he leaves you for his ex, regrets it and wants you back (Liam)

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   You sighed at you stood in the kitchen, watching Liam smile every time her got a text. You knew something was up, but when you bring it up Liam would always yell that you didn’t trust him. You where getting close to your breaking point. You just wanted to get the truth on who he’s texting and why.

      Liam proposed to you a month ago and ever since he was acting strange and texting non-stop. You wanted to know what you did wrong. You sighed taking a sip of your tea. Watching your life go downhill.

      Liam got up and you watched him walk to the bathroom and close the door. Your head snapped to his phone on the coffee table. You knew you shouldn’t but you had too. You slowly made your way over and picked up his phone. You swiped to unlock it. Tears threatened to fall as you saw the texts on the screen.

Liam: I’m sorry babe, I promise I only love youxx

Sophia: Then why does the bitch have a ring on her finger?

Liam: I’m going to brake off the engagement soon, just wait babe. I love you not herxx

Sophia: Fine, come you come over soon. I’m wear your favorite lace underwear ;) xx

Liam: That’s good to hear ;) I’ll clear myself up and tell (Y/N) a excuse and I’ll be there soon xx

     A tear slid down your cheek as you read the texts. You lightly placed his phone down and walks over to the kitchen then grabbed a piece of paper. You shakily started to wrote.

Dear Liam.

I saw the texts, you got what you wanted the engagement is off. What did I do wrong? I did so much for you. I left my family for you. I’ve never even spoken with my mother or father for months because of this. I just hope you’re happy with your decision. I hope you’re happy that you shattered my heart

From, (Y/N)

     You sniffled before sliding the ring off your finger and placing it on the note. You quickly ran up to the room and packaged your bag. You grabbed your keys and put your shoes on. making a beeline to the door. You got in your car and drove away not looking back.

     You pulled over on the side off the road close to a park and you broke down. The love of your life, left you for the girl that broke him so many times. You barely had any friend and they where all far away. You didn’t know where to go.

     After calming down a little a thought came to your mind. It was the only place to go. So you drove off hoping they would take you in.

     You finally drove to the house you never thought you would see again. You sighed shakily and walked to the door wiping a tear away. You knocked on the door hesitantly and later it opened. “M-Mom.” You choked out and she just looked at you emotionless. Before closing the door on you, having no where to go.

 You wished your life got better after finding out that Liam is leaving you for Sophia and your mom not taking you in but, sadly things don’t always be happy like fairy tales.

       You lived in your car for awhile, trying your best to find a job. You regretted letting Liam convince you to leave your job to let him provide. You went threw jobs and jobs and finally have enough money to by a apartment. You where still struggling to pay rent. The job that finally kept you was just a waitressing job at a small diner.

       You finished your shift at the diner and walked to the apartment. You saw the owner bringing the stuff out of the apartment. “What the hell is going on?” You yell, running over. The man looked at you and held up a piece of paper. “You’ve been kicked out (Y/N), you haven’t been paying rent.” You looked at him in shock. “I told you I was going to give it to you soon, I just need time.” You said desperate and He shook his head. “Rules are rules (Y/N), i’m sorry but you have to move the rest of your stuff.” He said walking back into the building.

       ”Fuck!” You yelled and kicked one of the boxes. You slowly made your way to your old room. “Why, did my life had to end this way.” You sigh, grabbing one of the packed boxes and bringing them to your car. 

You finished putting your stuff back in your car. “Living in my car again yay for me.” You sniffles slightly and go in your car and start driving to place that will always calm you down.

       You drove to the close by park and you parked your car at the side of the road. You got out of the car and walked down the the trail and admirer the fall leaves. Took a deep breath of the fresh air and walked to the familiar bench, in front of a small lake.

       You sat down and watched the ducks swim around in the water. “How could’ve my life end like this? What did I do to deserve this?” You sighed and you felt someone side next to your on the bench. “If you life turned out bad the person that started it is extremely sorry.” You heard a familiar voice say and you looked at him. “Yes Liam my life turned to hell because of you.” You spat.

       You tried to walk away but you felt a hand lightly grab on to your wrist. Not letting you go

 ”Let go.” You growled slightly before looking at the boy that turned your life to hell. “W-What happened after you left?” He asked shakily, trying to fight off tears. “What do you suddenly care?” You spat and pain showered over his face. “I always did.” He said.

       You scuffed. “Oh really. If you cared you never would’ve went with Sophia and left me with nothing. You truly want to know what happened? Well Liam I ended up on the streets because of you. Remember that little detail that I left my family to be with you. My mom, the person who is suppose to always help you when you’re stuck, slammed the door right in my face, leaving me too live in my car. Not forgetting the fact that because of you convincing me to let you take care of me, I had no job. I had job after job, saving my money to get an apartment that I just got kicked out of today because, I didn’t have enough money for rent. Liam that’s what happened.” You yelled with tears freely falling down.

      You took a deep breath trying to calm yourself, when you herd a sob. “I’m s-sorry (Y/N).” Liam choked out. “I should’ve tried to find you faster.” He sniffles and you looked at him slightly confused. “Find me?” You asked and he looked at you with watery eyes. “I made a mistake falling for Sophia’s trap. She was just proving to her friends that she could get me to fall for her in no time. I herd her when I was going to end things when I saw your note with the ring.” He said stuttering on some words, trying not to break down. “I screamed at her soon as I herd but not wasting too much time because I wanted to apologize. I wanted you and only you to be in my arms and have this ring on your finger once again.” He took the engagement ring out of his pocket and looked at it sadly. “But, I know that it’s going to be a long shot for you to take this again.”

     You felt yourself break from Liam story. Should you believe his story? Or even go back with him? “Liam, I’m just not sure.” You sadly and all the hope left in his face. “At least come stay with me until you get yourself back up.” He begged and you nodded. “Only to get back on my feet.”

- 3 months later-

      “Liam stop!” You laugh as he threw bubbles at you. “That is not washing the dishes.” You giggles and he shrugs. “Well the normal way isn’t fun one bit.” He said matter-o-factly and you rolled your eyes. “Well one of us might sli-” Before you can finish your sentence you slipped on a puddle of soap.

      You closed your eyes ready for impact but two strong arms catched you before you could fall. You opened your eyes to see liam’s face close to yours. His lent in, lightly pressing his lips on yours. You kissed back, nothing thinking of anything else. Feeling the spark you felt 4 months before.

      He quickly pulls away and stood you up straight. “Oh um sorry, I-I wasn’t thinking.” He stutter blushing madly. “It’s ok.” You whispered and he looked at you surprised. “Really?” He asked, quite shocked. You bite your lip nodding. “Well I was thinking for awhile.” You moved closer. “The past three months your showed me how much your cared and you proved that your where very sorry. Maybe a second chance will be in order.” You watched liam as a huge smile formed on Liam’s face.

     ”Please tell me this isn’t just a cruel joke.” He said and you giggled. “No, it’s not a joke.” You said and Liam quickly pulled you into a hug. “Oh god thank you (Y/N). I love you so much, I promise I wont mess up again.” He said and you smiled, wrapping your arms around his neck. “I know Liam, I know you wont.”

Authors Note: Feedback would be nice. If I got feedback I will jump and be happy like a little girl

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