Meeting his parents

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Louis: "C'mon babe! My mum really wants to meet you. So does the girls." Louis, your boyfriend, begged you. You promised him you would meet his mom during Christmas, well, it was now that time. "What if she doesn't like me?" You said panicked. He chuckled. "From what I already told her, she's already in love with you." He told you. He leaned in and gave you a small peck on the lips. "Ok." You smiled lightly. Louis grinned really big before running off to call his mom.

The next day, you and Louis were both driving to Doncaster to meet her, Lottie, Fizzy, Daisy, and Phoebe. When you pulled into the driveway to their flat, you felt all your nervouisness show again. Louis noticed and kissed you hand. "Your going to be fine. They will love you." You felt better and nodded.

You both climbed out of the car and walked to the front door. Louis kissed you temple before opening the door. "Mum, Lottie, Fizzy, Daisy, Phoebe! I'm home with Y/N!" He shouted through the flat. You heard squeals and laughter. You giggled a little bit and Louis smiled at you and continued to walk to the living room. Louis was tackled by four little girls. You saw Jay standing there smiling at Louis. She looked at you and smiled. "Hello darling! You must be Y/N! Louis has said so much about you." She pulled you into a hug. "I hope it's only good things, Mrs. Tomlinson." She waved you off. "Call me Jay." You smiled and nodded.

"Y/N! Will you come play with me?" Daisy asked standing by you. "Of course!" You said. All of the girls and you went up stairs to play. You were playing Tea Party for a while, when you decided to go down and check if Jay needed any help with supper. As you were walking towards the kitchen, you heard them talking. "So, what do you think of Y/N?" Louis asked his mum. "She's a doll. Super nice. I think the girls have even tooken a fancy to her." You smiled and walked back up stairs.

Harry: You were more than excited to meet Harry's mum, and sister Gemma. You both decided you would meet them both during Spring Break because Gemma would be home from university. You both pulled into the flat's driveway and he gave you hand another reassuring squeeze. You both walked up to the door and walked in. You heard talking coming from the living-room, so you headed that direction. "Mum, Robin, Gemma. Meet Y/N." You smiled at all of them. "It's a pleasure to meet you all." Anne smiled big and gave you a hug. "I wondered when Harry was going to bring you over. I was beginning to think that he was being selfish and keeping you to himself." She teased while Harry just stuck his tongue out to her.

"I'm Gemma." Harry's sister said hugging you. "I'm Y/N." You smiled at her. "Thank you Mrs. Styles for having us for dinner." You said politely. She waved you off. "Call me Anne." You nodded. "It's nice to meet you Y/N" Robin said bringing you into a hug. "You smiled. "Do you wanna go look at Harry's baby pictures?" Gemma asked with a scary smirk on her face. "No Ge-" You cut Harry off. "Oh, I would love to." You both giggled and ran up the stairs. "I like Y/N. Nice girl." You heard faintly Robin say to Harry.

Liam: It was Liam's birthday and his mum was coming over. His sister were to busy with Uni to come over. You were running around the house finishing the final touches and cleaning. "Love, calm down! Mum will love you." You looked at him worriedly. "What if she doesn't?" You asked bitting your fingertips. "I promise you she will.. You as cute as a baby. No one could ever not love you." You rolled your eyes at his cheesiness, knowing he was trying to cheer you up.

The door bell rung and you walked over to the door. You opened the door with a huge smile on your face. "Hello dear. You must be Y/N." Karen said giving you a hug. "Hello Karen. It's so nice to meet you." You said. She smiled and walked over to Liam. You decided to go finsih dinner. The dinner was the best. Karen kept embarrissing Liam, by tellling you all his baby storys. Which you must say, were quite funny.

As you were going to clean the dishes, you overheard Liam talking to his mum. "Well, what do you think of her?" Liam asked neverously. "She is hilaroius. I love her already. You picked a good girl Liam. I'm proud of you." You smiled big and contuined to clean the dishes.

Zayn: He was probably more nervous then you. You put your hand over Zayn's shoulder. "Why are you so nervous love?" You asked him. "Because your meeting my mum and dad. What if you don't like them?" He asked. You smiled. "I will always love your parents even if they don't like me." Right as you finished saying that, the door bell rung. "Go open the door. I'll go get lunch finished. "You kissed his cheek. He nodded and walked to the door. You walked into the kitchen and continued putting the food on the dinning table.

"Where is she? I want to meet my future daughter-in-law!" You heard Zayn's mum, Trisha, voice rang through the house. You smiled and walked out of the kitchen. "Hello! You must be Y/N! It's so nice to meet you." Trisha said, giving you a hug. "It's nice to meet you Mrs. Malik." You smiled. "Call me Trisha. Mrs. Malik just makes me feel old." You laughed and nodded. You led them all to the kitchen and Trisha smiled. "All of my favorite food. Thank you Y/N." You smiled and looked at Zayn. "Zayn helped a lot." You said giving you a side hug. You all sat down and ate.

"I really like her Zayn. Don't let her go." You overheard Zayn's mum told him as he lead her out of the house.

Niall: You and Niall both flew out to Ireland to meet his parents. Niall insisted that you went with him this time. "What if they don't like me?" You asked. Niall laughed. "Niall! Don't laugh. I'm serious! If they don't like me, then we can't da-" He cut you off by kissing you. "Relax princess. They will love you. I already know that for a fact." He promised you.

You nodded and got off the plane. You both intertwined hands with him and walked into the airport. Fans already knew that he was coming home, so the airport was pact with Directioners and paparazzi. You both spotted his parents and rushed over to them. "It's so nice to meet you." Maura smiled. "Thank you for letting me stay." You smiled. Bobby gave you a hug. "It's so nice to meet you." He said. Greg also gave you a hug. "It's finally nice to meet the girl that made my little brother so happy." You blushed and looked over at Niall, who also was blushing. "C'mon lets go home." Maura laughed.

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