He insults you infront of the boys *harry*

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Harry: *YOUR POV* Harry invited me to go onto tour with him and of course i accepted thinking it would be wonderful spending time with my boyfriend. But boy was i wrong. The first few days on tour were amazing! But for the past 4 days Harry has kinda been on edge and even the smallest things can tick him off.

The boys had just finished another concert and we were back on the bus just talking. Our next stop was Spain and I couldn't wait.

"So Y/N you excited to go to Spain?" Niall asked me.

"Yeah i here the food there is great!" I said smiling. I was so excited.

"I know i cant wait to eat some of the food there! What about you Hazza? You have always been saying you wanted to go to Spain" Niall said looking over at Harry. He was sitting in his bunk, his face buried in his phone completely oblivious to the fact that Niall was talking to him.

"Harry babe. Niall was talking to you" i said to Harry. He just looked up from his phone and scoffed, rolling his eyes.

"Whats up his ass?" Louis asks seeing Harrys actions.

"I have no idea. Im gonna go talk to him" i said getting up and walking over to his bunk.

"Hey Hazza. Whats wrong? I asked putting my hand on his back. He shrugged off my hand and moved away from me.

"Why do you care? Shouldnt you be talking to Niall?" Harry sneered a little to loudly. All the boys walked in and sat in the bunks across from us.

"What? What are you talking about babe?" I said moving closer. I was so confused.

"Oh cut the act Y/N i know you are cheating on me" he snarled shoving me away. I was hurt. Does he actually think i would cheat on him?

"Harry what are ya talkin bout mate? Y/N would never cheat on you. And how could she possibly cheat on you when you see her twenty-four seven" Niall said standing up.

"Shut up Niall! I know you have been cheating with my girlfriend!" Harry screamed. This took me by shock. Why would Harry think I was cheating on him with his best friend! This confused me so much.

"WHAT!?" Both Niall and I exclaimed. What the bloody hell was he going on about!?

"Oh come on! I know alright! Everynight when you think im asleep you sneak out from my bunk and into Nialls! Every night for the past 4 days!" Harry screamed at us both his face burning red. Oh crap. It was true. For the past few nights I had been sneaking into Nialls bunk but only so I could discuss what to get Harry for our one year anniversary. Yesterday when Harry was out, Niall took me to the store so I could buy the present I wanted, a silver chain with a an infinity sign on it with the date that me and Harry started dating engraved on it. I had hidden it in my suitcase and was waiting until our one year anniversary which would take place in Spain. All the boys knew about the present.

"Harry its not what you think" i said walking towards him.

"No get away from you cheating SLUT!" Harry said emphasizing "slut". All the boys gasped in shock. I just stood there frozen. I cant believe he just said that. All of a sudden i was running to the very small bathroom tears running down my cheeks. I shut the door and locked it. I started sobbing and all i could hear was the boys screaming at Harry.


Y/N ran to the bathroom crying. Oh no. What have i done. I promised i would never hurt her and i broke that promise.

"What the fuck Harry!" Zayn screamed at me.

"Why would you do that! Y/N and Niall arent cheating behind your back! Niall was just helping her think of an anniversary present for you!" Liam screamed pointing to Niall. He was looking down at his feet. I am such a prick. I accused my girlfriend and my best friend of cheating then called her a slut!

"W-what?" I said looking at Niall. He looked up at me.

"Its true. She just wanted help with a present" his words barely came out in a whisper. All the boys were looking at me shaking their heads in dissapointment. Louis walks over to my suitcase and grabs the teddy bear i was gonna give her on our anniversary along with a promise ring. He walks up to me and shoves it against my chest.

"You better fucking say sorry, to both of them!" Louis said through gritted teeth. I ran to the bathroom and knocked on the door.

"Its taken!" I heard Y/N sob. I cant believe i made her this upset.

"Babe its me. Please let me in. I have something for you" i said waiting outside the door. She unlocked it allowing me to open the door. I walked into the very cramped bathroom to see Y/N curled up into a ball with her knees against her chest. I close the door and sat down next to her taking her into my arms.

"I am so sorry kitten, i didnt mean to call you a slut and I am so sorry that thought you were cheating. I guess i just get jealous easily and is quick to jump to conclusions. I am so sorry kitten, you are not a slut, you are anything but a slut, and i love you for that. I bought you something" i said holding the farely big bear in my hand. Y/N looked up from her hands and saw the bear. Her eyes were puffy and her cheeks were tear stained.

"I called it Y/N bear, cos its super cuddly just like you" i said handing her the bear. She giggled at my comment and took the bear into her hands. I grabbed her face in my hands and looked into her eyes. They were full of pain and sadness and tears, making my own eyes fill with tears.

"No Hazza please dont cry" Y/N said wiping away a stray tear from my cheek.

"I really am sorry baby" i said, my voice cracking slightly because of the crying. I started to sob, thinking of what would happen if i ever lost her.

"No Harry, please babe, dont cry. I know your sorry and i forgive you. Please stop crying" she said kissing my tears away. I engulfed her in a massive hug. We were hugging for about 10 minutes before Y/N stood up. I stood up and we were about to open the door when i pulled her into a sweet kiss. We were kissing until wr had to pull away for air.

"Come on, i have to go apolagize to Niall" i opened the door to find all the boys standing at the door. They must of been listening to the conversation.

"Apology accepted mate!" Niall said giving me a hug. I smiled knowing everything was ok. I looked at Y/N and smiled and bent down so i could whisper in her ear.

"Lets go to bed baby, i want to have you in my arms" i whispered in her ear. She giggled and we all went to our bunks, Y/N joining me in mine like always. We were cuddling together with the bear inbetween us.

"I have a new name for my bear" she said.

"What is it kitten?" I asked kissing her on the forhead.

"I called it my Hazza Bear, cos its warm and smiles nice just like you. Plus when your away i can just hug him to think of you" she said playing with some of the teddy bears fur.

"Dont worry babe, i wont go away unless your by my side" i said kissing her sweetly hugging her closer to me.

"I love you so much Haz" she said.

"I love you too kitten" i grabbed her hand and intertwined our fingers. We fell asleep with our bodies pressed togther and little Hazza bear under our arms. This was the perfect moment.

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