you cry again as well. Liam let you go, still tears streaming in his eyes. "You don't need to choose. Not now. Not ever. You're going to get me and the baby," his voice was so serious it made you tense. "Are you mad at me?" you asked, heart still bouncing like crazy. Liam looked at you, face softening instantly, "What? No, why would you ever think I'd be mad at you? I'm not mad at you! No one should tell my love what to do and what to choose. You are amazing and we're going to be amazing parents! I'm not mad at you sweetheart, I love you so so much. I'm mad at the management. So mad. How could they?" You sniffled again, looking at him, relieved. He's not going anywhere. He's not mad. He's going to be a dad. "I guess we're going to be parents then..," you said voice hoarse, before small smile crept to your face. Liam looked at you, a huge smile forming to his face. "A baby," he sighed, happy tears now filling his eyes, "I'm going to be a dad!" He pulled you to a hug again, now laughing and crying at the same time. "I can't believe they tried to take my family away from me. I love you and our baby so much."

Harry: You sat on your bed, head on your hands. Sniffles escaped your mouth when you stand up, taking your suitcase with you. You didn't want to do this, you didn't want to do it at all, but you had to. You left a note to Harry. It was short and painful, only telling him you couldn't do this anymore and you weren't coming back. I don't want to do this. I love him. I love him so much. But I love the baby too. Our baby girl...No, MY baby girl... Tears rolled down your cheeks when you took a last glance of your flat, few sobs escaping your lips. "I love you Harry," you whispered, trying to keep your breaking heart together with the last strength you had. You closed the door, heart breaking to million pieces. It's me and you baby girl, it's me and you now... The next few days you stayed in your best friends flat. Everything around you was falling apart, but you had to keep it together because of your baby girl. You missed Harry so much it hurt every inch of you. "Are you okay?" Your best friend whispered when you leaned your head against the cold toilet seat. Morning sickness was kicking in, leaving you only sobbing Harry's name. You wanted him near you, you missed his hands on your back, his sweet kisses and soft lips... You nodded to your friend, shaking lightly, when another Harry's name escaped to the air. "I think the baby needs some chocolate," Your best friend said smiling, while she brushed your hair off your sweaty forehead. "Thanks," you said, voice husky, trying to smile to her. "I'm going to store; I'll be back, okay?" She said gently, knowing that every word what wasn't Harry's hurt you so much it was killing you. He was all you wanted and needed, but the management was right. With you and baby, there was no longer that sex idol everyone loved. You had to choose. It was either the baby or Harry. You were between two Styles, but management was right when they told you to leave him. It was better this way...I hope...Nausea hit you again, when you hovered over the toilet seat. The cold porcelain felt good under your forehead, just like his touch. Slowly, you got up, trying not to feel dizzy when you washed your face with cold water. Toothpaste tasted gross on your tongue when you brushed your teeth so long, you didn't even remember when you started. Who am I kidding? I'm a mess without Harry. I'm lost and alone... You flushed your mouth, looking your reflection from the mirror. The baby bump was showing a little. Not much, but it looked like you had eaten too much...You stroked the fabric on your belly, smiling a little. She was going to be a beauty... The door opened, making you snap from your dreams. "Finally!" You said, walking to the kitchen where your friend was standing with the chocolate, "What took you so lo-..," She wasn't alone. Harry stared at you with red puffy eyes. He looked like a mess. You had never seen him like that before. "Y/N," Harry whispered, voice cracking. You stood on the doorway, heart beating and breaking at the same time. Your friend left you alone, letting the silence land on you. "I'm not leaving before you tell me why you left me," Harry said, trying his best to sound strong when his tears rolled down his blushed cheeks. I need you...I love you...Your heart was filling with every crossed feeling. You wanted to tell him... "I-I..," you started, tears clouding your eyes. You broke down, sitting to the floor, not able to quit. The tears you had hold so long crashed you, leaving you broken. "Ssh, Kitten, it's alright," Harry whispered, suddenly panicking. He kneeled next to you, doubting before he put his hand to your back, stroking it lightly. I need to tell him the truth... "Harry I didn't want to leave you," you said, raising your head to look straight to his green eyes. "Why did you leave then?" he whispered, lips shaking. "Management told me...I'm pregnant Harry," you said, looking down to your hands. "Oh baby girl," Harry whispered, suddenly pulling you for a hug. You sat on the floor, both sobbing while he kissed every inch of you. "I'm never going to let or our baby go. I promise. Management can kiss their asses. I'm not leaving you or the baby. I love you so damn much," he cried, admiring your face with his hands; before he slide them down to touch your belly. "It's already bigger," he said, leaving a teary chuckle. "Our baby girl is growing fast," you said, smiling heart full of joy, love and relief. "It's a girl?" Harry asked, eyes widen before he started to cry happily again, "I love her so much. Oh my god, a girl...I can't believe this love! I'm so happy...A girl! I love you kitten! I love you so much!"

