hes your teacher but your dating part 1

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Zayn: ‘Meet me outside the pizzeria after school. I want to see you.’ You sent the message to Zayn during your lunch period since you already saw him 2nd period today. It was only moments later once he replied, ‘K. Come see me now? I’m in my classroom. We have about 15 minutes.’ You smirked and gathered your things, quickly telling your friends that you needed to visit a teacher. You knocked on his door and waited until he answered. “Y/n, Come in.” He sounded really professional which made you giggle. He stepped aside and you walked past him and took a seat on top of his desk while he locked the door. “God, I’ve missed you so much today.” He said as he walked over to you, standing between your legs. You reached over and threaded your fingers through his hair and pulled his head down so that his lips meet yours. His fingers unbuttoned your jeans but you pushed his hand away before his hand slipped into your panties. “We only have about 10 minutes left, Zayn. You may be good but you’re not that good.” You joked. “Oh really?” He raised his eyebrows at you. You giggled and nodded, “You’ll have to wait until after school.” He ignored you and slipped his under your jeans and rubbed you through your panties. “It looks like you might have a harder time then me waiting until then, love. I mean, you’re practically dripping for me.” He pulled your panties to the side and pushed two fingers into you. “I don’t think you can wait two more hours.” He added. You rested you head on his shoulder and rocked your hips against his fingers, a few moans escaping occasionally. “Zayn.. I’m gonna cum.” “Let it go baby girl.” He whispers into your ear. You follow his orders and release yourself on his fingers. “Mhmm. That’s it.” He pulls his fingers out of you, “Wanna taste?” You shyly nod as he slips his fingers into your mouth. “Y/n, w-we need to get ready.” He stuttered as you continued to suck on his finger. “Class is about to start.” You nodded and he removed his fingers from your mouth. You fix you clothes and gather you bag. “I’ll see you after school Zayn.” “Yeah, it looks like I’ll have to deal with this,” He points to his lower region where his hard-on can obviously be seen, “until then.”

Niall: “John, maybe you could stop talking to y/n and actually get some work done.” Niall snapped from his desk. He had told you to pick partners for the day and John practically forced you to be partners with him. “She’s the one who started talking to me.” John blamed you.”I highly doubt that, Y/n is a good girl and she wouldn’t disobey me like that.” You blushed at his comment because of it’s double meaning but continued working. It was quite for a few moments until John spoke up once again, “You know, there’s this party tonight and I’d love if you can with me. We’d had a lot of fun together.” You scoffed at this. “I have a lot of better things that I could do then go to some dumb party with you.” You snapped. “Miss y/l/n, come visit me after school today, I need to speak with you.” Niall said, “And John, work alone for the rest of class so that y/n isn’t being distracted by you.” John rolled his eyes but moved away from you. “And Miss y/l/n,” Niall spoke up once again, “Come visit me after school today, I need to speak with you.” The rest of class went by quietly along with the rest of the day until it was finally the end of the day and you had to go talk to Niall. “Niall?” You said as you knocked on his door. “Come in, love.” He ushered you in and you took a seat on his chair. “Comfortable babe?” He joked and stood in front of you. “Mhmm.” You nodded, “I like this chair.” He shook his head and lifted you from his chair and sat where you once were. “Aww Niall, I was comfy though.” He patted his lap, “Sit on me then.” You giggled but complied. It was silent for a few moments as Niall placed random kisses on you neck. “You’re not going to that dumb party with John are you?” You turned you head and saw a hurt look on Niall’s face and shook your head. “Nope, I’d much rather spend my time with you.” A small smile appears on his face as he leans into kiss you. “Good,” he begins, “Because I planned out a perfect date night for us and if you weren’t there, I’d be pretty lonely.”

