You say something naughty

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Louis: Louis and you are having a picnic with the rest of the band and some friends. While you and the girls sit on the blanket the boys play football. You watch Louis how he cheers when his team makes a goal and how he complains when he fails. "Boys what about the food?" you yell. "Coming" Niall yells back immediately, making everyone laugh. "Niall stop. 10 minutes, babe" Louis shouts. "5" you say. You adthe girls start unpacking the food and drinks. That's when the ball lands on the blanket, making all of you shriek. Tha boys laughat your reaction."Louis" you shout. "Sorry, babe. Ball?" You throw the ball to him and start filling some glasses with water and juice because you know how thirsty the boys will be. Suddenly the ball lands on the blanket again, knocking over the full glasses, making the juice and water spill out. "Louis" you yell in disbelief. "Sorry, babe. We need only one goal" he shouts back. "You're not getting theball." "Just because of this little accident?" "No, just because you like playing with balls." Everyone bursts out laughing, even you fter realizing what you said. Louis has only put a hand on his open mouth and looks at you shocked. Harry pats him on the back and motions to follow him and everyone else who is coming towards you. "All of you sit down and avoid the wet spots. You can't stop grinning while Louis ignores you. You sit next to him and nudge him on the shoulder but he goes on with ignoring you. You feel bad and try to make up to thisbut he won't stop ignorig you. During the ride back you try to start a conversation with him but he doesn't respond. "Fine, if you wanna go on with sulking over a stupid and not even intendedjoke then go on. I don't give a damn" you say annoyed. When you enter the house and closethe door, Louis suddenly pushes you against the wall pinning your hand on it. "Now we'll see who likes playing with balls" he mumbles before crushing his lips on yours.

Harry: Harry and you are in an interview and Harry has a childish phase again. Instead of helping you answer the questions of the interviewer which are devious sometimes he keeps distracting you by playing with your hair, humming songs, whispering something in your ear and so on. You try to focus on the quetions of the interbiewer who is shooting Harry some weird glances. Harry makes a noise into your ear which leaves it hurting a little. "Seems like someone has a phase today. Why that?" the interviewer asks. "I don't know. I have no clue what's going on in his mouth" yousay and everyone bursts out laughing. You realize what you said and hide your face in your hands. With a look at Harry who is looking at you wide eyed nd with an open mouth you say "I meant head. I meant head." "Yeah, yeah, you did" the interviewer says with a sassy tone and a cheeky grin on his face. "I swear" you say and sound really childish. The interviewer winks at you and goes on with the questions. Harry stops distracting you, doesn't even touches you one single time, and starts to answer the questions of the interviewer while it's your turn to keep quiet. The interview ends after ten minutes and you are glad to be able to go home. Harry is driving the car and you can't dare to say a word. Both of you enter the house and Harry heads towards the bedroom. "I'm sorry" you burst out. Harry turns around and wlks towards you. "Don't be" he whispers. "I...I...It wasn't intended. I...really meant head and..." Suddenly, he backs you to the wall and you stand wide eyed and with an open mouth on your tip toes, trying to bring some space between you two but he steps even closer. Both of you are breathing heavy and your chest makes contact with his with every breath you take. "I'll show you what's going on in my mouth" he whispers in a deep raspy voice before he crushes his lips onto yours.

Liam: You and Liam are shopping in a mall. Both of you are glad that no big mob come into being. You go to the toilet and when you come back you see a group of paparazzi surrounding liam. Sighing you go to him and hear how Liam is arguing with some of them. Scared you rush to Liam and get even more scared when you see how enraged he is. You put your hands on his arms and look him in the yeys. "Lets go" you say and interwine your fingers with his. "Who was this other girl?" a paparazzi asks. "Why were you hugging her?" another one asks. "Y/N, what do you think about the fact that Liam kissed this girl on his cheek?" one paparazzi asks you. you just smile and snuggle into Liam's side when you feel his grip on your hand tighten. The paparazzis don't stop asking question and you two don't stop ignoring them. In the parking lot both of you get in to the car but it's difficult to drive away because the paparazzis are surrounding the car. Finally, Liam manages to drive away but he doesn't calm down, not even at home. He sits on the couch, turning the TV on and turning it off when he sees the pictures that were just taken 20 minutes ago where already on some gossip news channels. You go to him and put your arms around his shoulder, putting a small peck on his neck. "Smile, it's the second best thing that you can do with your lips" you whisper into his ear with a smirk on your face. He turns his head to you having a surprised look on his face. You bite your bottom lip which he notices and his gaze wanders to it. A desire appears in his eyes lighting them up. You free him from your embrace and want to leave but he has other plans. He takes you by your wrist pulling you on his lap. Now, it's you who looks really surprised. "That was really naughty" he says. "Really? Why that?" you ask with a seductive voice putting your arms around his neck. Suddenly he lays you on the couch and sits over you, so that he's stradling you and bends down. "Let me show you the first best thing I can do with my lips" he says with a raspy voice. "I'd be the luckiest girl in this world" you manage to say before his lips finally meet yours.

