He's jealous of you spending time with another boy

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Zayn flipped you a red spray paint can, laughing as you gingerly caught it. "What do I do?" You asked, staring at the blank white canvas. "Just paint what you feel!" Zayn said, smiling wide as he turned around to his own canvas, dripping colors of blues, reds, and yellows onto the stark canvas. You took a deep breath and nodded, focusing on your own canvas, and pressed down on the button at the top. Blue paint shot out of the tip and coated the canvas, excess paint dripping down off the sides. You smiled and found creativity flowing out and onto the canvas. A couple of hours later, you and Zayn both compared the two paintings. Your painting had evolved from a stark, white canvas to a field mixed with blooming spring flowers. Zayn's painting was a comic, with a make believe superhero logo painted on. As you high fived each other with paint covered fingertips, the door to Zayn's house opened and in walked Harry. "Unfortunately, I knew I would find you here," Harry greeted as he walked in, raising his eyebrows at the strong chemical smell of the paint. "Sorry! Zayn was just finishing up teaching me how to paint abstract," you smiled, beaming at your new piece. "And it looks beautiful. But you've been here all day! Don't you want to go outside, get some fresh air?" Harry asked. You crinkled your nose and shook your head. "I prefer to paint some more if that's okay with you," you said, eyeing another paint can that Zayn had just set down. "Well god forbid you spend time with me!" Harry snapped, causing you and Zayn to jump, blue paint splashing into Zayn's white shirt and traveling downwards in a small dribble. "But I was-" you started but Harry cut you off. "Painting. You're always bloody painting. 'Sorry babe, can't hang out today going to go to Zayn's!' I feel like I never see you anymore," Harry exclaimed, his voice taking a tone of defeat. "Babe don't think that! You know I love spending time with you. I tell you what, why don't I leave my painting for another day and we can go grab a nice dinner. Sound good?" You asked, twining your paint-covered fingers with his. "Sounds perfect. As long as you wash your hands," Harry teased as he kissed your cheek gently. You called a quick goodbye to Zayn over your shoulder as you left him to yet another empty white canvas.


"Where have you been?" Niall was staring at you, arms crossed over his chest. "Harry and I went down to the record store, then we went to this super vintage looking movie theatre to see a movie, and then we went out for sushi. Fantastic day!" You grinned at Niall who rolled his blue eyes. "Fifty dollar sushi, how very hipster of you two." "Not hipster." You snapped noticing Niall's remark had bite. "Whatever, darling." Niall snapped before walking off. Niall Horan was definitely a passive aggressive little shit. This time around you had no idea why the loud blond was keeping quiet. You rolled your eyes, going over to where Harry and Louis and Zayn were. "Liam?" Harry shrugged. Louis began a conversation you quickly left and Harry started telling you about a concert tonight. "Coffees." Niall placed six on the table before noticing an absence. Louis picked up his tea and began on it, everyone else picking up their coffees. "Reckon we ought to spend tonight exploring together, mates?" Louis asked looking around. Harry shook his head, eyes on his phone to buy your tickets. "No way, Lou. You know who's in town." Louis rolled his eyes. "The rest of us though." "Not me. They're not always gonna be just mine." "Dirty hipsters," Louis teased. "I'll say," Niall spat, eyes on yours. "What is your problem?!" You exclaimed. "You and that, that, that nincompoop!" Harry looked up at an enraged Niall, green eyes wide. "That was rude." "Well, fuck, I guess whenever I do something wrong it's a problem but when you do, it's all good." You narrowed your eyes at Niall. "Just tell me what I've done, Niall!" "You just, you're always with fucking Harry Styles and never with me because you two have so much in common and we don't and Harry's a fat hipster and you are too and I don't know any of these bands and I don't listen to vinyl but Harry fucking Styles does and I know everyone chooses him - I fucking know it - but I didn't except you to!" Niall stormed off from the table with you getting up to follow after. When he got in the elevator, your crowded him into the corner. "I'm not choosing Harry over you and I don't want you mad. Ni, I'm sorry, but you shouldn't be so jealous. I have a lot in common with Harry so he's good friend of mine so yeah I'm gonna do stuff with him just like you went to play soccer with Lou in Central Park." "Well, but I'm not -" you stopped him. "It doesn't matter. I wasn't jealous of you being with him yesterday so don't be jealous of me being with Harry today." Niall nodded with a sigh. "Yeah, okay. Just, can we have tomorrow?" His blue eyes were wide. "Definitely."

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