Another celebrity talks about you and he gets jealous

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Harry: "Do you wanna drink something?" Harry asked. You nodded and he let go of your waist, walking over to the bar. You then stopped dancing and walked around the venue, wanting to know what was going on at the after-show party, when something suddenly caught your attention. There were a few interviewers -who were invited of course- talking to celebritys. One of them was Robert Pattinson, an actor you always admired. They were talking about Breaking Dawn Part 2, as far as you could understand. But the interviewer quickly changed the topic. "So, Robert, lots of lovely ladies here tonight, am I right? Anyone catching your eye?" The actor nodded his head. "Well, they all look stunning! Especially that one Harry Styles' girlfriend, (y/n). She's gorgeous!" he replied. You blushed at his compliment and wanted to listen to his interview a bit more, but Harry was probably already back with your drinks, so you turn around, wanting to walk over to where you were dancing before, but then you saw him standing only a few inches away from you. He looked at Robert, then at you, then back at Robert and then again at you. You wanted to say something, but too quickly were Harry's lips on yours.

Niall: "[Y/N]?" Niall called from the bedroom, "C'mere and look at this!" "Coming!" you yelled back and put the dust wiper down, wondering what was so important. You walked in on him sitting on the bed with his notebook in his lap, asking "What is it?" as you took a seat next to him. "A fan just tweeted me a link to an interview of Zac Efron where he talks about you" he told you, letting the cursor wander over the desktop. "Zac Efron talks about me?!" you exclaimed excited. "Apparently" he mumbled and pressed 'play'. In the interview Zac talked about having a tiny crush on you and that he thinks that Niall is a lucky guy. As the interview came to a stop you couldn't help the big smile sketching across your face, but Nialls face didn't look as amused. "No need worry babe" you soothed and stood up, before bending down again and kissing his cheek, "You're the lucky guy, not him."

Liam: "AAAHHH" you screamed excited, jumping up and down your living-room. Liam ran in immediately. "What?! What is it?!" he asked, a bit of shock and worry in his voice. "Justin Bieber just followed me on twitter and called me pretty!" you squealed, jumping from foot to foot. "Wow...T-that's nice" he replied, sounding somewhat unhappy. "What's wrong, Liam?" you asked, coming to a stop from your jumping, letting him explain. "Well...I-It's just that you're never that happy, when I call you pretty." You giggled at his small insecurity. "But it means so much more to me when you tell me" you smiled. The corners of his mouth promptly rose and mirrored yours. You walkes closer to him. "Really?" "Really."

Louis: Since you were an actress it was an allday buisness for you to talk to celebritys. The other day you were at the set for your new movie, which you had a main role in next to Taylor Lautner! When a long taping day finally was over you were happy that Louis was going to pick you up. You waited with Taylor outside the studio, since he offered to wait with you till Louis would come. When you saw Louis' car you hugged Taylor and said your farwell, before hopping in the car to Louis. He just mumbled a quiet "Hi" and didn't say anything the first few minutes. Thinking he just had a bad day, you let him be, but then he broke the silence that surrounded you. "I don't like him" he scoffed and you turned your head to him. "Who? ...Taylor?" you questioned. "I heard him talking about you in some stupid ass interview of him" he grumbled, still looking at the street, not giving you single glance. "Awww. Boobear is jealous" you cooed and poked his cheek. "No need to be. We're just friends" you assured him and immediately brought a small smile to his lips.

Zayn: You were just scrolling through your twitter mentions when a conversation caught your eye. '@MaxTheWanted What do you think of Zayns girlfriend [Y/N]? #askmax' one of the The Wanted fans tweet read. '@[F/N] He doesn't deserve her tbh. She's too pretty for him #askmax' he replied. You just hoped that Zayn didn't see the tweet, but you knew he did when he came home pretty angry. You immediately greeted him with a big bear hug and a sweet kiss, trying to comfort him. "You don't think so. Do you?" he asked quietly. You shook your head. "No, of course not... If any, I don't deserve you" you whispered into his neck, making him shift. "Don't say that" he almost begged, hugging you tighter and kissing your temple.

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