He's protective

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Niall: "Babe, do you want to go get some coffee?" your boyfriend of a year, Niall asked. "Sure, should we go now?" you asked. He nodded and took your hand. The ride to the coffee shop was surprisingly fast. Once you got there you saw that there was a lot of paparazzi waiting for your arrival. Niall knew how you were claustrophobic. He took your hand when you got out of the car. He held you close as you guys walked into the coffee shop. When you got inside he looked over at you and whispered sweet little nothings into your ear and he reassured you that everything was okay. "Thanks for being the best boyfriend, Niall. I love you." "Of course. Only the best for you, (Y/N)! I love you too."

Zayn: You were 4 months pregnant with Zayn's child. So far everything in the pregnancy was going smoothly and Zayn was being the best boyfriend ever. One morning you woke and went downstairs to make breakfast for you and Zayn. You decided on making pancakes, as you were looking for the flour on the highest shelf in the cabinet you felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist. "Babe, what are you doing?" he asked. "I'm making breakfast but I can't reach the flour." "(Y.N), what did I tell you about reaching up there? If you need something on a high shelf ask me, I don't want you or the baby to get hurt." he said. You giggled as he kissed your face. "You're so protective,babe. I promise next time I will ask for your help." you laughed. He got the flour down and you both made breakfast together.

Louis: Lately, the hate has been out of control. No matter where you went there was always someone yelling stuff at you and all you mentions were full of hate, still having some nice comments here and there though. You didn't want to bother Louis with it because you thought you could deal with it by yourself. One day you couldn't take it anymore, Louis was at the studio and you were curled up in bed crying. After what felt like hours you heard Lou walking through the bedroom door. He immediately knew something was wrong when he walked in to the dark and quiet room. He laid down next to you and asked "baby? (Y/N)? What's wrong?" as he wrapped his arms around you. "The hate." "Babe, don't listen to them. They don't know us personally and they don't know how much I love you." "I love you too, Lou. Thank you for making me feel SO much better." you mumbled into his chest as you slowly drifted to sleep. Later on when you woke up you saw that Louis tweeted saying "@Louis_Tomlinson: Guys please stop giving (Y/N) hate! I love her more than anyone in this world & I hate seeing her so upset" You were thankful to have such an amazing boyfriend.

Harry:You and your sister never really got along, for some reason she was always in competition with you. When you started dating Harry her jealousy seemed to get worse. One day she showed up at your guys' home when you at work, for Harry it was awkward but he didn't want to be rude so he let her in. You had gotten off early so you were walking into your house when you heard them talking. "Why are you with her?" your sister asked, you stopped and listened to Harry's reply in the hallway near the living room. "Excuse me?" he asked. "Why are you with her...when you could have me?" she moved closer to him but he pushed her away. "Because she is the one I love more than anything. She's definitely better than you. How could you try and do that to your sister?" he asked. Right when she was about to answer him you walked in and said "you should leave, (Y/S/N)" they both looked at you in shock. You walked to Harry and gave him a kiss, while you sister looked at you guys and walked away. "I love you more than anything too, Harry Styles." You smiled up at him.

Liam:The day had finally come, after hours of labor you had given birth to your beautiful little girl Isabelle. You had fallen asleep after the crowd in the room had died down, it was just the three of you. A couple hours you woke up and heard Liam's voice "Baby girl, you will always be safe with me. From this day forward I will do nothing but love and protect you. I love you more than anything in this world, other than your mother. No one will ever hurt you, love." You felt tears as you smiled at your both of them. Liam looked up and saw you watching them. "Hey babe, how long have you been up?" he asked as he walked over to you. "Long enough to hear your speech. I love you, Li. Thank you for giving me the family I've always wanted." you said with a smile. He gave you a kiss and handed you your daughter. "All I need in this world is both my girls" he said as he sat next to you on the bed. You were both happy to have your baby girl in your arms.

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