He comes home from tour

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Harry: It'd been a lonely 4 months for you waiting for your boy to return from tour, realising that the only contact you'd had between Harry was a few skype calls and endless texts, you were a mess. You were unable to get time off of University so you were forced to endure those 4 months by yourself with Danielle both of you a bag full of emotions on the day they were returning. You paced the lounge room as Danielle emerged from upstairs her smile from ear to ear, knowing that in a matter of hours you'd both have your boys in your arms. "You ready?" You said as tears pricked your eyes, your voice cracking with each word, Danielle was silent until your felt two arms snake around you. "Happy tears?" She sighed her voice cracking into your hair, you had no words so you just nodded knowing your tears were happy tears because Harry would be home again. After a long drive and a few more tears, there you stood with Danielle, Perrie, Anne, Gemma and other family members waiting at the end of the terminal, your stomach was full of butterflies as you waited to see those famous curls and crooked smile. You began engaging in a conversation with Danielle which eased your nerves a little, which caused you to miss that Harry's flight had landed. You continued laughing at Danielle, before Gemma and Anne grew silent staring ahead of them eyes wide and mouths open a little. You whipped your head around to the beginning of the terminal and there he was, his curls messy and eyes heavy indicating that he'd been asleep, his eyes were searching for you, scanning the many civilians and a few fans now crowding, your eyes were already filled with tears as you noticed how beautiful he was, his eyes met with yours as his face lit up. He started jogging towards you tears spilling down his cheeks, before he grasped you in his arms burying his head into the crook of your neck. "I'm never leaving for that long without you, unless you come with me, got it?" He said his voice raspy, as he kissed your neck lightly before pulling away and staring at you. "I missed you so much, I nearly came home for you!" He said tears still in his eyes, you had no words as you pulled him back towards you, your lips connecting as you felt his smile grow large against your lips. "I love you" He said kissing your forehead, before embracing you again. "I love you too" You said your voice low and raspy as you grabbed him tightly never wanting him to leave again.

Louis: It was time for tour again and your boyfriend of one year Louis had already been gone for 3 months and wasn't due back for another 2 weeks. You spent most of your time moping around the house, ignoring everybodies phone calls as in reality you were too emotional to talk to anyone, this was your first tour being Louis' girlfriend and you didn't think it would have this much of an impact on you, but you found yourself crying at night just wishing to be in Louis' arms again. After another load of washing, you had no idea how you found youself in your wardrobe staring at the few of Louis' shirts that still hung, you took an old tshirt of his and placed it over you smelling his familiar cologne he wore everywhere, flooding memories through your mind again. You winced in pain as you jumped at the sound of a knocking on the door after wacking your elbow hard against the doorframe, you skipped down the stairs still rubbing your elbow as you opened the front door not taking your stare away from your throbbing elbow. "Hey beautiful" You heard a familiar voice say, as you brought your eyes up to those beautiful blue eyes of your boyfriend Louis, tears threatened your eyes. "Hi.." Was the only word you could get out as you studied his features, he'd changed a lot a small beard growing on his chin and his voice was more hoarse than before. "I wonder who's shirt that is?" He said chuckling a little before stepping further towards you as his thumb caught a flowing tear on your cheek. You laughed at him before studying his features some more, you really did question why someone as gorgeous and perfect as him was dating a girl like you. "Well are you gonna give me a cuddle and kiss or do you want me to go on tour again?" He said smiling at you, your insides melting as you rushed into his arms burying your head against his chest, taking in the scent of him. "You suprised me" You said before you felt yourself being hoisted up wrapping your legs around his waist "Well I couldn't take another day without seeing you, I missed you like crazy" Louis' voice cracked with his last word before his forehead rested against yours. "Never leave me again" You said grabbing his face between your hands "Deal" He said before smashing his lips against yours.

Liam: "I miss him so much Mum" You said tears overflowing your lash line as you spoke into the phone to the only person you felt you could talk to. It'd be been a good 5 months without Liam in your life and you were becoming increasingly moody and emotional with each day that came by. "I know baby, he'll be home tomorrow just think of that" Your Mum said, comfort in her voice, your tears wouldn't stop not from being upset but from the thought that Liam your Liam would be home in a day. "I can't stop thinking about him" You said swivelling on the stool you were sitting on. "Neither can we baby, Liam's a keeper isn't he? You love him" Your Mum said those words, that made you melt inside, you'd never actually expressed your feelings like that towards Liam, you'd only been dating 2 months before he was shipped away from you. "I don't know.." You said, when in actual fact you were 100% convinced that your Mum was right. "Well from what I'm hearing, and how much you miss him and can't stop thinking about him, it sounds like love to me" You could sense the excitement in her voice because you knew how highly she respected Liam. By tracing what your Mum said through your mind, you'd never felt this way before, you loved Liam but not for Liam Payne from One Direction but for Liam Payne who stole your heart. "I do love him, I love him a lot" You said your tears dried and a smile across your face. Suddenly you felt protective arms around your waist making you jump from your position, in an instance you realised whos arms they were. "MUM! He's here" You said placing your hand over your mouth ending the call with your Mum and spinning around to a beautiful Liam. You found your hands around his neck as he hugged you tightly. "I missed you so much!" You said crying into his shoulders "I missed you too" Liam said his voice soft and crackly "And by the way.." Liam hesitated before bringing you to arms length looking you straight in the eyes "I love you too" His head moved closer to you before kissing you delicately "Well now that I love you next time come on tour with me, I can't sleep without you" He said picking you up from your spot and spinning you around softly. "Don't worry if you didn't ask me I would've come along anyway" You said kissing his nose softly "Thats my girl".

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