he gets jealous of another boy

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Louis: The boys had decided to throw a party to celebrate their new tour. It wasn’t supposed to be this huge but it seems that whoever the boys invited, decided to invite even more people. It was so crowded that you had lost Louis somewhere. You tried to look for him but you couldn’t see anything through all of the people so you decided to go get a drink. Once you finally made it to where the drinks were, you saw Niall and Zayn sitting over there. They stood up and hugged you tightly. You could tell that they weren’t exactly enjoying this party also. “Do you want a drink?” Niall leaned towards you and shouted in your ear so that you could hear him over the blasting music. “Yeah Maybe this party will seem better if I’m tipsy.” You laughed and Niall pulled you towards the drinks. After a few drinks, the party seemed to get better and You and Niall had decided to dance with each other for a little while, well it was more like grinding because you couldn’t exactly dance with how drunk you both were. You felt a tap on you shoulder and turned away from Niall to see Louis. You smiled and hugged him tightly while he glared at Niall over you shoulder. “I’ve been looking for you all night!!” You shouted. He nodded and pulled you in for a passionate kiss; making sure that Niall had saw. Even though Niall was drunk, he still got the message and left to get another drink. Once you and Louis pulled away, he leaned down to whisper in your ear. “Don’t you ever forget that you’re mine. And only mine.”

Liam: You and Liam had planned to spend a romantic day at the beach but the boys had decided to join you both. You didn’t really mind though, they were like brothers to you so you couldn’t be mad at them for joining but you really did just want a day alone wiu Liam. You were lying on a beach towel when Zayn and Harry ran over to you and picked you up. “Guys! Put me down! I don’t wanna swim yet!!” they laughed at you and pulled you into the water with them. “Oh C’mon y/n. You’ve been tanning all day. We need another play to play chicken though.” Harry grinned at you. “Fine let’s just get this over with then.” Zayn turned towards you and grabbed you hands. “Y/N’s ON MY TEAM!!!!” He shouted to everyone. You got on his shoulders and tried to push Niall off of Harry but failed and ended up falling and taking Zayn with you. Once you came up from the water, you and Zayn were laughing at each other. He came a bit closer to you and pushed some of your wet hair out of you face and smiled. Liam had been watching your little game and didn’t really think anything of it until now. Once he saw Zayn hug you, he couldn’t help but feel jealous. Y/N!!! C’mere please!!” you quickly excused yourself from the other boys and ran to Liam. “Hey Li.” He pulled you close to him and kissed you. “Um I was wondering if you wanted to go get some ice cream with me…alone…” You could tell that he was jealous but you pretended not to notice as you both went to get ice cream.

Zayn: Lately you and Liam had been spending a lot more time together then usual. Nothing was going in between you two but from Zayn perspective, it looked like a lot was going on. You would go out with Liam during the day and not come back until late at night, or whenever he called, you would leave the room. Zayn knew that you would never do anything to hurt him but due to everything that you were doing, he was beginning to doubt you. But you couldn’t help it if you were being secretive; you were trying to plan an anniversary trip for you and him since you 2 year anniversary was coming up. Zayn was lying on the couch and you were cuddled on top of him into his chest while you were both watching a movie. You were beginning to fall asleep when your phone began to ring. You looked over at you phone, which was on the table next to you, and saw that it was Liam calling so you sat up and grabbed your phone. As you were reaching for it Zayn grabbed your hand. “Cmon babe just cuddle with me. You’re always talking to Liam. Spend some time with me for a change.” “I’ll only be a minute Zayn. Don’t worry.” as you went to take your phone from him but he moved it away. “Stop lying y/n I know that there is something going on between you two and I wanna know what it is and not these lies that you have been telling me.” “Zayn nothing is going on I swear. I would never think of cheating on you but I can’t tell you what we’ve been doing…” you mumbled and looked down at the ground. “Well then I’m leaving. Call me if you feel like telling me the truth.” He stood up and was beginning to leave. “Zayn! Zayn… Wait I’ll tell you. I-I was planning a anniversary trip for us but I needed Liam to help me. He was helping me plan this around your hectic schedule and I wanted it to be a surprise but now I’ve ruined it! I’m so sorry Zayn!!” Zayn walked over to you and hugged you tightly while you cried. “I’m sorry boo I didn’t mean to ruin the surprise. I just cant even think about you leaving me. I love you to much to lose you.” “It’s ok Zayn…I love you too.” He smiled and leaned down to kiss you.

