He asks you to run away with him

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Niall: For so long you'd wanted out of there. You hated the town you lived in; it was miserable and lots of people had decided it was one of the most miserable places to live. You only wanted away, like most people do, but you honestly couldn't stand living there. When you met Niall you expected all of that to change, but for the longest time it didn't because he never got to see just how miserable you felt when you were at home. But finally he came to visit you and saw that you truly hated it there. But you were in school and you had a job there and you had family and friends. "Run away with me?" He asked you one day when you really just couldn't take it anymore. "Come live in London with me." He begged you. "Start a new life with me there and we'll be happy, Y/N. Please just come with me." It didn't take much prodding from him at all to convince you to say yes. Twenty-four hours later you were out of there, already enjoying the freedom.

Zayn: Your parents never did approve of him. They just couldn't stand the fact that for once you were actually happy. You were seventeen and they hated Zayn, they believed that he was a bad influence on you so they were trying to get a restraining order taken out on him for you. But you didn't want that so when you went to tell him of their plan, he suggested you run away together and leave them far behind. You didn't really want to because you would be leaving everything that you knew behind and then what would you have in life? "You'll have me, boo." He told you, a sweet smile curving his lips. "But what if you leave me?" Your bottom lip trembled, filled with fear of the unknown. "That'll never happen, I love you too much, Y/N."

Liam: It was literally the night before the wedding when you started feeling cold feet. Not about marrying Liam, no you would never not want to marry him. You were just nervous about the fact that both your mother and his had gone all-out on this wedding, making it one of the most extravagant and well-publicized weddings of the year. It was going to be like a Kardashian wedding or even just one level down from the Royal Wedding. You were definitely feeling the nerves. So you called Liam and expressed to him about how you weren't so sure that you wanted to go through with the huge event tomorrow. At first he was hurt, thinking that it was all his fault, but then your eased his worried mind by telling him that it was the one thousand guests in addition to all of the cameras and such that were going to be there. "I get it, Y/N. I don't really want all of that either. It was kind of just our mother's, right? I just wanted a small, calm wedding with family and a few friends." You agreed with him and then he took a deep breath, "Why don't we just run away and get married somewhere else. Like Las Vegas." He laughed after that, meaning it as a joke, but you didn't take it that way. "Yeah, let's do it." And three hours later, you were sneaking out of your house, your wedding dress carefully stored in a suitcase so as not to create wrinkles and you were hopping into Liam's car. By the time your plane landed in Vegas, it was all over the news that Liam and you were missing, and rumors were flying around that the whole thing had been called off. Straight from the airport you went to a wedding chapel, secretly getting married there with only the elderly woman who owned the place and the man who made the marriage official.

Louis: That night was a whirlwind of memories. You couldn't pinpoint a single moment when you started enjoying it, but suddenly you had been thrown into a group of people, unsure of where they were headed and you quickly realized that you were headed to Louis Tomlinson. He seemed like he was the typical 'popular class clown' but nevertheless he welcomed you into his little group of people. Everything blurred by in the heat of the fun night and soon you found yourself leaning against him, laughing until your ribs felt like they were cracking and tears were pouring down both of your faces at things that weren't even funny. Who knows how, but the two of you just got along and fit together like a two-piece puzzle. But like all nights, it had to end. Everyone disappeared as the night wore on and on but then in the end it was Louis, you, and one other guy who seemed pretty cool as well. Louis had been telling you that he was going on an actual roadtrip with a couple friends around America and as the sky got lighter, he had to go, he had to get into his car and drive to the airport. He saw the dreamy, faraway look in your eyes as he told you where all they were going. So when his friend pulled up to the curb where the two of you stood, he opened the back door and slid inside, leaning back out to ask you, "You coming or what?" How could you resist?

Harry: You hated it. Seeing him get mobbed with girls pounding their fists on his back, screaming for him, tearing at his shirt and shoving their hands and phones and faces into his face. Security tried their best to help, but it was no use, still he lost layers of skin from fingernails, strips of tshirts, and several times his phones were damaged. When you went to visit him it was absolute chaos. You knew how they'd treated Eleanor when she visited, and you figured it might be a little bit worse for you since your relationship was newer than theirs, but you never expected it to be as bad as it was. You literally had Harry clamping onto your hand for dear life, a circle of security around the two of you and each of them had a hold on you. Somehow fans still managed to reach through and tug at your hair and clothes and shove their phones into your face, blinding you, tripping you, making you stumble, and go deaf because of their cries of joy or anger at seeing the two of you. Once you were safely barricaded inside a safe spot, Harry started examining you for injuries or missing jewelry or anything. "Harry, really I'm fine, but you not so much." He had a scrape on his arm that was bleeding. You called one of the security guys over and he pulled a first aid kit out of nowhere, cleaning and putting a band-aid over the small wound. All the while, your boyfriend was mumbling under his breath. "I fucking hate it. There hasn't been a single day these past two weeks when I haven't been mobbed. They're getting out of control. I need a break from all of their fucking bullshit." Now he couldn't exactly run away to a different city or country or anywhere. They would find him no matter what. It was almost like they were mindless zombies and he was the only thing that they were hungry for. So instead of running away, he stayed put, holing up in his hotel room with you, keeping you close and hardly ever out of his sight. You both ran away into your own little world. And it lasted at least for a little while to hold him over until the next time.

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