Emergency room

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Liam: I ran quickly from the cab, tossing a few bills in the front seat before slamming the door shut, running towards the sliding automatic doors. Clinging to my phone, I run to the nurse's station, I manage to mumble out, "I-baby now. To- Room Uhm." I mumble as the nurse gives me a confused look, asking "Sir? Are you alright?" Nodding I show her the message Y/N had sent to me, "Meet me at the hospital, the baby is coming! Your mom is taking me now." Y/N had gone baby shopping with my mom, and so I went to the studio just like any normal day. The nurse nods and looks up our last name once I'm able to spur it out and points me in the direction of a room at the end of the hall. Quickly running down there, I can hear Y/N screaming, asking for me halfway down the cold hallway. Slapping the visitors tag on my hoodie, I walk inside, seeing Y/N laying on her side, breathing already labored. "Hey I'm right here. I'm not missing anything I promise." I say taking her hand, rubbing her back soothing her until we had our baby.

Louis: "Ow, ow, Louis stop touching it!" She scolds, turning so I couldn't touch her arm. I was trying to help her out of the cat so we could see if it really was broken, but I couldn't get her out of the car to do so. Finally I helped her out after a few more tries and protests from her. Carefully, I helped her in, and sat in the waiting room filling out the forms required to be seen by a doctor on call. She sat supporting her arm, eyes closed tightly as I scribbled her name, date of birth, and so on. "It hurts." She mumbles, as her head falls back against the wall. "I know babe, and we're going to get you taken care of." I say as she pouts. "Will you take care of me?" She asks as I get up yo turn the forms in. Sliding the clipboard on the desk to the nurse, then shuffling back to her. "I promise, I will take care of you." I say, taking her hand, making sure to be careful of her free arm. "So you still love me even though I'm crippled?" Laughing, I nod. "Yeah I love you crippled. I love you very much." Letting her hand go, allowing her to go get her X-rays.

Harry: "Are you sure?" I ask, looking from the doctor to a weak, small looking Y/N though the window of the hospital. She had been feeling so weak lately and finally after she could hardly breath, and a collapse earlier today, I had to bring her into the E.R. "Very sure Mr. Styles, her test results show positive signs for a deadly infection. I mean, it's spread from her lungs down through her legs and up towards her heart and brain." Heart dropping I ask, "Is there nothing I can do?" Urgency in my voice making him sigh, taking his glasses off to rub his eyes. "We've started her on some strong antibiotics, but I don't know if that will do any good. It might be already too late. I'm sorry." He says after a moment of hesitation. Nodding I give him a small thank you and walk back into the lonely room. Y/N was sleeping, looking so sick and small made my heart lurch every time a the thought of losing her entered my mind, it fell even harder. I say for a while trying to think of what to tell her when she awoke, but as she did I came up empty. "Hey love." I say, taking her hand in mine, pressing a few kisses to it. "Hey. What's happening?" She asks, coughing softly. "Nothing babe. Just waiting for you." I say as she nods, asking, "Can I go home soon?" She asks, as I bite my lip, I couldn't tell her, I couldn't watch her face fall. Squeezing her hand, I murmur "Sure babe, you'll be alright. Everything's going to be alright.

Zayn: I sat in the paramedic truck, watching as they tried to revive Y/N. She had been looking at something I was trying to show her on my phone, taking her eyes off the road for just a second when the car she crashed into came out of nowhere. I was left unharmed, a few minor cuts and bruises starting to form, but my worst fears came true as she was seriously injured, her blood staining my shirt, cuts and gashes all over her body, as she began to lose consciousness as the paramedic arrived on scene. "Is she going to be alright?" I ask, as they open the doors, taking the gurney inside quickly once we had parked. I got no answer from anyone, so I settled myself in the waiting room of the hospital, waiting to hear of any news, hoping for anything but and "I'm sorry." After a few hours I was let into her room as she slept still from her surgery. I had assumed that everything had gone right because I wasn't getting any bad news. All that was left to do was wait. Finally after another hour, she woke up, and looked for me immediately. "I'm right here." I say, making sure she could see me. "Zayn, I love you so much. I hadn't told you today and to think that could have been it was so scary." She says, looking up at me, eyes cloudy and dark. "I know baby, I know and I love you too. More than anything."

Niall: My throat was on fire, scratchy and achey. I had been sick for a while but most of it had cleared up except for my throat. It usually didn't give me this much trouble, but my tonsils were so swollen that it was getting harder to breathe by the minute. "Babe." I manage out, tapping Y/N on the shoulder. "Yeah Hun?" She ask. Taking my hand in her own. Pointing to my throat I shake my head and try to mimic breathing heavily. She looks at me confused for a while, then finally understands that I was having trouble. Quickly, she drove me to the hospital and checked me in, following me into an examination room. After an extensive exam, she takes my hand and medicine I was prescribed, a strong anti inflammatory, and gets in the car. I look at her to say thank you for taking me, and that I was starting to feel better already as she giggles at me. "You know this means vocal rest for a few weeks." She says making me pout. "It's alright, I guess you can use pencil and paper." She laughs as I frown more. I had never been one to wan to be quiet and to have to be silent for weeks was going to kill me, especially since my job was based solely on my voice and it's ability to hit different notes. "It's not fair." I say, wincing, my throat hoarse. She rests her index finger on my lips and shakes her head. "I don't care, no talking." "Not even to say I love you?" I ask, rubbing my Adam's apple; she shakes her head "Not even that, no talking." She says as I lay my head back. "It's alright babe. It's only temporary." "Promise?" "Promise." She says then silences me for the next few weeks.

-Dare BearXx

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