Harry: Your boyfriend Harry had invited you to spend the night at his and Louis’ house. The three of you had decided to have a movie night. First you all had watched Louis’ favorite movie which was so dumb because it was your typical action movie but you didn’t complain about having to watch it. Next you watched your favorite movie which happened to be a chick flick. It was barely half way through the movie when Harry fell asleep on the couch next to you. “Is this movie almost over yet Y/n.” Louis groaned. “Oh come on Lou! It just started and it hasn’t even gotten to the best part yet!” Louis playfully rolled his eyes and reached forward to grab more popcorn. “I could think of plenty of other things that is better than watching this dumb movie.” He mumbled. “Really Lou? I didn’t complain during your movie. Do you really have to complain during my favorite movie?” Louis was quiet for a while and you could tell that he was getting so bored. “Screw this.” Louis said as he turned towards you and started to tickle you. You shrieked and tried to push him off of you. “Lou…stop…oh my gosh!!!!” You were laughing so loud you just couldn’t control yourself. “What are you both doing?” Harry had woken up from the noise and looked at you both. Louis immediately pulled away from you. Harry looked at both of you before standing up. “You know it’s pretty late, love. How about we go to bed?” You nodded and followed him into the bedroom, deciding that it would be a good idea to ignore his jealously.

Niall: You and Niall were best friends. Nothing could ever change that. Well almost nothing. Recently Niall had gotten a girlfriend and she didn’t exactly like you very much. She had been filling Niall’s head with lies about you and he had actually started to believe her! At first he tried to act as I nothing was wrong but then he just stopped talking to you completely! The other boys kept asking him where you were since you would always hang out with all of them. The other boys would always text you and they decided to throw a BBQ party so they could see you again. When you got there Zayn opened that door. “Y/N!!!!!! You’re here!! We missed you so much!” You giggled and hugged him. “I missed you too Zayn.” You walked into the house and hugged the other boys except for Niall. When you walked to the living room you saw Niall with his girlfriend sitting on the couch she was complaining about you. She kept saying things like “I can’t believe that you were even friends with her before Ni.” or “Why is she here Nialler? Who would even want her here?” and finally “She doesn’t understand that everyone here hates her.” You didn’t expect those words to hurt but they did, a lot. You turned around and went back to the kitchen to grab you bag but you ran into Harry. ” Whoa y/n where are you going in such a hurry?” you tried to hide your face from him so that he would see that you had been crying but he lifted your chin up so he could see your face better. “Hey love. What wrong?” he wiped away you tears and led you into the kitchen. You both had sat down on the floor and you told him everything about Niall and his girlfriend. “Y/n, love you don’t deserve any of this and if Niall is going to believe these lies that she us telling him then it’s his loss. He doesn’t deserve to have you as a friend.” Harry pulled you onto his lap and began to sing into your ear to calm you down more. You were about to get up when you heard Niall yelling and the door slam shut. You and Harry looked at each other and heard footsteps coming towards you both. “What the hell are you two doing in here?” Niall looked at both of you and you saw that his eyes were red and it looked like he had been crying. You stood up and walked over towards Niall while Harry left to let you guys talk alone. Niall pulled you close to him and wrapped his arms around you, pulling you in a tight hug. “I’m I’m so sorry. I heard everything you said to Harry and I’m sorry for all of it. And then I came in here and I saw you with Harry and I ju-.” You cut him off with a kiss. You pulled away once you remembered that Niall had a girlfriend and started blushing madly. “Sorry I shouldn’t have done that. That was a mistake I ca-” “If you’re worrying about my girlfriend, stop because she is gone. I kicked her out once I heard you and Harry talking about her.” He smiled and pulled you in for another kiss. Maybe jealously isn’t always a bad thing.

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