Niall: In the past days Niall was so stressed that he was barely home and when he was he was onla sleeping or eating. This is changing now. This morning he has his last recording and is free for te whole week. That's why you decided to cook something tasty for him and spend the whole day how he would probably like it. You decide to make some burgers with chips and then hang out at the pool. You start preparing everything really early because you want everything to be perfect and ready when he comes home. You even prepare the meat by yourself with some special spices. It's not that easy because you're doing it for the first time but take help from your mother and can make it at the end. You shower fast and wear a pretty flower dress. That's when you hear how the door opens and rush downstairs. Niall turns to you and before he can say anything you put your arms around his neck and press your lips on his. Through the force he is shoved against the wall and he is really surprised. Still he kisses you back and his hands wander under your dress your leg up. You get in which direction this is going and break the kiss, taking him by his hands. "What was that for?" he asks "After these stressed days you deserved it." "After these stressed days don't you think I deserved a lot more?" he says with a grin on his face and pulling you into his arms. You blush and shake our head to get your senses back. "First, I have a little surprise for you" you say. His eyes light up wandering up and down your body. "No, not this" you say, hitting him playfully. "I thought we could spend the day at the pool and before that I have cooked you something." A smile conjures up his face and you lead him to the kitchen, sitting him at the table and serving the food. "You made them yourself?" he asks and you nod. He starts eating and you just watch him. "They are really good" he says with a mouth full of food and you smile widely. He takes another bite and moans in satisfaction. "Enjoying having meat in your mouth, heh?" you ask and he starts swallowing and coughing. You burst out laughing and pass him some water. He looks up with teary eyes and with amused disbelief in them too. "What?" he asks and you suppress a laugh while shrugging. "C'mere" he says and motions his hand in his direction. You shake your head. "Y/N, I said C'mere." "No" you say standing up from the table. He does the same thing while reaching out for you. You run away and he follows you. "I'm going to get you" he says and you just laugh. You go outside and he finally grabs you by your waist. The force is so big that both of you land in the pool. You get to the surface and he grabs you by your waist not intending on leaving you. "Gotchya" he whispers. "Seems like there is a little change of plans" he says while pressing his lips on yours and you have nothing against the change of plans.

Zayn: Both of you are playing in the snow outside in your backyard and have a snowball fight. You try to win because the bet was that the winner gets what he wants but Zayn obviously wins. You knock off the snow from you and zayn helps you by tapping off the snow from your bum where he had hit you with snowballs several times. Afterwards he puts his hands your waist and has a cheeky grin on his face. "So, I get what I want?" he asks and pulls you closer to him. You put your hands on his shoulder. "You know, you should've been a gentleman and let me win." You fake pout. His smile grow wider and he presses you against him. "Aww, I'll make up to this" he says and kisses you. You take this as a chance, take some snow and put it in his sweater. Zayn hisses when the cold snow touches his bare skin and tries to get it out of his sweater. You laugh at how weird he looks and have some mercy. After helping him a little both of you go inside, Zayn shivering and you still laughing. "I didn't know you are such a good dancer" you say while mocking some of his moves while he tried to get the snow out. "You're gonna get that back, Y/N. You're so gonna regret it" Zayn says while his teeth chattered with cold. and he covers himself in a blanket. "You know," you start and put your arms around his neck. "you'd warm up faster if you take your clothes off." His eyes light up and he looks at you in awe while you smile cheekily. "Yeah?" "Mmmh." You nod. Zayn pulls you into his embrace and puts his ands around your waist. "I think you should help me then" he whispers before crushing his lips onto yours and letting his hand disappear under your shirt.

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