Talking about having a baby

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Harry: The relationship had been serious for about seven months when he popped the question. No, not 'Will you marry me?' but instead 'What do you think about having kids?' At first you weren't sure you really wanted to answer that yet in the relationship; seven months in and already discussing children? But before you could answer, he was talking, telling you that he'd always wanted one or two kids, not more than he could handle, preferably a boy and a girl, but God doesn't always give you want you want. And then he was diving in deep, defining every aspect of his dream family: you, him, a son, and a daughter, a cat or dog or fish.Finally, he took a breath, giving you the chance to answer his original question. "I don't know. I've never really wanted kids because they cry a lot and they're just messy." You wrinkled your nose and looked over at him, watching you intently. "But now that I think about it, when I think about having those kids with you, I want them. I want them a lot." He grinned, reaching a hand over to envelop yours. "One day, Y/N, we'll have a perfect family."

Liam: He jumped straight into the topic of having kids. As soon as you'd shut the door behind you into the honeymoon suite, his lips were on yours and he was mumbling something about 'kids' and 'family' and it was all too much to handle for you so you pushed him away. "What are you saying, Li? You want to start trying for a kid now?" He nodded, trying to pull you back in, but you moved further away. "What's wrong with me wanting to have a family as soon as we can? I thought you wanted this just as much as me?" "I do want it, but now? You're going to be on tour nine months from now. And who knows where you'll be in the few years following that. I don't want to do it alone, Liam Payne. I want our children to know their father from personal experiences not magazines and news stories." Liam wrapped an arm around your waist, bringing you in for a kiss. "Hey, I understand, and I will be here with you all the way. But we can't wait for the fame to end and I don't want to wait years. That's why I want to start tonight, Y/N Payne. Plus a baby might give me the excuse to be home more."

Louis: "I want one." You groaned as you watched Louis playing with Harry's daughter. "We should have you, Lou. You're so good with kids, I want a baby." The smile that had been on his face as he played with the baby girl, faltered and his eyes flickered over to you. "What? Like now?" You laughed, "Obviously not right now. But yes, as soon as possible." Louis licked his lips, his blue eyes darting around the room. "Are - Are you sure we're ready to be parents, I mean, I'm really not very good at this." He looked right at the giggling girl on his lap, her fist wrapped around one of his fingers. "We'll be fine, just think about it, okay?" He nodded. "Yeah, I'll think about it."

Niall: It was your one year wedding anniversary and your parents had decided to throw a party for you and Niall with the whole entire family there. Everything was good and fun until one of your older relatives asked, "So when are there going to be some little ones joining the family?" Niall's cheeks went pink, his arms around your waist tightening slightly. "Oh, uh, we actually haven't talked about it. We're just focusing on us now." The woman's mouth went into a tight, bright lipstick line on her face, her penciled-on eyebrows furrowed. "These days you all wait too long to start on families. Back when I was married, you started on the wedding night and by this point of the marriage, if there wasn't at least a child on the way there was something wrong with you." After she walked away, you heard Niall let out a sigh. "I dunno if we're ready to be parents, Y/N." "You can't let her bother you. She doesn't have any kids and she's been married for forty-something years. The family says that her and her husband just never slept together except for the first time and after that it was separate beds and all that. Come on, lets go get something to us. We'll have kids when we're good and ready."

Zayn: All around you, all of your friends were getting pregnant, giving birth, and being too busy with their building families that you hardly saw them anymore. Their husbands were all normal guys, not members of a boy band that was hardly ever home. When Zayn was home, everything was all great and fine, but you'd never really talked about having a baby or even trying; you were still using protection and you'd been married for almost a year. "Zayn, wait," You said one night when he started kissing your neck. "We need to talk." You probably could've chosen better words than that, especially since he jerked away from you like he'd been electrocuted and he was looking at you like you'd tripped over his puppy. "Did I do something wrong?" "No, no. I just - I want to talk. About taking the next step." Zayn cocked his head to the side, his tongue running over his bottom lips. "Are we ever going to have children? Because it seems like everyone is having babies and here we are, nearly one year in and you're still using a damn condom!" Suddenly you were really upset about it, flopping back dramatically onto the mattress, burying your face in a pillow until you felt him rubbing his hand on your back and his head weighing down the pillow beside your head. "I've been wondering how long it was going to take you to ask. I thought you didn't want them which is why I haven't said anything." You turned your head to the side so that you could see him again. "No, I want a baby so badly. I -" He slammed his lips against yours, leaving you breathless, and getting straight to the baby-making time.

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