Louis: You stood in the cold air, looking at the doctor's office right before you. You pulled the coat around you better, small tears escaping your eyes. The parking lot was empty. Management had insisted the doctor to give you the first time in the morning to avoid paparazzi and fans. The cold morning air filled your lungs when sobs filled the air. Your every part yelled you to run as fast as you could. Leave the doctor and escape to somewhere where was no pain or tears. I can't do that. I have Louis. I'll never leave him... He's everything to me... Even when it meant you had to get rid of the baby...What am I going to do? What the hell am I going to do? I love my baby. I love so much. But I also love Louis. I love him more than anything in entire world. You stroked your belly with your thumb, lips shaking. I'm going to regret this...I'm breaking myself...But If I leave Louis... Management's words filled your head, pressuring every move you made. You took a shaky step forward the giant building before you. Pebbles scrunched under your shoes, making you shiver. I can't do this... I need to... One step forward again. Your thumb rubbed circles to your belly, like you were trying to sooth your baby. "I'm sorry, mommy have to do this. I'm so sorry..," you cried silently; hand on your stomach, "It doesn't mean mommy doesn't love you. Mommy loves you so, so, so, so much." You bite your lip, before realizing what you said out loud. Mommy. I'm a mommy...The feeling filled you from head to toes, making you take three steps back. I'm not going to kill my own child. You reached your phone, still crying when you dialed Danielle's number. She would understand...After all she was one of your best friends. "Dani," you cried when she picked up, "Could you come to pick me up from my doctor's office?" You took a shaky breath when you heard her panicking voice, "Are you alright?" You looked down to the pebbles, shaking your head, even though she couldn't see. "I'm not going to kill my baby. I don't care what management says. I know they made me choose between the baby and Louis, but Dani, how can mother kill her own child?" Your sobs filled the air. Danielle was silent a long time, before you heard her shaky voice, "Y/N, stay there, I'm coming." Fifteen minutes later Danielle's car pulled to the empty parking lot. You were whipping away your tears, eyes red and puffed, when she got up from the car. Liam stood next to him, looking at you with teary eyes. She told Liam...No, no...Louis can't hear from him...No... You stopped, looking at the car, when third person opened the door. Louis was crying, when he got up so quickly he almost tripped. He's here. Don't worry baby, daddy's here... You looked straight to his red eyes when he found you, starting to run to your waiting arms. He pulled you to his arms, lifting you to his chest while he sobbed, "Thank god, thank god..." He kissed your forehead over and over again, before letting you stand by yourself. "Oh babe," he whispered, smiling sadly before hugging you again, "I'm so happy you didn't do it. I'm beyond happy. We're going to be a family! I'm going to be a dad!" You left a shaky breath before looking at his blue eyes. They were filled with happiness... "What about Management?" you asked, hand on his cheek, memorizing every inch of the face you loved. His face tensed when he heard what you said. "Fuck the management. They're just asses. You're going to have me and the baby and big white wedding where I'm going to make you feel like queen. Y/N..," he said, starting to laugh through his tears, "I know this isn't the best time and place. I was going to ask you tonight in our special dinner but...I love you so much Y/N, Will you marry me?" Tears filled your eyes again, but you didn't mind. They were happy tears. "I will, of course I will!" you sobbed, kissing his lips gently, "I'm going to have a husband and a baby..." He smiled, kissing you again before laughing gently, "And I'm going to have a beautiful wife and an amazing baby."

Zayn: You stood in the middle of your kitchen staring at the clock on the wall. Small ticking filled the air when you followed the time go by. He was supposed to come home already; of course he was late when you most needed him. Ten after seven, you gave up, sitting to your couch thoughts filling your mind. What will he say? Is he going to be mad to me or to the management? You didn't let tears roll down your cheeks. I need to be strong. I can do this... You trusted Zayn completely and you never had any secrets, so why you should start now? After management called you, you weren't sad. You were so angry it made every other feeling vanish. How dare they? How dare they make me choose? It's my life. My and Zayn's. They know how much we have waited to have a child. Not maybe now, but someday. It has always been clear that we want our family. They are not going to take it away from us... The door opened with a slam, and you saw extremely tired Zayn walk in to your flat. He looked completely exhausted. "Hey Boo," he said quietly, pecking your cheek before sitting down next to you, closing his brown eyes. "Hi love," you started, biting your lip when you looked at him, "We need to talk." Zayn groaned, shutting his eyes even closer when he tapped your knee with his big hand, "Can we do it tomorrow? I'm too tired now." You sighed knowing that he was right, but you had no choice. "No we can't," you said almost angrily. You were so frustrated with the whole situation, it made you mad. Zayn groaned again, making your heart break. He really doesn't care... Management is messing our lives and he doesn't even want to know... "Seriously Y/N, we are not going to talk right now," he said angrily, eyes still closed. Even when he was angry, he looked so beautiful it made you dizzy. "Yes we are," you said rising your voice, regretting it immediately. When Zayn was tired, he pissed of easily and you knew it. "No we are not!" he yelled back, turning his side for you. A huge weight lifted off your heart, when tears started to roll down your cheeks. No more angriness... Zayn turned to look at you, when you sobbed to your hands. He woke up immediately, pulling you to his chest rocking you back and forth on his lap. His scent filled your nose, making you grip his shirt while you cried your pain away. I love Zayn, so much. I can't lose him. Not because they told me to. "Hey, hey...It's okay boo, I'm sorry I scared you. I'm so sorry...I shouldn't have yelled," his voice was soft and sweet when he kissed your forehead gently. "You didn't s-scare me," you sobbed, looking up to his beautiful eyes. He looked at you with a questioning look. "I-I got a call from management today," you said quickly, knowing that he'd interrupt you if you'd give him a chance, "And they said I have to choose between you and our baby." Zayn tensed under you, making you sniffle. "You're pregnant?" he asked, voice gentle but strong. You nodded, playing with his hoodies strings, tears covering your cheeks. "How dare they? How dare they...?" Zayn hissed, voice getting angrier than ever before. "Zayn?" you whimpered, looking at him, now a little scared. He looked at you, seeing the fear on your eyes, "Oh Boo, I'm so sorry...I'm so sorry you had to even think you needed to choose. You're getting us both and we're going to be so happy. Management is getting fired, and I'm sure boys will agree with that. I love you Y/N. I love you and I love our baby." You smiled gently, pressing your head against his chest. His heartbeats calmed you down instantly. "I love you too Zayn... Can we go to bed now?" you asked, making him kiss your lips passionately. "You, mommy, will go to bed, while I, daddy, am going to kick some management's asses. After that we'll sleep a whole week," his eyes were smiling when he rubbed your belly with his hand, "Close your eyes Boo, let our baby sleep. I'm going to keep you safe. You don't have to choose anything ever again. I love you both."

