your brother walks in on you in a intimate position

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Harry: He pushes you up against your door and you moan softly, wrapping your legs around his waist. "Mmm, shirt. off." He mumbles against your lips and you break away to pull off your shirt discarding it onto the floor. As soon as your shirt is gone his lips are back on yours. You two are about to go further when you hear someone clear their throat. You pull back from Harry's lips to see your brother staring disapprovingly at the two of you. "Oops?" You offer in a small voice. Your brother just shakes his head. "Keep your hands off my sister please." He tells Harry as he nudges you and Harry away from the door so he can leave.

Louis: You and Louis were sitting on the couch at your house drinking tea and watching a movie. You were cuddled into his side, his hand was tracing small circles on your waist. When he got to a particularly boring part to the movie he began kissing softly along your neck. You tried to push him off. "Lou, my brother is upstairs." He smirks. "All the more reason. It'll be fun, we could be caught at any moment..." He trails his lips along your collarbone. You give in and let your head fall back as he leaves small lovebites along your skin. "Could you at least wait until I'm gone to do that." Your brother says as he passes by you two on the couch. You smirk and let Louis keep going while your brother leaves the room.

Liam: You sit on the edge of the pool letting your feet dangle into the water as you watch your boyfriend swim. He comes up for air and you clap for him. "Very nice. Good time too." You tell him, taking a sip of your drink and setting it back down by the pool's edge. Liam swims over quickly and shakes his hair out as if he were a dog. "What was my time?" "Two minutes." He pushes himself between your legs and brings your mouth to his. "Mmm, victory kiss." He mumbles against your lips. You pull him deeper into the kiss and are taken by surprise when you feel a rush of water come over the two of you. You pull away to see your brother pop up from underwater with a smirk on his face. "Don't kiss on the side of the pool if you don't want to get splashed." He gives the two of you a cocky smirk before he disappears under the water.

Niall: "If that flour ends up all over the floor..." You trail off as you watch Niall mix the cookie batter. "You need to give me more credit, babe. I'm perfectly capable of making cookies." You sigh and pull yourself onto the counter of your kitchen as you watch him. Once he finishes the cookie dough he grabs a spoon and scoops some up. He walks over to you and puts it by your mouth. You open and he slips the food in and you smile. "It's good. Very good, thank you." "Maybe you should share. Let me taste you, I bet you taste like cookies..." He presses his lips to yours and you melt into his touch. He places his hands on your waist and you put your arms around his neck. "Can you maybe make out in a room and not on the counter. I only wanted to make a sandwich not see you get knocked up." You roll your eyes at your brother and pull back from Niall. You were about to make a snappy comeback but Niall tugs on your hand. "It's not worth fighting about. Just come with me to your room and we can continue." He smiles and kisses below your ear before pulling you up the stairs.

Zayn: "Would you care to explain why I walked into the market and had to see you and your boyfriend snogging?" You brother throws down a magazine at your feet while you paint your toenails. You stop painting and look at the magazine. You see a glossy picture of you and Zayn kissing on the beach. Your legs are wrapped around his waist and he's kissing your neck. You recognize the picture from when you were at the beach. "Well... I uh-" You stutter and try to put together a coherent sentence. He holds his hand up. "Just try to save that kind of intimacy for the bedroom. Or away from cameras at least. I don't want to see you half naked and making out with your boyfriend." He kisses your temple and picks up the magazine before leaving you on the couch to go up to his room.

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