talking about having a baby

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"Oh, what’s today? Have I missed something? Oh Li, I’m sorry. Work has been so busy," you rumbled once you got home. The house was spotless, beautiful flowers on the table and dinner cooked. Liam shook his head, turning around to face you. "I wanted to do something nice for you; you deserve it." You blushed, getting off your jacket and meeting him at the table. Throughout dinner Liam was quiet. "Are you alright?" you asked. He nodded, before his shaking his head and dropping his fork. He takes your hand, giving you a small smile. "I want a baby," he blurts out. Although you have been married almost two years, his words catch you off guard. You gasped, covering you mouth with your hand, hiding your smile. He noticed your silence, feeling embarrassed he whispers, "Sorry." "It that what all this what for?" you ask, he nods. "You didn’t have to Li, all you had to do was say something." He looked up at you, his brown eyes shinning. "I have actually been thinking about a baby with you for a while."


"If one more person asked when I’m having a baby, I’m going to scream," you said under your breath, walking inside. You sat on the couch, conversations from the day replying in your head. You put your head in your hands, trying to calm down. You didn’t hear Louis walk in; he was beside you in an instance. "What’s wrong boo?" he asked, rubbing your back. You snuggled into him. He wrapped his arms around you, holding you close. "Everyone keeps asking me when are we going to have a baby," you sniffed, "can they just leave us alone." You felt he shift under you, making you look up. "Don’t you want a baby?" he asked, sounding hurt. You shook your head, tears falling. "Of course I do. I just don’t think I’m ready," you whispered. "You don’t have to be scared, you will be a wonderful mum. And you won’t be alone, I’ll always be here," he said, wiping your eyes. "Whenever you’re ready," he smiled, "soon though yeah? I really want children with you, Y/N." You giggled, kissing him.


"Uncle Niall," Theo screamed running as fast as his little legs would go. Niall bent down and caught the 4 year old. "Hey buddy," he said, ruffling his hair, making the little boy giggle. You and Niall were spending a week in Ireland with his family and you couldn’t tell who was more excited; Niall or Theo. "I’ve been practicing my football," Theo said proudly. "What to show me?" Niall chuckled, getting a fast nod. While they were outside, you couldn’t help but watch them. "Lunch time boys," Denise called out. Niall kissed your cheek and grabbed a sandwich. "What if he had a cousin to play with?" you asked quietly. "What?" Niall asked with a mouthful of food. You took his hand and walked back outside. "Princess, what are you talking about?" "I love watching you with Theo; it’s adorable," you smiled, "I want to see that everyday with our baby." When he didn’t say anything, you begun to panic; until he kissed you. He pulled away, resting a hand on your cheek and whispered, "I would love nothing more."


"Good night baby," Harry said, pulling the blanket over your bodies. You snuggled into his body. Harry slowly slid his hand under his tshirt you were wearing, resting it on your stomach. You wiggled and giggled at his warm touch. "What are you doing?" you whispered as he rubbed your stomach gently. "Just thinking what it would be like if you were pregnant. If you had a baby bump," he replied, then froze. You and Harry had been married for almost a year and the only conversations about having children were never serious. "I understand if you’re not ready. I’m just imagining an adorable little you running around the house," he kissed your forehead, "theres is no rush." After a few moments of silence, you put your hand on his still on your stomach. "I would love to have a baby with you, Haz," you smiled. He moved his hand to your hip, pulling you on top of him. "There’s no time like the present," he smirked, pressing a kiss to your lips.


"Need any help with dinner baby girl?" Zayn asked walking into the kitchen. You shook your head, stirring the pot. "But I did want to talk to you about something." He nodded for you to continue. "I love being Mrs Malik, what if we took the next step and added to our family," you smiled, "have a baby?" "A baby?" he repeated under his breath. "Has my mum said something to you?" he said, running a hand through his hair. You froze not expecting that response. "No," you replied, "No one has said anything. I just," you paused, "just wanted to know what you thought of having children with me. But I see-" He quickly rushed to you, placing his hands on your shoulders. "Of course I do. I love you so much," he reassured, "I think now isn’t the right time for us." He pulled you to him, "I love how it’s you and me at the moment, but I definitely want children with you. In a few months, yeah?" You nodded, a little heartbroken but understanding. "I understand. And love you too," you whispered against his chest.

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