stress crying

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Harry: Your lips pouted as you frantically tried to sort out all of the papers on your floor, a frustrated grunt falling from your lips when you realized that you’re missing a few of them. Your vision blurred as you felt as though all the strength in your limbs evaporated. How were you going to get all of this done by tomorrow? Why did your boss choose you? Does she hate you? You crawled around, randomly stacking them together. “What’s the matter, Baby?” Harry strolled in, kneeling down next to you, his hand hovering over your back. When you don’t respond, it doesn’t seem to faze him one bit. “Okay…” He mumbled, eyeing the papers carefully. “We can figure this out later, yeah?” He suggested, ignoring the shaking of your head. His lips pressed against your temple. “Shh, just take a deep breath…”

Niall: You frowned at the stack of dirty dishes in the sink, rolling up your sleeves as you forced yourself to tackle the task, despite the fact that you’ve been working all day. The fact that you were drained of energy was evident when a plate slipped from your hands and fell to the floor into bits and pieces by your feet. “Babe, what happened?” Niall asked, running out of the other room to you. Your lip quivered as you looked up to him with glossy eyes and flustered cheeks. Niall smiled reassuringly at you before carefully stepping around the glass and getting to you, gripping your hips before hoisting you up onto the counter and away from the shards of glass. Apologies escaped your lips continuously as he wiped your tears with the sleeve of his shirt, shushing you gently. “You’re fine, [Y/N]. I’ve got ya.”

Liam: You never worked well under pressure, and the pressure to deliver a speech in front of your entire school was eating away at you day after day. “Liam,” You asked after another failed attempt at writing your speech. “I can’t do this.” You voice shook as you let the words out, and Liam’s face softened at your confession. “[Y/N]…” He started, but stopped when he saw that you were crying. “No, Babe. You stop that.” He smiled softly at you as he pulled you into his chest, rocking you back and forth gently as your hands gripped at the fabric of his t-shirt. “I know you pretty well, don’t I?” Liam asked, earning a soft nod form you. “Well, I happen to know that my girlfriend is amazing at giving speeches. She gave an amazing speech at her friend’s wedding, and at her work.” He said, sneaking a quick peck to your temple. “And I know she’ll do great on her next speech, too.”

Louis: You hung up your jacket by the door and trudged up the stairs to your room, ignoring the calls of your mother, coming from the kitchen. You kicked your shoes off, throwing yourself on to the bed. You groaned as the flashing lights of your cellphone disturbed your silence, scowling as you brought the phone up to your ear, mumbling a hello to the person on the other side. “You sound exhausted..” He said smoothly, and you could almost see his deep blue eyes softly smiling at you. Your eyes watered as you thought about how far away he was, your throat closing up as you held beck a sob. “[Y/N]? Are you there?” His cheery voice faltered, and you mumbled a yes. He took a deep breath on the other line, “I wish I could be there with you, I hate not being able to hold you on days like this.” He hummed, “I guess a phone call is better than nothing, though.” He chuckled, “I just want you to know, that even though everything might feel terrible to you, everyone has those days, yeah? And everyone has survived these days.” He paused. “And so will you, Love.”

Zayn: “[Y/N], I’m home!” Zayn’s voice sang from the door way as the sound of his shoes hitting the wooden floor echoed, through the house. “[Y/N]? Are you hiding from me?” He asked teasingly, but was met with the faint sound of crying. “Where are you, babe?” He asked, throwing his jacked down on the sofa before hopping up the stairs quickly, throwing the bedroom door open. His eyes scanned the room quickly; your school bag was obviously slammed down to the floor, it’s contents spilling out haphazardly, and your phone was resting on the desk, far away from you. “It’s okay, babe…” He whispered whilst crouching down in front of you. You sniffled, avoiding his gaze and rubbing at your eyes stubbornly. “I failed my test, Zayn.. How do I tell my parents? I’ve never gotten an F in my life! Will they let me come home for the weekend anymore? What if they disown me?” You sobbed, and Zayn huffed, an amused smile (which he tried his best to restrain) pulling at his lips. “Listen, okay?” He asked, pulling you firmly to his chest. “You’re going to retake that test, yeah? And when you pass with flying colors, which I know you’re going to do, then you can call your parents.” You looked up at Zayn. “I don’t have to tell them?” Your eyes were wide. Zayn winked, “What test are you talking about [Y/N]? You haven’t taken your test yet, it’s next week!”

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