Mood swings

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Louis: Happy one second to pissed, to on the brink of tears, and back to happy again all in a matter of hours is stressful for both you and Lou, but he doesn't mind because that's what he's there for. He's ready for getting accused for stupid things but he's also prepared to kiss it all better in a minutes notice. So with kisses on your nose and lips, all is well.

Niall: He can't control it much either. When you're on your period it's also his worst time of the month because he can't keep up with your tempers and that just drives him insane. You lash out at him and he'll whip it right back at you, but at the end of the night when you're curled up alone in bed holding your stomach to keep the cramps in, his hand will replace yours and all will be forgiven.

Liam: He knows it's best to stay away from you when you're upset because he knows you don't really mean it. He'll let your temper cool off on its own then he'll be right back in your hairs doing the next annoying pain in the ass thing, but that's okay because he's only annoying in the way of caring too much, and you know he does it out of love.

Zayn: Quietness is the easiest way to keep you in one piece. He knows that when it's quiet you're happy, your brain isn't about to explode, and your cramps subside. Quietness equals peacefulness, and peacefulness equals no mood changes, just the one of cuddly and content. Tender kisses are always delicately placed though, just do you know he's there if you need anything.

Harry: He knows how easily antsy you get and that's okay, because the second you start to blow up he'll press kisses to every inch of your exposed skin to make your thoughts go off course and move to a happier place. In that place Harry is making you smile and being the best boyfriend a girl could ever have and you thank him for that, over and over again.

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