Niall: You sat on your bed, looking at the ceiling. Sun was coloring it to orange, making the room lighted. Your other hand was on your belly, holding it like it was going to leave you. Don't worry, baby Horan, mom will keep you. You knew it, even though it hurt like hell. You had to leave Niall. You just couldn't do an abortion. You couldn't let your own baby boy die, not even giving him a chance to live. You loved Niall more than anything, but you loved your son too. He was inside you, where no one else could harm him than you. And I'm not going to do that. Not even when I'm going to lose the best thing ever happened to me. I have to leave Niall. I have to. You buried your head to his pillow, breathing his scent while you cried. He was the one for you, you knew it, but you had no choice... His pillow made you feel safe, like you would be on his arms.. How could you ever leave him? He was everything you saw and felt and wanted... The sun was down when the door opened with a creek. "Princess?" he yelled, making you swallow your tears. I don't want to do this...I don't... He walked to the bedroom, blond hair messily up, snapback covering it. "Hey Princess," he said happily, kissing your cheek when he sat next to you on the bed. Your heart was full of pain, like someone what ripping it slowly. Management's voices were breaking you harshly, making it hard to breathe. He was so beautiful...But I need to choose. You need to. "Niall," you started, not able to even look at him. Your voice was shaking like leaf in a hard wind. His hands were around you, keeping you warm. "Yes princess?" his voice was so soft and familiar it made you fight back your tears. "I-I...We need to break up," you said, still looking down, when hot tears started to roll down your cheeks. You couldn't handle them anymore. It was too much. Niall tensed next to you. You could feel his eyes on you, making you sob even harder. "W-Why?" He asked, crying as well. His cries hurt you even more than his voice. You couldn't comfort him this time. "I-I just can't do this anymore," you sobbed, looking to your hands before trying to breathe normally again, "Hate and all." You could hear his muffled sobs next to you, when his hand reached yours, trying to keep you still. "No, princess, please. Don't leave me. I'm nothing without you, please! Don't leave me! I love you! I love you so fucking much!" his pleads were like knifes on your heart. You could feel every part of you breaking when he tried to keep you with him. "Please," he cried to your hair, trying to kiss your neck, scared that he wouldn't be able to do that ever again. His whisper broke you, leaving you fight with yourself. "I-I don't want to!" you almost screamed, now looking straight to his blue eyes. His eyes looked back at you confused, "You don't?" You sobbed, before shaking your head. "Then why?" Niall asked voice full of pain and tears. His fingers were tangled to yours, when he assured with his eyes that everything was going to be alright. "I'm pregnant and management made me choose between you or the baby and I'm sorry but I can't kill him! I can't!" you sobbed to his chest. He froze under you. "They did what?" his voice was so angry it made you chills. He raised your head with his fingers, looking at you with red eyes, "No one is going to take the baby or me away from you. No one. I can't believe they treated my princess like that. Fucking cunts..." You sighed, starting to sob again relieved. "Wait," Niall said, suddenly smiling like idiot, "I'm gona be a daddy?" You laughed through your tears, looking at him smiling, "yeah," A huge smile appeared to his face when he pulled you for a hug, kissing your face and neck. "A baby," he said, amazed, "I can't believe they almost took you away. I can't believe...I'm having a baby. This is unbelievable. I love you Y/N, and our baby!" He was rambling between sobs and kisses to your lips and your belly. He reached his phone to call boys and tell them what happened, but you stopped him with your hand, "Do you want to see a picture of your son before that?" He looked at you smiling like crazy, happy tears forming to his eyes when he pulled you to another hug, "Oh princess... I'm having a son! We're having a son!"

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