He breaks up with you 2

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Liam: You had changed your phone number to avoid the phone calls and the texts and deleted your twitter so that the fans would stop sending you hate. You had moved away so that the few haters that had found you wouldn't be able to find you anymore. So Liam was at a loss for how to contact you when all he wanted was to see your face in person again. And then one day he ran into one of your friends and pulled her away to ask her how you were and all of those questions. She frowned up at him. "Didn't you hear, Liam, she's getting married in two months to an asshole named John." His heart broke all over again until she explained that you weren't all that much invested into the relationship and that John was pressuring you into it and he was abusive and a drunk and everything that you never wanted in a man. She told him where to find you when you wouldn't be with John and Liam quickly left to go find you. You were sitting alone in a cafe, your back to the window, and head bowed down so that your hair would cover the bruise blooming across your cheekbone that you'd tried so hard to hide with makeup. When he dropped down in the chair in front of you, you winced, thinking for a brief second that he was John and he was going to start a scene. It wouldn't have been the first time. But you looked up and saw it was Liam with his warm brown eyes and a worried smile morphed his lips. "Liam," You choked out, your voice still scratchy from screaming the night before. "Y/N, please don't stay with him." He reached across the table to push your hair behind your ear, his finger lightly brushing against the bruise. "Please, love, come back to me." And you wanted to but the words wouldn't leave your mouth and you knew that John would find you and kill you for making a fool out of him two months before the wedding, so you started sobbing. Liam took it all into his own hands; he brought you back to his house, laid with you in his bed that you still remembered, he sang you to sleep, wiped away your tears, and kissed all of the bruises and scars and scratches. "Please, babe. Just stay."

Louis: Things went sour in his other relationship. The other girl turned into a fame-whore, sucking in the limelight and thinking that she was better than everyone else because of who her boyfriend was. Louis didn't like that, he liked down-to-earth girls who didn't let the fame cloud their minds and make them forget that they actually weren't a gift from the gods. So he dumped her and showed up on the doorstep of the apartment that you'd taken over as soon as he moved out. He begged for you to take him back in. "Why should I? You're the one that left me with absolutely no explanation. So tell me, Louis Tomlinson, give me one reason to take you back." He floundered around like a fish out of water, searching for the right answer to your question as he stood out in the freezing cold air on the doorstep. "Because I love you and I'm sorry that I never told you and that I left you because I wanted more. But now I realize that you were the best thing that ever happened to me. You're perfect in everyway even if you don't realize and I regret everything I ever said and did with her." He blurted out in one long rush of words. "So please, Y/N, take me back." "You have one more chance, Tommo. Screw that up and you're back out on the street."

Niall: Three months passed by and you were still mad at him. Every time anyone mentioned him whether it be in person, on the radio, on Tv, on the Internet, or even in a magazine, you would end it by walking away or turning it off. You didn't want to hear about that girl he went home with after he got wasted at a club. You didn't want to see the pictures of him as he wandered around on the beaches. Because of that, you never saw the way that he was actually wasting away in front of the cameras and the bright lights. Something was missing from him and he was fading away. It took him a while, but he eventually realized that and went looking for you. You nearly slammed the door in his face when you saw it was him, but he squeezed inside before you could. "I miss you." He confessed, looking at you from under the worn snapback with dulled blue eyes. "I'm falling apart without you. For the past few weeks you're all I've been able to think about, Y/N." His rough fingers ran over your arms, pulling your hands into his. "I know that we argued about everything, but were we ever really unhappy?" Finally, you stopped him. "Niall, you're the one that left me. You're the one that was unhappy with how we were. You walked away from me and now you're saying that you want me back. All this time I've been wishing for this very moment to happen, and now it's here, but I'm not so sure that I actually do want you to be my boyfriend again." His jaw dropped, sort of shocked that you wouldn't want him. "I want you to still be a part of my life, but maybe just as friends for right now and then we'll see how we move on from there." Niall nodded sadly. "So do you want to come watch a movie with me. Just as friends of course." You suggested, immediately brightening his face.

Zayn: The last time you'd seen him had been the wedding, but there he stood in front of you, tearful hazel eyes cast down towards the ground as you walked towards him. A funeral. You smoothed the black fabric of your dress down and then walked the last few steps towards him. "Hey, Zayn. I'm sorry about your grandmother." It had been a heart attack and you knew that only Zayn and his mum had been there when it had happened. You could see the look in his eyes, so you wrapped your arms around him, and he buried his face in your shoulder, squeezing you tightly to him. When the hug was ended, he pulled you away from the rest of his family members. Pushing some hair out of your face with one hand, he gazed into your eyes. "Y/N, I - I know what I said at that wedding about not seeing myself as able to settle down. But ever since -" He cleared his throat and looked down at the ground then continued speaking. "Ever since her death, I've been thinking that I wouldn't want to not be there for you. I wouldn't want to always be wondering where you are and how your day was and if you're alright. I want to be with you forever, until death, so I can stand there beside our children and grandchildren at your funeral and tell them all of the wonderful stories that you never wanted me to tell them before. I want you to be waiting for me on the other side." He hadn't made eye contact once since he started the little speech, but you knew that he meant it. You lifted his chin with your fingertips and his eyes touched yours. "I want that too. All of it." He smiled and pulled you closer, his lips finding yours, mending the break in the relationship.

Harry: You were sitting on the bank of a river in America. It was extremely warm, the night air was heavy and thick on your skin like a sweater, bugs swarmed through the crowds of people, snacking on them like it was a buffet. It was the fourth of July and the city's fireworks display was meant to start at any moment. You were with a friend who just so happened to also be friends with your ex. She hadn't mentioned Harry since you'd first arrived two days after he broke up with you, but the way she'd been throwing you looks all day, you felt like that was about to change. "Hey, Y/N, will you go buy me a lemonade and some popcorn at that snack stand over there?" She was stuck in the middle of a group of people while you were on the outside of the blanket, so she handed you the money and you had to swim through the sea of red, white, and blue people to get to the food. As soon as you reached it you saw a pair of very familiar green eyes on the other side of the food booth, looking through the windows and the people to see you. He smiled and waved, but you ignored him and ordered the food. As the man behind the window handed you the plastic cup and red and white cardboard container, you looked past him to see that Harry had vanished. You thanked him and turned around just to bump into the ghost from your past. "God, Harry, what are you doing here?" "I was looking for you. Y/F/N said that you were going to be here." He followed you back over to the large blanket where all of your friends were sitting. "Why did you want to see me? You're the one that broke up with me, remember?" He sighed and sat down in the free spot right next to you. "I didn't want to break up with you, that's why I'm here." "Right so when you said 'I want to break up' you meant that you wanted to go out for dinner. How silly of me to assume that you meant you wanted to go back to being single." You started to stand up, but he looped his arms around you, bringing you crashing back onto the ground. "No, Y/N. I didn't want to. Management told me I should break it off with you because we were getting too serious too fast and the fans didn't like it. But a few days after you left I just thought 'Fuck the fans, fuck management. I love her, it doesn't matter what they think.' I love you, babe." Just then the first firework whistled through the air and exploded overhead in a shower of green and gold. "But how do I know that it won't happen again. What if they threaten you or something?" You asked him. "I won't care because I'll have you. You're all I need." You wrinkled your nose at his cheesy words and at the acrid smell that drifted in with the breeze. "You say weird things, Styles. But I agree." And then you wrapped your fingers around his and leaned against him as you both watched the lights explode in the sky.

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