Bad treating infront of fans (part 1)

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Harry: Hand in hand, Harry and you were walking down the streets of London. You just finished shopping and were about to enter the car, when some fans walked up and immediately hit you with questions. "Harry, can we have a photo?", "Harry, can I touch your curls?", "Harry, can you take off your shirt?" were only some of them. "Jesus Christ" you mumbled under your breath and cuddled closer into Harry's side. Closer and closer, since you never loved being around people. "[Y/N], don't" Harry demanded and pushed you away. "But Harry-" you started, but he cut you off. "Just leave for a minute." "But-" "Go!" he said a bit louder this time. He never talked to you like that and you were shocked at his manner. But you just did what he demanded and left him alone, walking home by your own.

Niall: That day Niall was coming back from tour. He was away for 2 month and because of school you couldn't visit him. For sure you were excited to finally see him again. You were talking to some fans, while waiting for Niall to arrive at the airport when finally the gates opened and the boys came out. Immediately the fans ran over to them, but Liam, Harry, Louis and Zayn were already getting escorted outside to the cars by some bodyguards. Since you were waiting for Niall he didn't need a drive home, but instead of greeting you Niall just flashed you a smile and walked over to the fans. You were positiv he saw you because of the smile but just ignored you and signed some stuff. You were pissed and decided to do the same to him and just went home without him.

Liam: Liam had a day off and you two went for a walk around LA, just enjoying eachothers company. When you came out of a small coffe shop, where you got yourself a drink, a bunch of fans were heading straight towards you. "Hi Liam!" a girl around the age of 13 greeted. "Hey love" Liam greeted back and let go of your hand, gently shoving you to the side. You were confused and tried to get his attention by saying his name, "Liam?" No response. "Liam", "Liam", "Liam!" you tried again but no reply was spoken. He completely ignored you and rather signed some fan's stuff. You gave up after two more tries and walked over to a nearby bench, waiting for Liam to finish.

Louis: You and Louis walked around the mall and did some shopping, catching up on the time where you couldn't see eachother because of tour. You were both carrying many bags, almost finished with all of your shopping, when some directioners walked up to you. "I love you Louis!" one girl shouted, causing Louis to chuckle. "Can you sign some stuff for us, please?" they asked, getting out ther fan merchandise. "'Course" he agreed and handed you the bags he carried before, so that you were then holding almost 15 bags in your tiny arms. But the worst thing however was that he didn't response when you told him that the bags were to heavy for you. He just contiuned signing. You were annoyed by him and decided to punish him by making him walk the 3 miles way home, taking the car just for you.

Zayn: Zayn suggested a day at the fun fair and you gladly agreed to. When you were munching on some cotton candy you saw some girls walking straight towards to where you and Zayn were standing and you knew they were directioners, so you immediately wrapped your arms around Zayn's torso to show them that he was yours. "Hey Zayn" one girl grinned, "Can we take a photo with you?- I mean when this slut would let go of you?" Zayn looked down at you and then back up at the girl. "Sure" he replied and pushed you backwards. The girl seemed satisfied with herself and you were genuinely shocked, because that wasn't Zayn at all and that wasn't how a boyfriend should treat his girl. He should've defended you, but no, instead he almost made you trip and fall. You felt the tears well up in your eyes and quickly left Zayn to have fun with his 'fans'.

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