Public bus

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Liam- It was a typical Tuesday morning. You were sat on the bus on the way to work just staring out of the window. All of a sudden you were jolted out of your day dream by this very attractive looking guy "excuse me, but can I sit here there are no other spaces?" he asks, you were mind blown, you have just realised the Liam James Payne has asked he can sit next you,! "s-sure" you stutter "thanks". You two sat in silence for a while until he decided to break it "I'm Liam, but telling by your face you already knew that, what's your name!" he laughs "(Y/N)" "Nice to meet you (Y/N), what's a pretty girl like you doing on an old tatty bus?" "I was going to ask the same thing" you say.

Niall- 'oh god' you thought, you were going to miss the bus, you bolted out of the house and ran to the bus stop, luckily you made it just in time. As you got on the bus you saw that there were no seats except near the back, next to a man in a hoodie, 'Ok here it goes' you think, you are a very shy person. "Hi can I sit here ple..." 'OMG it is Niall Horan, Niall Horan is on the same bus as me, ok stay calm, you can do this' you thought "shhhh, you can sit here if you promise not to scream my name, ok?" he whispered "o-ok" you stutter "Hi I'm (Y/N)" you say suddenly gaining a confidence boost. "Niall, but judging by your t-shirt you already knew that" he laughs.

Louis- 'Shit' you thought as you made your way to the bus stop, your ex boyfriend was there, and he has this thing for you that he can't get over. "Hi (Y/N)" he says while walling over to you "hey" you say as nicely as possible " do you want to came round to mine so we can talk" he asks "sorry (Y/exbf/N) I am going into town" " oh come on please" he says grabbing your arm. "No (Y/exbf/N)" "yes!" "Hey get your hands off her" a voice shouts "back of will you" your ex boyfriend says "no, now get off her before a punch you so hard you won't dare show your face ever again" he was a lot taller than (Y/esxbf/N) is so (Y/esxbf/N) quickly let go of you and ran off "thank you so much" you say while rubbing your arm "hey don't mention it." as you look up you realise it is Louis Tomlinson from One Direction "OMG you're Louis Tomlinson" "yes I am, now would you like to sit next to me on the bus, you seem like you need some company" "yes, I would love to" you beam.

Zayn- You had just left the cafe and was walking to the bus stop to go home. "Hey, you with the blue shirt wait" you heard someone say. You turned around and saw a very handsome man about the same age as you run towards you. "Hey, you left your phone on the table" he pants "OMG thank you so much" you say "oh it's nothing, so what's your name?" "(Y/N), and you are Zayn Malik" "Haha, well a beautiful name for a beautiful girl" he says, your cheeks turn a dark shade of red "are you catching the bus?" "Yeah I am on my way home" you say "Well me too, would you like to sit next to me (Y/N) so I can get to know you" "Of course"

Harry- It was very late at night and you where the only one on the bus, your boss made you work extra and you where exhausted! You turned to look at the door as it opened and in comes a curly haired man, he turned to walk down the bus and you realised it was Harry Styles 'Harry fucking Styles is on the same bus as me' you thought, he came and sat opposite you. As the journey went on you where glancing at him every once in awhile and he was doing the same, soon he came and sat next to you, he smiled and and you just melted, he was so hot!! "Hi I'm harry, what's your name?" "(Y/N)" you say. "Hi (Y/N) what are you doing on here so late?"

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