Liam: ”I’m sorry we have to have a date in my small apartment re-watching these annoying movies.” Liam said as he wrapped his arms around your body. “It’s okay Li, I kinda like these movies and at least I get to spend time with you.” You said as he began to kiss you temple, nose, cheeks, and finally, your lips. You pushed Liam back so that he layed flat on his bed and climbed on top of him. He pushed his tongue into your mouth, his hand kneading your butt. “Mhhm Liam.” You moan and began rocking your hips against his crotch. “Y/n, baby,” He steadied your hips from moving against his, “If you don’t stop that, I’m gonna cum.” He moaned out. You nodded and pulled Liam’s shirt off of him. He also began to undress you but you were interrupted by his phone ringing. “Fuck,” he said as he looked at the caller i.d., ” I have to take this. I’m sorry baby girl.’ He sat up and walked into the other room as he answered talked on the phone. It was about 15 minutes until you decided that it’d be best if you left Liam to talk on the phone. You began re-dressing yourself once he came back into the room. “Where are you going y/n? This was supposed to be our date night?” “It’s kinda late now Liam. I’ll see you at school tomorrow though.” You gathered your things and turned around only for Liam to wrap his arms around you. “I got a promotion you know?” He says. “Really, Li! That’s so great.” “Yeah but you know what would make this night even better?” You shook your head. “If you spent the night with me to celebrate.”

Louis: You walk into  class and take a seat in the back of the class. Louis sends you a smirk but continues with what he’s doing at his desk. Once the bell rings, Louis finally stopped what he was doing and began to talk to the class. “Okay, today I’ll be splitting up all up into groups. Group one will be practicing scene seven and eight and group two will be would on the assignment that I gave you all yesterday.” Louis separated the group and you were in group one. Everyone in the group decided that you and John would get the main parts since they didn’t want to do anything. Louis continued to call people out to the hallway to speak to them as you were still practicing the scene. It had come to a part where your character was supposed to kiss John’s character but as you leaned in to kiss you, you were interrupted. “Miss y/l/n,” You pulled away and saw that Louis’ face was slightly red with jealously. “I need to speak to you now.” You nodded and followed him into the empty hallway. As soon as he closed the door, he pulled you tight against him and wrapped his arms around your waist. “That was fucking close. I really didn’t want to have to see him kiss you. I don’t know what I would’a done.” He pressed his lips against yours. He tried to push his tongue into your mouth but instead you pulled away from the kiss. “Louis…” You sighed. “Not now, Maybe after school at your place but not when my friends are inside the classroom.” He dramatically sighed but pulled you in for another kiss. “Okay, okay let’s go back inside but you’re all mine after school.” He pinches your butt as you walk back inside the classroom.

Harry: ‘Can I take you out to dinner today? I really miss you.’ Harry texted you. You were currently sitting in English class, answering questions about the book you were currently reading. You looked up to see Harry sitting at his desk smirking at you. You shyly nodded and continued to do your work. ‘Good, We can spend time at my house right after school then I’ll take you out.’ You felt yourself blushing but tried to hid it. “Anyone have any questions for the last few minutes?” He finally said. No one replied so he continued to text you. ‘You look amazing today’ or ‘I really want you right now, you have no idea.’ The bell had finally rung and you quickly hurried out of the room to avoid anything cheeky that he would do but you were interrupted. “Miss Y/l/n. Could you stay after for a minute? I need to talk to you about a few things.” You sighed but nodded and sat down at your desk once again. Once all the other students left, Harry walked over to your desk and picked you up bridal style. “Harry! Put me down. I’m supposed to be in gym class right now.” You shrieked. “Sorry babe, I can’t.” He placed you on his desk, standing in between your legs. “You see, I don’t have a class now so I thought we could leave here a bit early since it’s last period.” He said as he nipped at your jaw. “I want you so badly y/n.” “What about my last class though?” “Skip it.” He replied like it was the most obvious answer there was. “Harry I ca-” “Please.” His fingers slowly made their way up your shirt. “I promise, I’ll make it worth your while.”

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