Your daughter gets her period and your not home

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Niall: Niall had stayed home with your two kids while you went to America to visit your family, the kids had school so they had to stay behind. Your daughter had just turned 13 a month ago but she still hadn't talked to you about periods or anything a long those lines, To be fair she kept to herself a lot. You knew that one day she would come to you scared about what was happening to her, you didn't think that time would be when you weren't home.You had just gotten to your mother's house when you got a call from your daughter, she was crying hard. She said something about her bleeding and not knowing what was going on. There wasn't much you could hear through her sobs but you already knew what was wrong. You told her not to worry and that you would call Niall to help. She was embarrassed after you told her what was happening and she didn't want his help but you told her it would be perfectly fine. After a minute she finally agreed for you to tell her father, so that's what you did. You sent a text to Niall telling him what was going on and what he should do. He quickly agreed to what you had told him. About an hour later he called you, "How'd it go? Is she okay?" you quickly asked without properly answering the call. "She fine. Got her some midol and chocolate, just like I use to get for you. And she found your womanly products and said she'd figure it out on her own." he laughed into the phone. "Okay. I'm glad she's okay. How are you, babe?" "I'm good just can't believe our little girl is growing up." he said and you could tell by the way he was talking that he was sad. You guys continued to talk for awhile but he let you go because you were tired from your flight. You were thankful that Niall was such a wonderful after and husband. He took care of his little girl just like he had always done.

Zayn: "YN, we have a problem." Zayn said into the phone, panic was clear in his voice. You had began to panic without knowing he was talking about. "What's going on, Zayn? Are the kids okay? Is the house okay? I just left this morning." you rambled into the phone. You had just left for a much needed girls weekend with your best friend, leaving Zayn home alone with your kids. "YDN, got her period at school, I went to pick her up but she won't even talk to me. What do I do?" he asked. You knew that one day your daughter would get her period,it was inevitable, but you thought that you would be there to comfort her and teach her about what was happening. "Okay. Well you need to get her pads from our bathroom, find the midol, get the chocolate we keep hidden, and take the phone to her." you said into the phone, he obeyed. Not moment later your daughter was on the phone. "Hi mom." she said, it sounded like she had been crying. "Hi sweetie. I'm sorry I'm not there but dad is on a mission to get you everything you need right now. Okay? Do you have any questions you want to ask? Or do you just want to talk?" You asked, trying your best to reassure her that everything was okay. "No I'm fine the nurse talked to me about what's happening. What is dad getting? The nurse already gave me a pad." she said. "He's getting more pads because you'll have to change it eventually. And he's getting something that will help with cramps. Oh and chocolate." "Why chocolate?" she asked. "I honestly don't know but just having it while on your period makes you feel a lot better." "Okay, mom. Dad just came in. Thank you for the little pointers. I wish you were here. I'll talk you you later." "Okay. Sweetie call if you need anything. Love you." You said. "Love you too. Here's dad." You talked to Zayn for a bit longer, your daughter had felt better after your talk. You were happy that Zayn handled the situation to the best of his ability. He was such a great father.

Louis: Louis and your daughter had a very close relationship. You had gone to work in a Saturday because you were a actress and your schedule was not normal. You had been on set all day, when you got a break you wanted to check on Louis and your kids. "Hey, Lou. How's everything going at home?" you asked. You knew that Louis let the kids get away with a lot of mischief while you weren't home. "Everything's going good. YDN got her period actually." he said like it was no big deal. "What?! Why didn't she call me? Is she okay?" You heard Louis chuckle on his end of the phone. "Why are you laughing?!" You say, hurt that neither of them called when it happened. "Sorry, babe. But I handled it. I know what to do... I have sisters and I still help you." he said and you could hear him smirk through the phone. "Okay,okay. Is she okay?" "Yeah she's okay. She's taking a nap. I got her some midol because she had really bad cramps." "Alright, well... I'll be home soon. Are you okay?" you asked. "Yeah.. It's just that she's growing up and soon she's going to start pushing away from me. I want her to be able to tell me anything and everything like she has always done." he said, now sounding sad. You sighed knowing that it was bound to happen but their relationship was different than any other father-daughter relationship. "Babe, I don't think that will happen. Your relationship with her is unique. I mean, yeah, there may be times where she won't tell you everything but your relationship will not change. I'm jealous of what you two have." you laughed, trying to lighten the mood. "Yeah. You should be jealous." he said, his voice evident of humor. You laughed and told him you had to go, but if she needed anything to call. Louis was the pro at periods by the time your youngest daughter got her period and you were away again.

