He meets your parents (his POV)

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Harry: "This is fucking stupid" I mumbled, looking at my reflection in Y/N's make up mirror. I handed it back to her and looked at her, she just smiled. "It's not stupid, you agreed that you would meet them, Harry." She said, softly and I nodded. I knew if I wanted to keep a real relationship with Y/N, that I'd have to meet her parents and just pray that they liked me. "Ready?" She asked, opening the car door and I got out and she walked around the car and grabbed my hand, we walked up to the drive way of her house, and I was starting to get nervous. "Don't worry" She said as she slowly opened the door, "Hey! I'm home, and I have a guest!" I couldn't help but smirk. "Oh Y/N, how are you my darling?" What I assumed was her mother came into view, frowning slightly when she saw me. "Honey, get in here" Her mother said, loudly and a man walked in, they looked at me then at Y/N. "Mom, dad, this is Harry. My boyfriend" Y/N said, she sounded proud and I couldn't help but smile a bit. "Uh, it's nice to meet you." Her mother said, looking at my tattoos that were showing. "Don't start, I told you on the phone that he had tattoos and piercings. You will respect my boyfriend or we're leaving." Y/N said, her words stern and powerful, I was shocked at how strong her voice sounded, "Okay then, then you can leave because I'm not having someone like that in my house." Her father said and the room got quiet. "Fine, bye mom I love you, I'll call you tonight." Y/N smiled then turned around, I opened my mouth but Y/N placed her hand over it. "Please don't talk." She said and as we walked back to my car, she was quiet. "I'm sorry." I said, once we got in and she just nodded, then looked at me. "I figured he wouldn't like you, but next time we'll just have a meet up with my mom. She's nice, she'll give you a chance, even if it's small." She smiled and took off her heels, placing her feet on the dashboard. "Want to go home now?" I asked, starting the car and she just nodded, leaning her head against the window.

Liam: This dinner wasn't going well, and it barely even started. I could hear Y/N's parents yell at her from the kitchen, 'We told you to stay away from Liam Payne! And, you had the nerve to bring him home?!' Her dad's voice boomed loudly and I finally got up from sitting quietly on the couch and stormed into the kitchen, I saw Y/N, her make up was running down her face and she looked at me, and I knew that she was regretting this. I turned to her father and mother, who looked at me. "How fucking dare you make your own daughter cry. You may not understand it, but I make Y/N happy and she makes me happy. She doesn't care about my tattoos or if I have piercings, she sees me as a fucking person. Unlike pricks like yourselves" I said and her father looked like he was about to skin me alive, "He's not bad at all, give him a chance and see how much of a gentlemen he is." Y/N stepped in, walking over to stand next to me. The room was quiet, "We can give you a small chance, let's have dinner and if that goes well, then you can stay for dessert" Y/N's mother said, and her father just stayed quiet. "Okay, fine" Her father stated and we all walked to the kitchen table, where the food sat. "So, what are you studying at university?" Her mother looked at me, before taking a sip of her glass of wine. "I'm studying to be in the music industry with one of my pals, but right now I work in a tattoo parlor with two of my other friends." I said, and their faces said they didn't like my answer but they nodded. "Alright, well so far you seem pretty decent" Her mother confessed and I just smiled, "Thank you." The dinner ended and dessert came, and then Y/N dragged me out of the house, shouting a goodbye. "A few more visits and she'll be treating you like family probably." Y/N laughed as we walked to my car, I just smiled. "Well, it could have gone a lot worse." I said and she nodded, "They'll come around, sooner or later." She said, reaching up to kiss me and I kissed her back and we continued on with our day.

Niall: I felt sick, literally sick, I couldn't believe I was at this stupid house party. It wasn't even a party, just a bunch of bitches and stuck up men dressed nicely standing around, talking. I hated Y/N for making me do this, but I knew if I wanted to prove to her that I was serious and faithful, I had to do this. "What's wrong?" Y/N came up to me and I couldn't help but smile from seeing how gorgeous she looked in that dress, "Niall?" She asked softly, touching my arm, I looked at her and shrugged, "I've only met one other girl's parents before you. It didn't end well." I said, looking down, remembering meeting the first girl I ever loved, the first girl who broke my heart and made me the way I am. I got angry thinking about it, because it was that girl, who caused me to be this stupid man whore and I just looked at Y/N, who was smiling softly and I nodded. "Okay, here they come. Ready?" She asked, lacing her arm with mine and I nodded, even though I wasn't ready. "Y/N, who is this?" Her father walked over and looked at me, I started to play with one of my lip rings, a habit of mine when I got nervous, Y/N must have noticed, before she just leaned over and kissed my cheek. "His name's Niall, the boyfriend" Y/N said, and I nodded at her father, who looked at me. "So, you're the bastard who hurt my daughter?" Her father said, looking me up and down, I looked at Y/N, who looked at the ground. I looked back at her father and nodded. "He's proving himself by being here, I believe that things will get better from here" Y/N said, and her father just nodded. "Well, he sure does remind me of your mother. Nice to meet Niall, now excuse me I have other people to greet" And, then he left, I looked at Y/N, confused. "My mother was like you, tattoos, piercings, was labeled a whore. She broke my dad's heart, We're kinda like them, but opposite roles." She said and I nodded, "Well, this time, nobody's heart is going to be broken." I whispered, kissing her and I could feel her smile. "Okay, I hope you're right" She said, and I nodded, "I'm always right" I smirked back.

