First night spent together (his POV)

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Liam: When I found her she was curled up in a ball on the worn out old sofa in our old tree house that had long since come to rest on the ground. "Y/N, what are you doing out here?" It was freezing cold, the ground coated in white fluff, and I was already shivering despite the jacket I wore. She was in a tshirt and jeans, boots popped on her feet, and her rosy cheeks were iced over in tears. "I need to get away, Li. I can't stand it here, I don't know why I even stay at all." She was shivering so I walked over and pulled her into my arms, her nose nestled into my warm neck and I slipped my coat off and onto her shoulders. "Then let's go away together and when or if you want to come back I'll bring you back. But we can go as far away as you want, babe. Just don't leave me." She nodded against me and I lifted her up, carrying her back across the road to my house, away from her parents and the home she couldn't stand. All night long we lay in front of the fire, wrapped in blankets, and drinking warm drinks until at last she was warm again and she fell asleep, snoring on my chest.

Niall: It was dark out and the height of summer. I was on vacation with my friends from Mullingar and we'd gone to a small island chain out in the middle of the ocean. The parties were fantastic, but to be honest, there was nothing better than getting back to the house we were staying in and going out to sit on the private beach and just drink by ourselves. One of those particular nights, our house was the party house and after a few hours I began to feel like the building was too full, so I went out on the beach and saw a shadow of a girl sitting on the sand, staring out at the dark water and the bright stars. So I sat down next to her. I'd seen her at parties before, she was always telling stories. "Will you tell me a story, pretty girl?" I asked her, sipping from my bottle as I dug my toes into the sand. She smiled and shook her head down at the ground. "What kind of story?" I thought about it for a moment before burying the bottom of my bottle in the sand and grabbing her hand. "One that begins like this." She started telling me a story about a boy and a girl that held hands and fell in love for the night, who sat there under the sky until the world turned orange and full of sunlight. I played with her fingers while she talked, telling a story much bigger than those two people. She expanded it until she'd created her own little world, tracing shapes in the sand with her free fingers and her eyes would widen when something dramatic happened in her tale. By the end of the intricate fantasy, it was morning. It was the start of a whole new story.

Louis: I ran into her one night, a random girl in a random club. The perfect girl for a first hook up after a break up. She was beautiful and when she whispered in my ear that her name was Y/N, I knew I had to have her that night. So I waited until we were both quite drunk and then I took her home with me, stumbling over my own feet in order to get the gorgeous woman into my bed. She was still confident in her actions, taking the dominant role over me as soon as we got inside. But once we reached my bed, she let me take control. It was afterwards that I saw her previously impenetrable facade shatter. Once I'd finished and told her that she could leave, she got out of bed, brushing her hair over her shoulder to hide her face as she dressed quickly and walked out of the room, but I knew that slump of her shoulders. I chased after her, pulling her back into my arms. I wanted her to stay, so I wiped the tears from her cheeks and kissed them dry, telling her that I hadn't meant it that way. I had meant she could leave when she wanted. She slipped out of her tight dress and tugged on one of my shirts, crawling back into the bed, and snuggling against me. And yet the next morning she was gone when I woke, leaving me with nothing but her first name and her face. But I would find her.

Zayn: She was always so perfect. Always smiling and laughing and just full of love for everything around her. Sometimes it was a bit strange how she wouldn't even flinch at the fans insults, she would just throw back some cheerful comment or a fun fact or something. We were just friends at the time, but she was always around and the fans could tell that she had a huge crush on me. That first day of tour when I was without her "at last" as some of the fans put it, I realized how much I missed her, so I called her and told her that. We weren't too far away from London, so she drove the short distance to be with me. I know, it's almost sad how clingy we were to each other when we weren't even a couple, but I needed her and she needed me. When she got to the hotel that night, I sneaked her up to my room and we crawled in bed together, my arms looped around her waist in a permanent hug. "Hey, Y/N, I think I'm in love with you." I confessed as the night drew on and her warm breath hit my chest. She smiled, looking up at me. "I think I'm in love with you too, Zayn." I tilted her lips up to meet mine in a soft kiss. A little quiet time passed and she broke it eventually by whispering, "I'm going to miss you a lot while your gone." I looked down at her face to see that for once she looked extremely sad, so I kissed her forehead and told her. "I'm not going to be gone. You've got a big heart, Y/N and that's where I'll always be." I tapped my finger over her heart. "Right there. Always." She reached up and trapped my hand under hers, letting me feel her heart beating there under my fingertips while her hand rested over mine. "Me too."

Harry: Burning bright lights, loud people, too much to drink. I was burning alive in the heat of the party. I scrambled for the door and eventually reached the stairwell that I knew led up to the rooftop of Nick's building. When I reached it the cool London air washed over me, instantly calming the nausea that I was trying to keep at bay. Then I heard it. A soft singing coming from the other side of the roof. I turned around to see a girl walking along the ledge, her arms held out to keep her from falling, but her gaze tilted down to the street, so many levels below us. As I watched, she stopped moving, her whole body facing outwards, her hair, blowing back in the breeze towards me, carrying her song with it. I walked a little closer, noticing just how near she was standing to the edge. "You okay, babe?" I asked her, and she jumped a little, nearly losing her balance. I lunged forward, catching her wrist and pulling her towards me and off the edge. "What'd you do that for!?" She smacked her tiny hand against my chest. "You mean save your life? Sorry, I was just trying to help." I removed my hands and backed up until I realized what she was doing up there on the edge of the roof all by herself. "Were you uh planning on jumping? Because you really shouldn't. There's so much that you would miss out on if you were gone." She shrugged, her eyes starting to water, and her nails digging into her arm as she wistfully looked at the spot where I'd saved her. "Maybe I wouldn't miss anything. No one would miss me, so why bother staying. I mean, I'm ugly and stupid, no one wants me around." She shuffled her feet. "What's your name?" I asked her and she replied with a quiet "Y/N." I nodded and cleared my throat, running a hand through my hair before speaking up. "Y/N, I would miss you if you were gone. You're beautiful and you would certainly be missed." She looked up at me, her lip quivering, so I pulled her in tightly for a hug. "You're beautiful and I'm sure you're smart and anyone that's told you otherwise is just jealous." "No one had to tell me, I just knew all along." She mumbled against my shirt, her small arms wrapped around me, and I squeezed her tighter. "Well you were wrong, Y/N. Now what do you say we get out of here?" And the rest of the night was spent together, exploring the city.

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