he mentions marriage

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Louis: “Stop, Louis! That seriously tickles!” You giggled as Louis’ tickled your sides. “Say it! Then I’ll stop!” He growls into your ear. “I-I won’t.” “Then I’ll just never stop tickling you. You have no other choice but to say it.” “F-Fine! Just stop first!” Louis finally pulled away. ”You’re the best boyfriend ever, Louis. There’s nobody better then you.” You sighed and leaned your head on Louis’ shoulder. “You’re so adorable.” He rested his head against yours. “And I can’t wait to marry you someday in the future…”

Liam: You’ve been sick with the flu for almost a week now and Liam practically left your side at all— only leaving to quickly grab you some food or medicine before returning to you. “Do you need anything else babe? A drink, some more soup, or how about some j-” “Liam,” You interrupted. “The only think I need is for you to come and cuddle with me. Nothing else.” Liam complied and slipped under the blankets next to you in bed, wrapping his arm around you to pull you close. “Thanks for taking care of me, Li.” You said as you nuzzled into his side. “It’s my job baby girl, in sickness and in health, remember?” He said and cause you to giggle. “We’re not married though, Liam.” “Not yet at least…”

Niall: “Would you ever want to have kids with me y/n?” Niall spoke, looking up from his plate of food. You practically choked on your food, “Where did that come from, Niall?” Niall simply shrugged and started eating again, completely avoiding all eye contact with you. “Seriously, Niall. What made you think about that?” You were honestly curious now since you and Niall talked about the future. “I was j-just thinking that I hope in 10 years we’ll finally be settling down in a small house in Ireland with a few munchkins around and m-maybe I’ll actually be able to call you my wife then…”

Zayn: “Do you ever think about the future?” Zayn pulled you closer to him as you both stared at the shining stars above you. Before you could reply, Zayn began again. “I mean like, What do you see in your future? I see you and I in a small, cute home, living close to my family and maybe even a little one on the way.” “Y-You want to have kids with me?” You were a bit shocked since he’s never talked about this before. “Of course and I want to make you mine.” “I already am yours, Zayn.” He shook his head. “I mean I want to make you mine officially, give you a ring and I’d let you handle all the wedding stuff cause I wouldn’t want to mess anything up…”

Harry: “Hiya wifey. I’ve missed you soo much.” Harry said as he wrapped his arms around your waist and lifted you off the ground. “I’m not your ‘wifey’, Harry. I’m your best friend.” You wrapped your legs around Harry’s waist so that he wouldn’t drop you. He shook his head and walked towards the couch before dropping you on in. You let out a quick squeal as you fell but once Harry lied on top of you, you groaned. “I’m just practicing the name for later. I’ll definitely be calling you that once we’re married.” He shrugged his shoulders and flipped you both over so that you we on top of him. “Because, whether you like it or not, I will marry you one day. Even if I have to drag you to the church, we’ll be getting married…”

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