Louis: "What if they hate me?" I asked Y/N nervously, Y/N talked me into coming to one of her family gatherings and it was at her house, when I asked her what to wear, she just laughed and saw my swim trunks. I felt uncomfortable standing there, in just my swim trunks next to Y/N. I was never self conscious with my body, but now with my tattoos exposed to people that I wanted to impress made me nervous. I looked at Y/N's bikini underneath a white see through dress and saw that she also looked nervous. "I'm sure they'll like you, if not, oh well then you'll never have to meet them again" Y/N said, shrugging and smiling but I knew she was scared that her parents wouldn't like me. More people showed up, and they saw me and stood away, Y/N didn't seem to care, after a while I saw her parents and knew the reason why she looked nervous, her parents were the definition of intimidating, they walked right over to me and looked me up and down. "I don't understand why you can't date someone that your father and I like" Her mother said and her voice was emotional, it was hard to believe that Y/N was related to her, "You haven't even given him a chance" Y/N said, rolling her eyes, "We don't need to give him a chance to know that he's no good" Her father said, staring at me, hard. I just stared back, I was getting pissed. "How about you fuck off? Your daughter has her own rights and can do whatever she wants." I said, pushing Y/N behind me, Her father stood there, looking at me in shock but then he shook his head, "You remind me of myself when I was younger." He laughed and I just stared at him, he nodded at me and looked at Y/N, "Be careful, sweetheart." He said and then he walked away, and Y/N mother followed silently. I looked at Y/N in confusion, "What the fuck?" I asked, laughing and she shrugged, "They're kinda weird. They have their moments where they're alright." She said and I dropped the subject and we just enjoyed the day together.

Zayn: "Okay, so my parents aren't like most parents" Y/N said when we were standing in front of her house. I laughed and nodded, "Okay, let's just meet them. I'm ready" I said, and I was a bit nervous meeting them but I knew we were ready to make the next step in our relationship. "Okay" Y/N said, knocking on the door, a few seconds later, a tall man answered the door. "Hey babygirl, come in" The man said and we walked in and I looked at him, and saw his tattoos. "Nice ink" I said, trying to break the ice, the man laughed, "Thanks, same for you" The man said and I nodded back, smiling. "Honey, come on and meet Y/N's boyfriend!" Her dad yelled, and Y/N just laughed, "Don't embarrass me, dad" She said. "Oh, please. It's your mother who embarrasses you" Her dad laughed, A women came in and I saw that she was covered in ink and had a new piercings. "Oh, this is Zayn?" She asked, and I nodded. "Nice to meet you" I said, holding out my hand and she just laughed before pulling me into a hug, "Y/N forgot to tell you, we're a family that hugs. So, if you're going to stick around, I suggest you get used to that" Her mother said, nodding and I smiled, looking at Y/N. "Okay, so how about we go sit and chat for a bit, yeah?" Her mother asked and we walked into the small but cozy living room. "So, what do you for a living?" Y/N's dad asked me, looking at me directly. "I tattoo people" I said, shrugging and both her parents looked at each other and nodded. "That's a good job, if you ever get Y/N into tattoos, don't let her get stupid ones" Her mother said, causing all of us to laugh. "Yeah, I also heard she started smoking again?" Her father looked at us both, and Y/N shrugged, "Ooops, sorry." Y/N shrugged again. "Well, I hope we see you again, Zayn. Drive safely!" Y/N's mother yelled as we walked towards my bike. "They're pretty chill." I said and Y/N smiled, "Yeah, they liked you" I smiled and got on my bike, starting it. Y/N got on and held onto me. I smiled, driving away because I knew that me and Y/N would only go forward from here.

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