You can't have kids

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you pick what boy

It's been about three months since you and (b/n) started to try to make a baby. It's what you both really wanted and you were happy that you had time to try for one since the boys' schedule has calmed down. The only problem was that every time you felt like you had symptoms of pregnancy your pregnancy tests came out negative. Every time you saw that little minus sign your heart broke just a little more. And (b/n), well he tried his best to act like it wasn't a problem but you knew that he was hurt.

This time was different than the other times, instead of taking a home pregnancy test you went to the doctors office. (b/n) had gone along with you because he was eager to know if you were pregnant and so were you. You had been sitting patiently in the waiting room waiting for your name to be called. "(y/n) (y/l/n)!" the nurse said, you got up and followed her to the back room. "Wait here, the doctor should be in here soon." she said as she walked out.

"Ready to find out, babe. I'm so excited.!" (b/n) said, practically jumping his seat. "Yeah and so am I. I hope this time I am pregnant. This time feels different than the other times." you said and looked at him with a smile. You guys sat in a comfortable silence until the doctor came in 5 minutes later.

"Hi, (y/n). I understand that you want a pregnancy test done today?" your doctor said/ "Yes, I am." you answered with a big smile. "Okay, well we need to draw blood and run some test. Not only a pregnancy test but others just to make sure you're perfectly healthy. Is that okay with you?" he asked. "That's fine."

*Skip the blood drawing*

"Well I have the test in my hand," he said as you and (b/n) looked at each other. (b/n) grabbed your hand into his and you both looked at the doctor waiting for the news. "I'm sorry to say that you aren't pregnant." he said with a sympathetic look on his face. Tears streamed down your face and (b/n) pulled you into a hug.

"I'm sorry Ms.(y/l/n). I have more news for you. One of the tests we took show that you have a low egg count. That could be the reason behind why you have not been able to conceive a baby these last few months."

You hearing that made you even more sad but you need to get answers, "What does that mean? Can I ever have kids." "Babe, calm down. So, can you explain what our options are?" (b/n) said to you and then asked the doctor. Still holding onto your hand and trying to comfort you the best he can.

"Well we can inject you with hormones that may help you conceive but there are no guarantees. We start off with a low dosage and we can up the dosage if we need to. But like I said there in no guarantee that this will work."

"I'll do anything, when can I start." you asked, very eagerly. You were willing to do anything. A baby is all you and (b/n) have been talking about and you wanted to be able to give him what he wanted.

"We can start next week. You should go home and get some rest. I'll make an appointment for you and I'll send you a notice. Have a good day." He said, as he shook both your hands and walked out of the room.

*in the car*

You had been quiet the whole time after the doctor left the room. "Talk to me, (y/n). I'm here for you. Please don't shut me out." (b/n) said, his voice was low.

"What do you want me to say, huh?" you looked at him with tears rolling down your face. "You should just leave me and find someone who can give you a baby. I can't do that for you. I don't want to be the one to hold you back from having a family." you had broken down.

He pulled over and looked at you. "Don't say that. I will never leave you. I love you too much. Baby, I'm here for you. We will get through this together. We have options and we can explore them. Please don't push me away."

You looked up at him and he pulled you into a hug. You cried into his arms. "Stop, crying babe. We will get through." he said, again.

"Okay, I'm sorry for my outburst." you said. And held on to him tighter.

You guys held each other awhile and then you got back on the road back home. You knew that everything would be okay as long as (b/n) was by your side.

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