he comes home late

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Harry:   He stumbles in, taking an article of clothing off the closer he got to bed. Until he was left in his boxer briefs. “Hey babe,” Harry groaned, plopping down on the bed. You turned to face him, eyes still shut, curling into his body. “I missed you today.” You whispered, half asleep. “I missed you too.”

Niall:    Niall stepped into the small living room, immediately dropping his bags to bring you into his arms. “Babe,” He smiled, Nialls tears wetting your sweater. “I’m sorry I didn’t come home earlier.” He rambled, repeatedly pecking your lips. You brought him into a lasting kiss, your hands running up his back. “I’m just glad you’re home now.”

Louis:   "You better have an explanation, Tomlinson." You spat as soon as your boyfriend walked through the threshold. Louis’ eyes got wide at the straight forwardness in your stern voice. "I- I." You rolled your eyes, sighing. "Really, Lou?" You started walking away when he spoke up once again. "I love you so much, (y/n). You make me so happy, and I hope I make you happy as well. I just think that we could be happy for the rest of our lives. Will you marry me?"  

Liam:    Liam rushed in your apartment with at least a dozen roses, and a big teddy bear. “I’m so so sorry!” He yelled, finding you on the couch. You smiled, patting the seat next you. “Liam, I’m not mad.” Liam’s eyebrows furrowed, “You’re not?” Giggling you nodded your head. “It’s just an anniversary.” You smiled, kissing his pink lips. “You didn’t get me anything did you?” “Nope.”

Zayn:     Zayn walked into your shared bedroom, seeing you passed out with, Tyler on your chest. Smiling, he stripped down to boxer briefs, slipping into the space left in bed. Making Tyler stir awake. “Daddy, you’re home?” He asked, “Yeah buddy.” Zayn kissed his forehead then yours. “How was uncle Louis?” He asked, Zayn smiled, “Just fine, he missed you.”

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