Harry: You had gone on a long business trip and you had left Harry and your two children home alone. You had a teenage daughter and a younger son. You were a fashion designer and you were in New York for fashion week. You had just woken up and decided to call and check in since it was afternoon in London. "Harry, how is everything?" you said when he answered. "It's goi-," he got cut off, "Hold on a sec, YDN is yelling for me." "Okay." you said. You heard him going up the stairs fairly fast and you heard sobs coming from your daughter you wondered what was going on. "Harry, why is she crying? Harry, HARRY." you called, getting frustrated that he wasn't answering you. "Mom?" you heard your daughter's voice. "Yeah, babe. What's wrong? Why are you crying?" "I-I got my period and.. I don't k-know what-t to do." you could hear the distress in her voice. "Sweetie, stop crying. It'll be okay. Go to my bathroom, get a pad, take a shower, and get comfortable clothes. I'll tell your dad to get you midol or asprins and some other things. Do you need me to tell you how to put a pad on?" you asked her. "N-No. I learned how in health. Thanks mom. I'll give the phone back to dad. I love you." "Okay, hun. Call me if you ned anything else. I love you, too." you said, and Harry came back on th line. "Okay, Harry you know what to do. Midol and chocolate. Just like you do for me all the time. Make her feel comfortable and if she needs to stay home from school let her." "Okay, babe. Have a good day! Love you." "Thanks! You too. Call me if anything. I love you, too." You guys said your goodbyes and hung up the phone. All day you were worried about what was going on at home. Harry texted you before he went to bed saying that everything was fine and your daughter was sleeping with him for the night. Harry would do anything for his children no matter what it was, that's one of the biggest reasons why you loved him so much.

Liam: You were in conferences all day long when you got a text from Liam saying that he needed to talk to as soon as possible. You had gotten a break and called him. Without giving him time to greet you, you said, "What's going on?" "YDN got her period and she won't let me help her. Is there anyway you can come home? I know you're busy but I don't know what to do?!" he yelled into the phone, clearly having a nervous break down. "I can't. But Ruth is in town and they're really close. Maybe YDN will open up to her." you said. "Yeah, you're right. I'll call her." "Okay, sorry babe. I'll be home as soon as possible. I need to had back in but tell me what happens. I'll text YDN too." You guys said your 'I love you's' and "goodbyes' before hanging up. Through the rest of your day you were worried about what was going on at home. Your daughter had texted you back and said she was fine. She also said that Ruth was helping her but she wished it was you. Finally at the end of the day you got home and found Liam on th couch. "Hey YN. How was your day?" he asked as soon as you got in. You walked over to sit next to him. "It was okay. I just felt bad that I wasn't here for YDN." you said, leaning into his side. He put his arm around you and kissed your head. "I know but she's fine. Ruth worked her wonders." "That's good. I'm going to go up and talk to her." you said about to get up but he stopped you. "She's taking a nap. Stay with me." "Where's YSN?" "He's in his room, playing. I wish I could've done more for YDN." he said, sighing. "You did what you could." you smiled up at him. You guys stayed cuddled up for awhile before you went to cook dinner. You knew that Liam would have done everything perfect if your daughter had let him help but you understood that some times girls don't like to tell their father somethings. Either way Liam will always be a good father to your children.

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