One step closer

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You were at Harry's, lazily lying on the sofa with him, legs laid one above the other, both of you reading. At some point, one of you would laugh at a smart quote or a funny turn in the storyline. Then, the other would lower his book and give the laughing Harry respectively the laughing you a questioning look and the laugher would explain. How lucky I am, you thought to yourself as you looked at Harry's face over the edge of your book. How lucky I am to know him, how lucky we are that we're around each other, what a lucky lucky thing to be that comfortable hanging out on the sofa laughing at books. Feeling your eyes resting on him, Harry looked up from his paperback too. "What's up?" You smiled. "I'm feeling lucky.", you said and pushed yourself up from your end of the couch. Approaching him on all fours, your crawled on his lap and put your hands on the armrest on both sides next to his face. Harry grasped your face with his giant hands and pulled you close enough you could almost feel your noses touching. "If someone came in and told me that we would die if we left that sofa, I would not be sorry at all to stay with you like this forever.", he said fondly and raised his head just enough towards you to plant a soft kiss on your lips.

"Listen, I know we have a date today, but I'm not feeling well at all and I am a bit afraid of the cold wind outside.", you said with a voice throaty from the cold you caught into the mailbox on Liam's phone. "What I'm trying to say is: would you be very disappointed if we met next week instead? We can still go ice skating then, maybe even though, if you're going today anyways, ok? I'm really sorry, I'd have loved to go with you.", you finished. "Good bye." You hung up and creased your face into a grimace of frustration, angry at your weak body, your running nose, your dry throat and the aching roots of your hair. What a day to not leave the bed at all, you thought and buried yourself deeper in your three blankets. You did not notice that you were asleep until you were woken up by the doorbell. "Nooooo" Moaning, you gathered your bed together around you to trudge down the corridor and answer the door. "It's me, Liam!", you heard your newly-so-boyfriend's voice through the intercom and you sighed. "I'm sorry, but can't you hear how sick I am?", you asked. "My voice is a ruin and yours will become one too if you pick up that shit infection I caught and I'm looking like a zombie." A laughter resonated from your speaker. "I think we're past this phase in which we try to impress each other.", Liam said, "I'd love you even if you'd look like the mummy."

"Apropos, have you seen us on the internet?", Zayns voice sounded from the speaker. "No, should I?" "It's a bit ridiculous anyways. So, probably not.", he said. "See you in twenty minutes." "Ja, see you." You ended the phone call and put your phone away. It was Sunday and Zayn coming over to you with Pizza and the one or other DVD to cuddle on the sofa to was what you were looking forward to. "Fffffh." you left the air in your lungs out through your teeth in boredom and opened up your laptop that had lain at the coffee table and typed 'zayn malik dating' in the search bar. You had kept your time together in public at a minimum so you did not expect to see you face much among pictures of Zayn with his previous girlfriends- as far as you were concerned, you supposed that by now not even your name was out there. "Oh no.", was all you managed to say as the results had fully loaded. When your boyfriend let himself in a quarter of an hour later, he found slumped down on the carpet between sofa and table like a little ball of pure misery. "What happened in here?", he asked confused, putting the pizza and DVDs he had brought down on the table. "I googled us.", you said and tears filled your eyes as you searched for the right words. "They-I-awful.." "Oh no, you've seen the hatesites.", he said. "You know, they are just jealous. What I meant earlier with 'ridiculous', was that thing on tumblr going around." he said and took out his phone. "We are a meme now. Putting the seriousness of our relationship on a whole new level." It was a picture of you and Zayn in his car. You remembered the day it was taken; you had been hanging out with Niall and Liam and stopped at Burger King on the way to his. This was why you were wearing a paper crown. On top of the image you read your name, beneath the words: the princess to our prince. Someone had outlined the shape of Zayns hair in yellow so that the silhouette resembled a crown. "Exactly what I think of you, princess.", he said and kissed your cheek.

"Hey, what are ya thinking about?", Niall asked you as he came into the room where you were hanging up the laundry and noticed the steep worryline your thoughts carved between your eyebrows. "I will be alone this time by tomorrow,", you said, "and it annoys me that it annoys me so much." Niall approached you and wrapped his arms around you from behind. "Why do ya think it is a bad thing to be annoyed?", he asked you. "I'm missing ya already and I don't feel bad about it at all." He planted a soft kiss on your cheek and you felt as if your heart melted into your guts at his words. "You get something out of it because you're the one who goes, don't you? You are doing what you love and are together with the guys, and I'm left and selfish because I wish there was nothing for you to get by leaving and this is wrong and therefore it annoys me that I'm annoyed. I'm sorry, it's not right.", you finished your outburst. "But I understand. I'm sorry that I love to do, to be something that makes me go far-off places.", Niall whispered into your ear. "I love ya more than my work because ya don't make me chose between the two of ya. I promise, I would chose ya over and over if I had to, but we would not work the way we do now anymore then." You turned yourself around in his arms. "I want you to have a really great time to make my longing worth it.", you said. "And now kiss me."

"No." you grunted at your phone, declined the incoming call and tossed your cell phone without looking at the sofa. "Ooomph." made Louis. "My guts." He unlocked your phone and took a look at your incalls. "What's up with you and your mom?", he asked. "Everything.", you gave back and sat down at the armrest opposite to Louis. "You know she thinks I'm stupid because we're dating and that I won't ever get a job and that I take too much space on this fucking planet." "Woah." Louis said. "Do you think you're stupid because we're dating?" he asked fearful. "Of course not.", you said gently. "I just don't really know what my life is doing at the moment. My mom is frustrated because of everything and wreaks everything on me and when I'm not at home because I want a day off of her she claims that I'm going nowhere without you anymore because I'm your trophy girl of the month now. But not for long anymore because if I don't start running marathons very soon you'll notice that my BMI is probably twice the one of Karlie Kloss or whoever." You felt the anger choking you and stopped. Louis reached his arms out and took your hands in his. "I will handcuff you to the sofa if you ever try to run a marathon because you think that any supermodel on this planet would look better with me than you." Louis leaned forward and quickly kissed you on your mouth. "In fact, maybe I should put you in irons and handcuff you to myself instead of the sofa so you will be with me any time of day to make me look good and can't run anywhere.", he smirked. "This way you can't see your mother without taking me with you as your watchdog also." You could not help but smile at his silliness. Louis winked. "Woof, woof!"

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